This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

The Burial of My Sweetheart

We laid Charles' body to rest at Pioneer Cemetery, in Idaho City. I had a bit of anxiety leading up to this day. I thought that surely the grief that has still not yet consumed me, would come when I saw the casket. I stood before the casket of the mortal husk of Charles, but the grief did not come. All I felt was peace. 

The last time I saw Charles was when I left him in the hospital room on April 1st. That is a story for another day. All I will say now is that leaving your sweetheart lying lifeless, on a cold hospital bed, is perhaps one of the most surreal and dreadful moments life has to offer. Those moments still haunt me, as they likely always will…I will speak more of those moments in the future.  

But even through all the anguish and gut-wrenching pain, I feel peace. 

Why? How?  

Where is my overwhelming sorrow, confining me to my room, rocking in the fetal position? 

I do not feel it. 

All I feel is an overwhelming sense of peace, comfort, and gratitude.  

Do not get me wrong, I spend many nights crying out to God, as my body trembles and thrashes with heartbreak. But even as I cry out in agony, I know the answers to calm my consuming pain and sorrow. My heart is broken, tears slip from my eyes, my whole being burns with sadness. And yet, in those very same moments of almost intolerable pain, my heart lifts with gratitude to Jesus Christ, The Savior of the World. When I think of Jesus, my soul fills with peace and hope. Because of Him, death is not the end -- it is the beginning. 

I will be with Charles again. I had a very profound image of that reunion come to me last night, and all I can do no now is live each day to its fullest. Though his body is no longer with me, his spirit remains by my side. There are many moments when it feels like nothing has changed. He has just gone on a mission for awhile. We will be together again. 

The burial was on Wednesday. It was a beautiful day. The drive to Idaho City is a lovely one. As you are driving, there is a huge message in white on the side of the green-covered mountain that says "Jesus Loves You." What a sweet reminder. The cemetery is beautiful and full of a special spirit. There is a sense of tranquility in the air. 
Most of my family members, and Charles' family, had gone home, so there was just a small gathering. 
The night before the burial, I decided that it would be appropriate to wear my cowgirl hat. Charles got it for me, and he loved it when I wore it, but I just don't often have a chance. I am not quite bold, or brave, enough to wear it to the grocery store, yet. It just felt like the right thing to do, in Idaho City. And it was. 
The Bishop said a few words, and he asked us all to share a memory of Charles. It was really special to hear about Charles moments. I love to hear anything about him. I think in the future I will request memories from anyone who knew him. 

 My mom said some sweet things about Charles, she mentioned that at first she did not think he was "the one" for me, but after a very short amount of time, realized that he was in fact perfect for me. Notice the ring on my thumb…that is Charles' ring, and that is where it will stay. I am going to have it inscribed with "My Precious" in Elvish. I just need to find where to do that….Oh, and my wedding ring did not fit until just a few weeks ago. Very timely, I should say. 

My dad gave the dedicatory prayer. He did a wonderful job. While he was praying, a gentle wind blew in through the trees. The wind has always been meaningful to me and Charles, and now it feels to me as if Charles is in the wind. Especially up in the Pioneer Cemetery. 

Normally, you would leave before the casket is placed into the ground. But I insisted on staying and watching the whole thing. The casket goes into a cement vault, to protect it from the elements.

We stayed and watched as they put the vault and casket into the ground. A few days before we had watched them dig the grave. You would think that this would be a strange thing to watch, but it was not. None of it felt strange. It felt like the right thing to do -- to watch and see how all of these things are done. It is not for everyone, but it was right for me. 

All of these kind of moments are very dreamlike. Every moment since the moment my life changed forever, has felt like an out-of-body experience. 
I stayed and watched as they placed the dirt over the grave. We are still working on the headstone, that will take some time to have finished, before they set it up. 
We had some great friends there, and grabbed a few pictures…

The Bishop presented Charles with the Adult Scouting medal. He loved the Scouting program, and he LOVED the boys he worked with. It is now a treasure for our family. 

The reason that this was not a horribly miserable day was because Charles is very much alive, and well. He is just as much alive as he ever was, and very much more alive, and happy now. His mortal shell is laid to rest, for now, until the Savior comes again (hopefully sooner, than later!). But his spirit is free and living! My six year old, William, says he talks to him all the time. I asked William what daddy has said to him, and William said, "He told me he will be back in the Second Coming."

