This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.


It has been 2 years since I went to the hospital, and gave birth to Henry. I will never forget that day. I knew going to the hospital that something was wrong with my sweet boy. I knew -- even before he was born -- that Henry had 4 chambers in his kidneys, and he would likely need surgery right after he was born, and another one later on in his childhood. I knew that with Henry, things would be a little different, a little harder. When I first heard of his challenge a voice said to me, very clearly, "It will be hard, but it will be OK."

Now, 2 years later, Henry is full of life, vigor, and happiness. He takes his medicine everyday, to control kidney/bladder infections. We are still awaiting his prognosis on his surgery. I was getting ready to go for his renal ultrasound at the hospital, when Charles stopped breathing on our living room floor. I went to the hospital that day, but not for what was on my calendar. (I will tell the whole story another day. Not yet.)

Henry has been a joy to our family. He is also, obviously, our last baby. That question was still up in the air, but now, well -- that's it for babies around here. It was never really likely we would have another one, since I struggled with a blog clot in my leg with my last pregnancy. As I have recently learned, blood clots in the leg can be very, very, dangerous. (Again, another story, for another day.) 

Having Henry around now is very healing. His cute little face makes it hard not to smile. He also says and does the most precious things. When Henry sees a picture of Jesus he says, "Daddy!" It makes me smile every time … to him Daddy does look a lot like Jesus. And right after saying, "Daddy!" he puts his arms out and says, "Hug?" How precious is that? The first time he did it, yep, I cried. I thought it was just a certain picture of Jesus that he would identify as "Daddy" but I showed him a bunch of different pictures, and he said the same thing, every time.

I do hope that Henry will always remember his Daddy, somehow. The other kids will remember him, and how much they love him -- but Henry is so young. I pray we can do our best to keep Daddy (and Jesus!) firmly planted in his little heart. We have pictures of Charles everywhere in our house now. Henry identifies both clean-shaven Charles as Daddy, and pictures of Jesus as Daddy. Precious, precious, child.

Oh Henry, we love you so much! Happy Birthday!

You know, I thought that surely having a baby with some health issues would be a "good enough" trial to go through to last me awhile, right? One trial at a time…nice and easy does it. But apparently, God has other plans for me. Did you know that on a scale from 1-100, loss of spouse is ranked as the number 1 most stressful thing to endure? Yep, I can testify to that. May God continue keeping me close -- and equal to the task of not only enduring, but enjoying life too.

May I be given the strength, and joyful countenance -- to be the kind of mother that these beautiful children, like Henry, deserve!

For stories about Henry's birth go: HERE and HERE  and HERE. (They are pretty interesting to me now, looking back. My thoughts and feelings back then -- VERY interesting…) 


  1. He's beautiful. You're amazing.

  2. i love that little curl on the top of his head....so cute! and i know God WILL keep you close....he has to... "draw near unto me and i will draw near unto you" (D&C 88:63).

  3. I concur with Melissa. He's beautiful, and you, my friend, are amazing.

  4. What a sweet, adorable boy. I'm glad you have him to bring your family smiles and laughter...a true blessing!

  5. That cute curl reminded me of a picture of Mom when she was a toddler.

    Give Henry an 'apple bum'/knuckle bump for me. He's super cute and full of love. I think his thoughts on Charles and Jesus are right on target. Reflecting on some of my time spent w/ Charles...I remember (even the first time he came over to my home on Arlene St) that he wanted to serve and help our neighbor. Just like that. They didn't ask for help. He just saw a need and did what Jesus would do. He took time for people one by one. He taught the gospel w gratitude. He loved making people laugh and smile. I can completely see why little Henry sees his Daddy as Jesus. Charles is pure.
    One of my favorite scriptures that now reminds me of Charles is : Moroni 7:48..."Wherefore, my beloved brethren, pray unto the Father with all the energy of heart, that ye may be filled with this love, which he hath bestowed upon all who are true followers of his Son, Jesus Christ; that ye may become the sons of God; that when he shall appear we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is; that we may have this hope; that we may be purified even as he is pure."
    I know Charles and YOU are true followers of Jesus Christ. Thank you for letting the Lord lead you as you press forward each new day. May you always be blessed with the COURAGE TO CONTINUE.

    love you sister!


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