This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

To The Person Who Stole my Car

This is an article that my brother-in-law wrote for the newspaper in Wasilla, Alaska. Please share if you know anyone in Alaska. They are a family of "givers" and would never ask for help, but I am sure some extra love and kindness would be greatly appreciated this time of year. Please contact me at mari4u@hotmail.com if you hear anything, or if you would like to help make their Christmas bright. Thank you!! 

To The Person Who Stole My Car

Last night I went into the grocery store. When I returned to my car, there was no car. You cleverly used your obvious mechanical talents to drive or haul it away to wherever you are.

I offer you a deal, but first let me explain a few things.

First, my Jeep is a collection of metal, plastic, and rubber. If you need it bad enough to steal it, I won’t miss it much, and in time, I’ll get over it.

Earlier in the evening my 8 year old cub scout son, Stephen, and I were working together on his Heritages belt loop. We designed and assembled a poster board presentation with the flags of countries his ancestors came from. We read together a history of his ancestor, Wee Granny Mary Murdoch, who at the stature of 4 feet 7 inches and the age of 74 left Scotland to pull handcarts from Nebraska to Utah. Wee Grannie’s desire to join her family and firm commitment to her faith got her as far as Chimney Rock Nebraska where she died and was buried in a shallow grave on the side of the trail. Those who knew her noted that “she never murmured or complained” in her many hardships and difficult circumstances.

Stephen and I both shared some tears, hugs, and love for each other. This is our family story. It’s what binds us together. Wee Grannie’s spirit lingers near us at times and reminds us to move forward despite life’s difficulties.

So, Stephen’s poster has the name, Murdoch, attached to Scotland. A land that we have never visited but whose blood we feel in our veins. Stephen’s cub scout presentation last night was to include his poster and some simple facts about his family. However, I instead found myself standing alone in a dark and windy Wasilla Carr's store parking lot with no car in sight. The first thing Stephen, with his childlike glow and sparkle in his eyes, asked when I returned home was, “dad, did you bring my scout book?”

This hurts. If you must have the car, we’ll get over it. We invite you to return the other stuff.

I have to explain to Stephen in the morning where his cherished scout book, our kilts, and hiking staffs went. I wish you could see the tears. These things represent some of our best times and memories together. Please return them.

I hope, especially during Christmas time, that you can fix this thing you’ve done. We are eager to forgive and forget and move forward. Wee Granny would expect no less.

Ray and Stephen Hafen 

For the news article link click: HERE 

Please keep an eye out for this vehicle: 

Green 2003 Jeep Cherokee
Broken tail light left rear
License # DXF244


  1. I hope the hearts of those that stole the car are softened so they can get those treasured items back. It is Christmas and we will pray for a Christmas miracle of softened hearts. :) We hope for a good outcome for them!

  2. Anybody who reads that article will be blessed, one way or another. Some prayers headed their way. On another note, tell Ray he and Jeremy must be cousins. Wee Granny is one of his ancestors too. Fun!

  3. very touching. in Rosary. when i think of all the horrors in the world i'm glad the little boy still has so many more loving years w/a dad so sensitive, articulate and loving.

  4. Christie here from California, but raised in Kodiak... did you find that jeep and was it yours??? Been thinking about your guys and what you are dealing with.

  5. Hey Christie !! Love you guys!! ... GUT-


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