This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

Check Yes or No: Valentine's Day Junior High Style

I love having a daughter in junior high. It is really entertaining. It was especially entertaining last week -- the week of love and Valentine mushy-feelings. No more making heart-shaped Valentine's for the whole class. Nope, the day of love has been taken to a whole new (personal) level! 

At the beginning of the week she got this note from a boy: 

Don't you just love her response? 

One of the things I tell Sammi is that when someone "asks you out," or wants to exclusiviley connect themselves with you, they are basically saying, "Please, can I take your confidence from you, since I don't have any?" I think it is really important for girls and boys to know that they do not need to have claim on someone, to feel good about themselves. You should be able to stand confidently because you are you, and you are great! 

Right? Right. 

On Valentine's day she received a "Candy-Gram" from a different boy. I don't have a picture of it, since it was a giant Hershey's bar (if there is chocolate in front of Sammi, it does not last long). She told me all about how he originally denied it was him when she asked him about it, but then later he gave in, and admitted it was him. She has told this boy before that they can "just be friends". 

Meanwhile, Sammi spent her time making a Valentine's note for a boy that she likes. (I forgot to take a picture, darn!) This boy knows they can only be friends. (At least, he better know it!) 

It was quite the mushy-tween Valentine's day! 

Do you remember what it was like in junior high, with all those crazy emotions? I do! 

My favorite thing is that she shows me all these things, and we have a good talk and laugh about it. (I am sure there is plenty that she does not tell me, I am not ignorant of that!) It is rough trying to maneuver through the new world of being a teenager. Elementary school drama is one thing, but the relationship drama in junior high is CRAZY! 

All I know is I am really grateful to have a standard already in place to fall back on. No dating until 16, and even then, only group dating. These little junior high babies are SO not ready for any sort of relationships. SO. NOT. READY. 

Miss Sammi is my only daughter. I remind her constantly to just tell the boys that her mom knows Karate. (No, really, I KNOW Karate!) Any future love interests will have to make it through me, her dad, and 3 burly brothers. 

Good luck boys! You don't stand a chance! 


  1. too funny....the memories of junior high come back so easily. :)

  2. Mari! Karate!? You've been hiding your light under a bushel long enough. Time to come teach the Beehives at mutual.

    Also, Sammi said she'd been asked out in class, but she didn't mention the check boxes! And how understanding he was in advance! HAHAHA!

  3. Sigh. I do missed those. Wait until High School. When my oldest went thru middle school, lots of girls wanted to dance with him at the Dance (they have it during the day) .... my!! I know he s a heartthrob but he knows the rule of dating 16 years... he actually been on one so far... not yet 16.. tsk! (He didn't want to hurt thr girl's feeling as she asked him put for school dance as like MORP thing ... they did have a blast. I made sure he covered everything not allowing her to pay for the date as I'm trying to teach him the right way to date. He learned a lot from that date. He said he can wait til he s 16. Sigh.

  4. My sister and I got medals in karate. It's handy to know for sure.
    We never did stuff like this growing up.
    We didn't celebrate Valentines so this is all new to me.
    Good luck.

  5. So, I have done karate, but I spent more time in TaeKwonDo (breaking boards, knuckle push-ups, sparring--that kind of thing). As for teaching others, I'm pretty sure I'm not qualified to do that! (it has been a LONG time!) However if you were to introduce the Beehives to Taebo/kickboxing it is very similar as far as punching/kicking exercises. If you are looking for self-defense activities you can contact police officers. I remember having a self-defense activity as a youth and loving it!!!


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