This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

A Poem by Sammi: Keep Him Near

Sammi likes to express herself through poetry, pictures, and music. I am so grateful for creative ways to express deep feelings and emotions. It sure does help to get those things out in a healthy, healing, way.

I, for one, do not believe in bottling up emotions until they burst in some dramatic or traumatic way. Charles was also a firm believer in expressing how you really feel. We would talk about feelings and our emotional state all the time. I certainly miss those conversations. It is challenging having those kind of conversations with myself. I am not a very good listener when I am talking to me.

In this house we talk constantly. Thoughts and feelings are flying all the time. We often talk about deep things in a very casual and commonplace way. We have been thrust into deep things, and those things need to be discussed. We talk about life and death like we are talking about what's for breakfast.

My children have a knowledge of the Plan of Salvation in a very tangible way. It is everything for our family -- not just a nice lesson on Sunday. We talk about daddy and where he is all the time. I find it is very healthy, and very healing. He is still with us. The more we talk of him, and discuss him, the closer he feels. Probably because he wants to know what we are saying about him behind his back.

One of the ways that Sammi likes to release her feelings about her daddy is on paper. Sammi is becoming a beautiful writer. She is very naturally creative. It is so fun to watch her develop her abilities and interests. She wrote a poem about her dad the other day and I wanted to share it here:

Keep Him Near
By Sammi van Ormer 

A man I knew was strong and brave
For his family, away he would slave
Always with a smile on his youthful face
He would climb the mountain to find his place

This man was so loving and very kind
In his care, no one was left behind
He was a loyal friend who would always listen
And on his grave, my tears do glisten

Even though death has him in its hold
His spirit shines through clear and bold
And though he may be far away
I feel him in the wind today

It hurts to know that he's not there
To wipe my tears and stroke my hair
But when the gathering day is here
I will hold him tight and keep him near 

Sammi also releases through music. She sings all the time. She performed the song, "Wishing you Were Somehow here Again" from the Phantom of the Opera, at the Young Women in Excellence program a few weeks ago. She sang and played for herself, and she was wonderful. The room burned with emotion. It is a powerful song for her to sing. How she makes it through without crying is beyond me. I will have to record it and put it on the blog sometime.

I also need to post some of the beautiful images she has drawn... but it is getting late and I have to teach Gospel Doctrine tomorrow in Church. The lesson is on courage. It is titled, "If I Perish, I Perish." (Daniel and the Lion's Den.)

Hmmmm... courage... I have a few thoughts on that topic!

I must say my children have taught me a thing or two about courage. They amaze me with their strength. I am so glad they are with me to face these strange and interesting times.

Off to dream about having courage... I have been watching all The Lord of the Rings movies lately, so I should have some good lesson material. ;)


  1. we've been watching those lately too...lots our great courage moments to choose from. :) great poem sammi, i loved it and i can't wait to see the video of you singing, so hop to it mari! ;)

  2. Sammi, that is a beautiful, thoughtful poem. You have such talent and it is wonderful to see it grow and develop. I love you so much!!!


  3. What wonderful was to express yourself! Precious poem. I love that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is alive in your home and everyday conversations.

  4. Way to make me cry right before bed Sammi. Such beautiful words you wrote about your Dad. They are all true. I could picture him and feel your love for hime as I read your wonderful words. Keep writing Sammi. It is a powerful way to express your feelings. You amaze me!

    You definitely came from amazing parents!

    thanks for sharing Sammi's poem Mari.

    love you all


  5. I read the poem to Tyson last night. We both loved it and were very touched and impressed with her words. It was beautiful. We were both missing Charles last night as we talked about him. We love you guys! Thanks for letting us be a part of your lives. :)

  6. What a talented girl. I wish I was at the YW's so I could've heard her sing. I'm glad she has these outlets.


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