This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

Happy Birthday, Will Turner!

Today is William's birthday. At this point -- 3 birthdays in a row later -- we are all pretty worn out of cake. We have had kind of an ongoing party since Thursday.

William turned 7 this year! Next year he will be getting baptized, and we are so excited for him. Someone will have to step in for his daddy for the baptism, but I am sure it will work out beautifully.

William is a really fun boy. He is full of life and silliness. He is always saying and doing the funniest things. He also tries really hard to keep up with his older brother and sister. William loves to be outside, especially playing in the dirt. He is currently digging a hole to China in our backyard, with Daniel.

I was worried the most for William, with the passing of Charles. He is at a very tender age where I thought it would be more difficult for him to understand and handle things. But my worries have been quickly put to rest, as William informed me early on that daddy still talks to him.

For example…

The other day, I was talking to all the kids, and expressing my gratitude for how Charles used to teach us how to do things -- sometimes he would teach with great passion in his voice. Charles was very particular about how things were done around the house. He would teach us how to properly load the dishwasher, or properly fold the towels, etc. Sometimes he would get a little too excited about it. (I am guilty of the same thing!) The reason for his "excitement" was because he used to work in those kind of industries, and he learned the professional way how to do things (like folding towels) right. As I was talking about this with the kids -- truly expressing gratitude for all the things he has taught us -- William came over to me and whispered in my ear, "Daddy told me, to tell you, he is sorry." I missed it the first time he said it, so I asked, "What did you say?" William repeated that Daddy said he is sorry. I wish I could describe to you the feeling this gave me, but it is kind of indescribable. I was enveloped in a warm confirmation of the word "sorry."

We are all sorry for silly little things, I am sure -- but none of it matters now. All that matters now is how much we love each other as a family. All that little petty stuff has disappeared. As it should. I just think it is so sweet that Charles is still saying he is sorry, and that he told William to tell me. Love it! "I'm sorry," are some of the most powerful words in the world!

I am so glad that Charles talks to his William. May that continue throughout his lifetime.

William also says the sweetest prayers now. He prays that Heavenly Father, Jesus, and Daddy will protect us. And you know what, I think they all will.

Love you, William! Happy Birthday!

Charles has been whispering in William's ear for a long time… may it continue forever! 


  1. I have always thought of William as a deep thinker, even at his young age. He may not have a lot of words (maybe he does at home), but seems to ponder and comprehend things that are beyond his age, I love that about him. Happy Birthday William! :)

  2. What great memories and things to be writing down for your kids! You are a wonderful, powerful mother I can see it in your writings. Hope you had a few days of fun celebration, how crazy to have all three boys birthdays in a row. Happy Birthday Boys!
    With love, Crystal

  3. I love that picture of him...he has the best hair! People pay to get that beachy look and he has it naturally. :) I agree with what Sarah said. Even in that picture he looks like he's pondering something. I love that Charles talks to him, such a sweet blessing. I think I've used the word blessing more than ever lately. I'm glad you share your many blessings and tender mercies with us. It strengthens our faith. Anyways....Happy Birthday William!

  4. What a gift. Happy birthday to sweet William.

  5. so enjoyed this one. Will is at the perfect age. Old enough to understand and express his thoughts about Heaven and young enough to still be very very close and in tune with it. I too hope he continues to be able to hear the whisperings. thanks Mari for letting in on this journey of yours.

  6. Happy birthday william...we hope it was a great birthday!!


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