This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

Thanksgiving in Arizona

We spent Thanksgiving with my brothers in Arizona. It was a quick trip, but we wanted to pop over after our California adventure, and spend some time with my family for the holiday. It was so wonderful to be with family. If you want to know my beliefs about family click: HERE.

It was so beautiful in Arizona. The area where my brother's family lives was particularly wonderful. I was actually born in Arizona, and lived there for 4 years before moving to Alaska. I can't say that it feels like returning home when I go there, but it always feels magical somehow. I love the unique variety of nature, and the warmth in the winter is pretty swell, too. 

I enjoyed running a few times while I was there, and I stopped and grabbed a few pictures of the area.  The neighborhood we were in had so many birds and beautiful water surrounding everything. It was a little piece of paradise in the middle of the desert. 
 I love palm trees. They are awesome. We need palm trees in Idaho, I've decided.
 The flowers were out and it felt like a pleasant summer's day, at the end of November.

This was Henry on the run. He is a champ at staying in the stroller. I train them while they are young, and I have never had a problem keeping them in while running -- they just get used to it being reality.
 He is pondering the meaning of life after having his whole world turned upside-down.
 There were such interesting looking birds.

Is this not a beautiful neighborhood? I thought it was amazing. A very tempting prospect if I did not love Idaho so much.
 Some awesome desert plants...

William loved Toby the dog. He said, "I kind of feel like he is my dog." He would wake-up every morning, and help take him for a walk. He would just be looking out for him, or playing with him all the time. One day, maybe I will get him a dog of his very own... not while there is a toddler around the house though. There is enough poop to clean up already. But William sure does love Toby!
 A boy and his dog.
Henry was probably wondering what was next. Vacation must be so weird for a toddler, they have no idea if you are living in a new place for good, or not. He handled the whole trip remarkably well. I was pleasantly surprised at how good he was, and how much he seemed to enjoy everything.
 Swimming in November.
 Swimming at night is the best.
Uncle Johnny snuggling Ben and William. My kids need the snuggles from men that they love and admire.
 Daniel peeling Thanksgiving potatoes.
 Henry was catching all the peelings that missed the can.
 Just some food pictures... because who doesn't love food?
My nephew Jimmy, and sister-in-law, Amy. (Though we can just drop the whole "in-law" thing and call her sister.) I have known her since I was 9 years old! Amy and I had some fun discussion about life and things. She is always a joy to talk to.
Playing games. That is Mindy in the red (also a sister, drop the in-law part). And that is a baby in her tummy. Baby boy number 4. Out of my parents 16 grandchildren, only 4 of them are girls. We are breeding an army of future men, for some reason.
We got to FaceTime with my nieces, Katie and Kimmy, who are in Germany. It was so fun to see them. Katie even sang for us, which was a treat.
 Henry is saying hi to them.
 I am grabbing Henry before he breaks something.
 Phew, I got the little turkey.
 Speaking of turkey... here is my mom getting it ready.
 Amy and my mom discussing the insides of a turkey.
My brother Johnny. This is how he looked while we sat outside and had a deep doctrine conversation.  He is also the Gospel Doctrine teacher in his ward, so we talk about some fun things. I got to go to one of his lessons, he was a really good teacher. He did not wear swim trunks on his head when he taught.
 More yummy stuff.
 Food, food, bring on the food!
Sitting outside for Thanksgiving was a new experience. I must say, I enjoyed it, a lot. My brother Bob is in the right hand corner. It was his home we were visiting. I had a good chat with him one night until about 2am. For some reason all the conversation I had with people turned to the cosmos, and understanding our place in the universe. I just love having those kind of conversations, now more than ever.
 Sam and Dan enjoying the feast. That is sparkling cider, just so you know. We are Mormon. ;)
 A Panoramic view of the table...

We sat outside until it was dark and late. We had enthralling discussions about time, space, and eternity. Fascinating stuff, I tell you what. I love how you can discuss deep things with family safely -- things that you might not discuss in say, a Gospel Doctrine class. It is always so interesting to hear everyones different thoughts and perspective. I learned a lot from our conversations. It was thought-provoking, and uplifting. Charles was chuckling at us, I am sure of that. There we were throwing around ideas and concepts of understanding, and yet, he knows the answers now. I sure missed his input while gathered around the table. But he felt close.
 Grandpa and Jim.
 Johnny about to pick my dad's nose.
 Yum, yum, yum! I totally wish I would have eaten more of these rolls. They were amazing.
 Johnny taking a picture of me taking a picture of him.

 Sammi's hair is getting Rapunzel-long. It is so beautiful.
 Daniel "helping" Jim carry the mattress. Jim is 6.7 and growing.
 Here we are packing up. It was a fast and furious trip, but so worth it! We had so much fun.
I am so thankful for my family. They are mine forever. I love them.


  1. Looks like tons of fun. I love being with family.

  2. i think eating thanksgiving dinner outside would be awesome, i'm a little jealous. ;) and sammi's hair is GORGEOUS! glad it was such a good trip!

  3. Arizona looks beautiful! I'd love to see it someday. Nothing beats spending time with family. Glad you got to have Thanksgiving surrounded by them. :)


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