This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

Our Children are Something Special

"Your children have been prepared for this time." Those were the words from a blessing I received from my dad. I cannot tell you what comfort those words have given me. I stand in awe of how my children are handling everything -- it is like nothing has changed for our family. No one is crying in the corner, or acting out, or doing anything unusual. They are still as awesome as they always have been. (I said awesome -- not perfect!)

I think part of that preparation has been that they have always been so close together. They all share a room, with Sammi in a loft bed, in the walk-in closet. They are never alone. If they are sad, or want to talk to someone -- someone is always there. They do not have to be afraid. They are in this together. We are all in this together! I love how close my children are to each other. They love each other so much, and that makes me SO HAPPY!

I am also grateful my children are not wimpy. These kids come from good, solid, Scottish ancestry, and they are tough! They are going to have some heavy workloads in the future, but I think they are well prepared, and cut out for the tasks ahead. I was not left with little babies, I was left with almost teenagers -- who can pull their own weight, and more. (That's right little Henry… get to work!) The combination of me, and Charles, made some pretty sturdy people. Thank goodness for that!

You know what else has prepared these children? We have prayed and read our scriptures together EVERY DAY, always. We talk about gospel topics, and discuss deep things on a daily basis. We have tried to instill in the children a faith in God and his Eternal plan for us, and for families. That knowledge is everything to us now! Now that their daddy has passed from this world into another -- it is an easy discussion, because we all know where he is. We try and keep it an open conversation at our house. We talk about Charles/daddy daily, and we even pray for him and his success as a missionary on the other side. Of course, the first few days were really rough, but I will talk about that later, when I'm ready to. It has been a month, and there is joy in our home.

I am so grateful to have these kiddos with me. They are everything to me, and Charles. We both love them so much. May they continue to have strength and courage in the days ahead! May the joy we have always had as a family continue on, forever… and ever!

Thanks for these sweet babies, Charles. You were so kind to give them to me. Watch over them, will you, my love?


  1. Darling Darlings! They are strong children for sure. I was so impressed while I was there w/ you with how they were being so "normal." They smiled, laughed, played, scootered, walked to the candy store, played w/ water guns, flew kites, etc. I'm so thankful to have nieces and nephews who are so dang good. Thank you Sam, Dan, William & even Henry for setting a super example for Stephen &McKinley.


  2. Your kids are pretty special. I love the pictures...especially the one with Henry's head in his hands with his siblings. Super cute! :)

  3. What an uplifting blog. I hope you will always be lifted up. Continue the course you set of daily family scripture study and prayer and your children will be forever strong. love you guys.

  4. I love those kids too! I love the picture with Sam looking at Henry and Will and Dan looking at each other. Love it. See you soon.


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