This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

Up and Out

Henry has learned a new trick. I don't like it! He has learned how to jump ship, and get out of his bed. Once the babies learn how to get out of their beds, life is never the same. When they are in their beds they are mostly safe and protected. Once they get out, a whole new world of danger and adventure opens up to them. 

I am not ready for him to have a big-boy bed. I am so not ready! 

But his days of the crib (pack-in-play in his case) are over! 
I don't like that he can escape from his safe-sleeping, because it also means he is growing up! No! Henry is likely our caboose, and so I was kind of hoping he would be nice to me and stay a little baby. Nope! Henry is all over the place now. He is a tornado of destruction wherever he goes. All the boys are in the one room, so Henry is often getting into Daniel's Legos, or pulling all their clothes out, or just causing mass chaos throughout the entire house. (I am amazed at the ruin he can leave in his wake.) 

Henry also loves to throw stuff. He throws everything. He always has, since he was really little. He is so happy if you give him a ball to throw. I cannot think of how many times he has thrown something at someone, hoping they will catch when they are not looking. I have been pelted right between the eyes by a Henry-propelled object, many, many times.

Henry is kind of weird about food. He can be pretty picky, and it just depends on the day. Somedays he loves bananas, and other days he throws them across the room. Somedays he will eat bread, and other days he flings it like a frisbee into the garbage. It can be a little frustrating, since it can be very wasteful. He also does weird stuff like dipping cookies in ketchup, and adding crackers to his cereal. Yum! He is all about milk. He loves milk in a sippy cup. 
Henry loves to play with his siblings. He loves it when the other kids include him in their party. He likes to play the piano and sing with Sammi, he hums along while Daniel plays the trumpet, and he plays cars with William. He does not sit still for anyone. He is not interested in sitting and watching a movie -- he is always on the run. He is also always watching and learning from his brothers and sister -- always watching. (So they better be good!) 
Henry has to be carted around wherever we go. He goes with us to basketball games, concerts, and countless other activities. He is a really good sport about it, he loves to get in the car and go for rides, especially first thing in the morning. He especially enjoys basketball games. 

From watching the games he learned how to say "pass" when he throws the ball. It has been nice outside so we have been playing "pass" together. 

He LOVES music. Sammi has been training him up right, with all of her favorite songs. We have been going out for walks as a family, and all the kids sing. Henry sings REALLY loud while bouncing along in the baby backpack on Charles' back. Most of the time he is singing Music of the Night, from The Phantom of the Opera. It is pretty darn funny. His favorite songs are: Music of the Night, Look Down (from Les Mis), The Iron Man theme song, Let it Go (from Frozen) -- just to name a few. He likes to fall asleep listening to primary songs.

Henry has been a joy. His young years are going by so fast. He is definitely along for the ride since life is so much more full now than ever before. He handles it well. Thank goodness!

I just got a letter in the mail that reminded me it is time to schedule his next kidney check-up appointment. I don't even think twice about his kidney issues, until I am reminded. He takes his daily antibiotic like clockwork, and that is it for now.

But sooner than later his kidneys may require some work, and I suppose that is always in the way back of my mind. After this next appointment I should know more about what the future plan is for his inner plumbing. But I know it is all going to alright.  A little voice told me so before he was born. I was told that it will be hard, but it will be OK. And I know it will be OK!

We just thank our lucky stars that Henry is ours to love and enjoy!


  1. Thanks for your thoughtful comment on my blog :)

    Henry is such a cute boy. I imagine he would have to be busy to keep up with his older brothers and sister. Its so cute that he wants to fit in with them. Good luck with his next kidney appointment, you'll have to let me know how it goes!

  2. Where will you put him Mari, now he needs a bed?
    It's wonderful you've received that assurance. That's huge. How did the appointment go with your house?


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