This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

I Still Want You More, Charles.

I came across this video of a song I wrote for Charles years ago… it is so much more meaningful now. I have known true love. He is still with me, he did not leave me alone.

I have so much to say, that cannot be said now. I will say it all later. One of the most comforting things to me at this time (beside the love of friends and family) is my blog. I recorded everything. If you do not record your life in some way, start now. I mean, like, right now. Record it all…you will be grateful.

Charles is, and ever will be, my beautiful boy. I still want you more, my love.

P.S. My heart is full of gratitude beyond measure for the outpouring of love and support. I am not alone. I am overwhelmed with love. I have seen the hands of Jesus reaching out to me through the kindness of others. The Savior has held me close -- through the arms of my father and mother -- as I have had moments of uncontrollable crying.

God lives everyone. He does. I have seen too much to ever deny it.

I have brought new life into the world, and I have seen my favorite life go onto the next world.

The veil to Heaven is thin for me now.

God lives. I promise.


  1. Mari, it is so nice to hear from you. Thank you for sharing your music and your thoughts. I love your testimony and always have. We love you.

  2. Beautiful, Mari! What a blessing to have all the things you've documented. Love and prayers for you and your family!

  3. Truly beautiful. Your faith through this strengthens my own.

  4. Mari, thank so much for sharing your thoughts. It is good to hear your voice through your blog. A day hasn't gone by that I haven't shed tears for your family and the grief I feel. Your eternal perspective and testimony are such an example. It lifts us up. :) I am so, so glad your parents can be with you.

  5. Mari, you have been blessed with such gifts and talents! What a treasure to have been so faithful and diligent in your documtation of it all!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I love you Mari. I feel blessed to call you friend. I am so inspired by your words to document my life's moments, as they are very precious. Thank you for sharing. All my love and prayers.
    your friend, Becky Henry

  8. Mari, you are amazing. Your family is in our prayers.

  9. So nice to hear from you through your blog. That is a beautiful tribute to the love of your life! You and yours have been in my thoughts and prayers every day...so glad you are feeling the love and support you have from family and friends...it is a testament to the way in which you and Charles built your life....with much love and goodness. Sending more love your way.....

  10. Mari, you dont know me, but I knew Charles way back when as missionaries in Toronto. He remains in my memory one of the kindest, gentlest and humblest of men I have ever known. I was deeply saddened to hear of his passing. Please know you will be in my prayers as you wait for a beautiful reunion with your eternal companion. May the gospel bring you peace in this tough hour. I am a better man for having rubbed shoulders with Charles, and I am sure I am not alone in that feeling. May our Heavenly Father watch over you and your dear children until that blessed reunion.

    Bryan Seeley

  11. Thanks Mari.
    I wrote this long comment and it got deleted and now I'm deflated, so my comment is simply thanks xox

  12. Nice to hear from you. We love and have always admired you and Charles and all your 4 beautiful kids. Let us know if we can help with ANYTHING. Love John and Susie

  13. So grateful to know you're being comforted and taken care of. Love you.

  14. Thank you so much for sharing. I have to say honestly that I have been waiting for you to post something else. Since we are away now I feel like reading your blog gives me hope and I love you for that. Thank you for your testimony and I wish I was there to give you a great big hug. Mari you are amazing and my boys are truly honored that they will get to sing with the young men at the services. Thank you for your light and amazing testimony.
    The Hopkins Family

  15. What a beautiful post. I have enjoyed all of them. As I watched this video my thought was of your beautiful smile that shined not only with your mouth but through your eyes....Hope you can find that smile again. Your family has been such a blessing to us all. We pray for the constant strength from your Heavenly Father and brother Jesus Christ. He knows everything you are feeling for he has suffered it all. He will comfort you. Our prayers and support are with you.


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