This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

My Precious Jewels

I love being a Mom. It can be crazy sometimes, just trying to keep up with everyone and everything, but it is so worth it. I have been a mom for almost 13 years! I am entering the "Mature Mother" years -- how did that happen? Sometimes I look around at church and see all the young mothers with little babies and I realize, that is not me anymore -- I am old, and I have BIG kids! 

It has been an adjustment into mature motherhood. It is very different as the kids have gotten older and more involved, while also having little munchkins running around. Sometimes I just have to stop and laugh at myself. I used to feel so busy when I just had little baby Sammi running around, and now looking back that busy time was so simple and free. 

Life is all a matter of perspective. The things I can handle now as a more mature mother are so different compared to what I could handle as a brand new mother. My mother-training has occurred line upon line, through experiences, over time. It is kind of like slowly bringing a frog to boil in a pot of water -- he does not notice that he is being boiled until he is fully cooked. I am not a "fully cooked" mom yet (if you know what I mean), but unlike the ignorant frog, I am very aware of the gradual increases of temperature to get me to where I am supposed to be as a mother. I can only image how much more I will be able to handle with more time and life lessons -- just think of what I will be able to manage and understand when I am a grandma! Wow! (And YIKES!) 

Sometimes, as a mom, I am just running around trying to get things done -- I can go into auto-pilot mode. But other times, I stop and breath-in the beauty of my children, I step back and look at them, I mean really look at them, and I realize that I am their mother, and I am so blessed to be their mother. I live for those little rose-colored moments. 

Motherhood has taught me so much more than I could have ever imagined. I find as I try to lead and guide my children through the teenage years, I realize things about myself, because I have to reflect and draw on my own experiences of life to share with them. I also learn more about my relationship with my Heavenly Father, and how much He truly loves us, as His children. Oh, how grateful I am for the love of my Heavenly Father! 

I adore my children. They are so precious to me. As I sit and really think about them right now, my heart aches. My heart aches because of the Mother-love that fills my heart. I am not a fancy-pants girl that needs to be adorned with the fineries of life. I don't try to keep up with fashions or fleeting fame. No, I don't care about any of that. For me, I prefer to be decorated and adorned with the smiles of my children, with their joy, their laughter, and their love. I feel very blessed to have been sent such precious spirits to have in my care. My greatest hope is to be able to help my children to be worthy to return to their Heavenly Father, so we can be Together Forever. 

My Children are my Jewels. My precious, precious jewels…


  1. Wow Mari I miss those beautiful kids. They sure are growing up. I love that Sammi has Elsa and Ana on her shirt. We are just waiting for the day for the movie to release. We have the soundtrack and it is amazing. Miss you all.


  2. Grandma calls all these kids precious.


  3. Gorgeous children!! Loving their face expressions!! Motherhood rocks!


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