This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

34 Weird Things About Me...

I turned 34 years old yesterday, so I thought I would make a list of 34 weird things about me, that you might not know…

1. Classical music gives me a headache, causes me to feel frustrated, and anxious. (Not sure why?)
2. I have to sleep with my hair in a ponytail, I don't like hair in my face while I sleep.
3. My hair is so thick it takes 2 hairdressers to blow-dry it at the salon. (Which I go to twice a year at most!)
4. I still sleep with my green blanket I had as a teenager.
5. I don't like to sleep with socks on.
6. If I sing in front of people, I would prefer to have a large audience rather than a small one (the farther from the audience the better).
7. I love to bake, but I do not love to cook.
8. I hate folding laundry, I feel it is all for nothing.
9. I don't love to read novels, I wish I did, but I don't.
10. I check the News on-line about 10 times a day.
11. If there is a choice between chocolate and something else edible, I will ALWAYS choose chocolate.
12. I don't like wearing jewelry on my hands, or arms -- it gets irritating.
13. I am afraid of the ocean. Along with that fear, I hate boats.
14. My first boating experience was on a small fishing boat, on the ocean, in Alaska. I got very sea sick, took a nap, and I woke-up in my own vomit.  (Perhaps that is why I hate boats!)
15. I am afraid of wild animals, they keep me from enjoying camping and other outdoor activities.
16. I love to chase storms. If there is a thunderstorm, I will run to it, not from it.
17. I am a daydreamer, especially in classroom environments. It is really hard for me to focus.
18. I love the magic of Disneyland -- my love runs deep, really deep inside of me. Just thinking about it makes my heart flutter.
19. I hate spiders. In Alaska they did not bother me, because they are not poisonous there. But now, living in the lower 48 -- they send shivers down my spine. Eek!
20. I have really bad handwriting. I got an "N" in handwriting in elementary school ("Needs Improvement"). No matter how hard I try, I cannot make my penmanship beautiful -- it looks like chicken scratch.
21. I don't like mint candy, or mint ice-cream.
22. I never attended the Singles Ward for church, I just went to the activities. I tried to keep church and flirting separate. ;-)
23. I have never thought of myself as a very "logical thinking" person, but I got an A+ in my college Logic class -- it just made sense to me. (I took Logic instead of Math, because Math does NOT make sense to me!)
24. I do not tan, I just fry to a crisp, blister, and then peel.
25. I don't like watching sports on TV.
26. I have had the same e-mail address since I was 18.
27. I was only recently introduced to a flat iron a few years ago -- I could have really used one in high school!
28. I don't care about fashion. I don't want to look gross, but I don't care about the latest trends.
29. I used to wear glasses when I worked in front of a computer "blue screen," but I don't need them anymore.
30. I only started plucking my eyebrows after I got married -- Charles plucks them for me. :-)
31. I have really big wrist bones (bumps on my wrists) which make it so I cannot wear a watch or bracelets.
32. Smells can really bother me -- especially perfumes. Perfumes can make me feel dizzy and faint. Ugh.
33. I could listen to Nat King Cole music all day. (And I do!)
34. I was born on Groundhog's day, and I disagree with the rodent that predicted 6 more weeks of winter!


  1. I could never do # 10 just for my sense of peace and sanity. The rare news I get is on the radio in the car. You make sure you tell me when the when we should head for the hills because I definitely won't know what is going on! ;)

  2. Fun stuff! I hope this doesn't get to be a trend! Not sure I could come up with fifty something things on my birthday!! Love you!! Hope that your birthday was the best!

  3. I would like to contest #24. I am certain that I have seen your skin a slight brown color before on a summer past. I think you did brown slightly after two or three good summer burns the same year we did the Pioneer Trek.



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