This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

Do I Have to Brush my Hair?

My hair is very thick, heavy, and bulky. Each individual strand of my hair is about 2 times thicker than average hair. It can get so thick and heavy that it causes me headaches and severe neck pain.

When I go and have my hair done at a salon, they always call over reinforcements when it is time to blow-dry. (It takes over half an hour to fully dry it.) I don't like to go to a salon often, because it takes such a long time to go through the process of cut and color. It takes a least 3 hours. No fun.

Back in the day -- when we had girl hair-braiding parties -- I would be sitting there at least twice as long as all the other girls. I needed a very patient girl to split up my bulk and make very small braids all over my head. It took forever. And it took a really nice and patient friend to be willing to do it!

There is not much I can do about the weight and bulk of my hair, other than cutting it super-short (which I have done in the past, but it makes me look too old now). I prefer it long, or at least medium-long. At least for now!

Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining. I love my hair, and I am grateful I have it. I am sure the thickness of my hair will change over time as I grow older, so I should try and enjoy it while I still can. I know I am lucky to even have hair at all.

But the thing for me is my hair can cause pain, and that I do not love. And I have to try and find ways to deal with it.

I have found a few helpful solutions:
  1. Going to the hairdresser and having it majorly thinned-out.
  2. My lovely flat iron. (I am still wishing someone would have told me about a flat iron a LONG time ago!) 
  3. Brushing it A LOT. 
I don't like to brush my hair though! It hurts! I have to brush it when it is wet, otherwise I am in major trouble. It is a real chore to work a brush through my unruly mop -- wet or dry! 

My hair is getting to the point again -- the point of needing help. I have my hair done about twice a year. At this point it is getting unmanageable and crazy-heavy. It is still a big poof-wad even after I flat iron it. 

As proof of my plight, this last week I have snapped 2 hairbrushes in half.  I was not doing anything violent, I was just casually trying to work them through my massive-mane and SNAP!

I'd say it is time for some hair help, don't ya think?


  1. Your hair is so pretty Mari! I am jealous of women with thick hair like yours. I have such fine hair, I never think of the disadvantages of thick hair.

  2. Wow, you should really invest in a sturdier brush. Seriously, I have a brush that is all one solid piece and the bristles come right out of the brush itself if that makes sense. I think it would last you longer than those kind with your thick hair. You do have beautiful hair though, even if it is a pain. :)


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