He lives, and he is still with my family, take comfort in that. It is not the same as before, it is very different, but it is still special and very powerful. We are still a whole family.

We laid Charles' body in the earth, but he will rise again.

 I love Jesus.

 Happy Easter!

*On a side note, I was told by the funeral director that they point the head/headstone towards the West so that when Jesus comes again in the East, they will be able to sit-up, and rise to greet Him. I must say I long for that day now, when Jesus returns -- but until then, I will praise His name forever.


  1. It looks, as well as you, so beautiful. I wish I was there now, but Henry had such a great time with us and I loved having him. The kids love him, especially Yuki. You know there was this one moment and I was playing on the ground with Henry and he turned around and gave me the biggest most cutest smile ever and in that moment I totally saw Charles and it melted my heart. I'll look after Henry whenever you need. He's a sweetie. I'm glad that you stayed for the whole thing Mari. There's no rules to grieving really you just mind figure if out and it sounds like you're figuring out really well. xox

  2. That last sentence is suppose to say ' you just try to figure it out'

  3. What a special place. It felt good there...very peaceful. Driving down the mains streets with the old buildings, that looked like they would give you splinters, and then driving into the cemetery and hearing the breeze through the pines. What a perfect place for Charles. What a perfect place for you and your children to go and visit. I know I've already told you but I LOVED that you had that hat on. You looked beautiful in it. :)

  4. What a wonderful experience for you. Thank you for sharing! I have thought of Charles lately. I love you and will always keep you and your family in my heart!! Loves!!

  5. I'm going to need to carry more tissue with me every time I read your blog from now on. I thought I had let out all of my tears before I left to come be with you and then while I was there in Idaho (when you weren't looking)…but, I couldn't hold back the tears tonight when I saw these precious pictures of you, Mom and Dad standing by Charles' beautiful casket. I was especially touched when I saw the picture of Dad praying over/dedicating the grave. I also loved how beautiful and pioneerish (I know that's not going to count for a Scrabble word), you looked in that hat Charles got for you. I'm so grateful for the peace you feel Mari. It testifies to me how much Heavenly Father loves His daughters. I know we recite it every Sunday in YWs: "We are daughters of our Heavenly Father who loves us and we love Him…"But, I know you KNOW it! I know you love Him. And, I know you are standing as a witness of Him (even stronger now) at all times, and in all things and in all places.
    The following scripture describes what I see in you as you have stood as a witness of Jesus Christ during this trial of faith…"Wherefore, be of good cheer and do not fear, for I the Lord am with you and will stand by you and ye shall bear record of me…that I was, that I am and that I am to come." You did this at Charles' life celebration. I remember you asked Daniel to pray that morning before we left that you would feel happy even though it was suppose to be depressing. Daniel's prayer was answered. You gave strength and happiness to others as you testified that God lives and Jesus is the Christ. You are a true follower/disciple of Christ. I am so grateful that you are my sister. I am so proud of you Mari. May you continue to feel the Savior's arms around you and Charles' Spirit near you side always. You are so loved.

    1. Kary,
      Beautiful words to your sister!! Mari even tho you moved away when you were young I still feel like you are a lil sister to me. I want to tell you how very special you are and what a beautiful woman you have become.

      I remember a few yeats ago when you and the family were here in town (AZ) and came to Moms house to go down memory lane and to see in person the place you saw in pictures of your youth. It was a fun time. When you guys left I was so happy to have met your spouses and kids and of course get my Mama Sally's warm hugs and smile...but what else I recieved was what a special hubby you had by your side.

      Again I am sorry for this loss but am so happy for your faith in The Lord and the comfort you recieve from him. He truly comforts and guides us in our hard times and given us so much to look fwd to.
      God bless you Mari and thank you for sharing your testimony as well as your journey thru this time. You are a beautiful woman!! Oh keep wearimg the hat...Charles knew it suits u and it looks good on ya

      Michele Angichiodo Gordon

  6. it really was a special day and we were so happy to be a part of it. the cemetery and dedication were beautiful, and all the stories made me smile and laugh! we are grateful to have the van ormer's in our lives!!

  7. Mari we feel so blessed to know you. Charles will always be special to all of us. His casket is beautiful and I am glad you wore your hat. It looks great! We Love you and hope you and the children have a very good Easter! Love you Mari

  8. Tender that William still gets to have chats with his Daddy!


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