This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

Recognizing a Sister

Sometimes you see someone smile, and you feel like you know them from somewhere. I had that experience back in June, while visiting Alaska a few months after Charles died. 

I was standing at the finish line of the Alaska Mayor's Marathon. I was waiting for my sister Kary to complete her running journey, and I had my camera in hand to capture the moment. As I was looking through my lens, scanning the crowd, I was drawn to this beautiful lady and her contagious smile.
There was just something about her, something familiar -- she radiated light and joy. I also noticed she was wearing a missionary name tag, and a Mormon Helping Hands shirt. It made me smile. I love to take pictures of beauty, and so I snapped some pictures of her. She was standing at the finish line, passing out medals to the weary runners, with a tremendous smile on her face. I just kept watching her, and was so impressed by her light. I took her picture and even put it in a blog post back: HERE

Now fast forward a little bit, to a few months ago. My sister Kary was working at the Food Pantry in Wasilla, Alaska. She was helping a student when she noticed a familiar face, wearing a missionary name tag... it was her!  

Here is the experience written by my sister Kary: 

I introduced myself to Sister Whitby at the Food Pantry in Wasilla, Alaska a few months ago. I was working with one of Ray's students there.

The missionaries often serve/assist at the Food Pantry to help those in need. When I saw her, I told one of the co-workers, "That's the sister missionary that my sister took pictures of at the end of the Mayor's marathon when I was getting my finisher's medal."  So, I told Sis Whitby all of that and she and I hit it off and couldn't stop talking; especially when it came to music. And then she told me she wanted to audition to be in the Tabernacle Choir after her mission. She told me she studied voice in college and has taught some voice lessons. We then got to talking about the last ward she had served in while in Anchorage before she was transferred to Wasilla. She was in the Jewel Lake ward (our old home ward.) Then we got to chatting about all the similar people we knew...the Merritts, the Kimptons, Sister Burrows, etc. Then, I found out she lives with her companion in the home of my friend Katie (who is the one that inspired me to run my first marathon,).

Just amazing how paths cross in this life. 

We have stayed in touch ever since. We run into each other often in the community. One special time was Stephen's baptism day. She heard me singing with him and came to listen and then she asked if she could take our family pictures for our special day. She was so fun and super funny. I just love her. 

So, on to how I invited her to sing with the young women... 

Well, I felt inspired that the young women should sing "Come unto Christ" for YW in Excellence. The girls are very reserved, quiet and just weren't singing out. They have beautiful voices, some of them are even in choir, but they just didn't have the confidence to sing out. I was feeling frustrated and concerned that we would not be prepared to sing the song in front of their parents, bishopbric and stake leaders. I was feeling discouraged. 

Then, right after YW's was over, Sister Whitby (who is in a totally different ward and attends a different church building) walked in and came over to say Hi to me. She said, "I saw you when I walked by the High Council room and wanted to say hi." Then she looked down at the music I still had laid out on the table from our earlier rehearsal in YW 's that day. She started singing out: "Come unto Christ, Come unto Him and by His grace be made holy again..." I was in awe! I asked, "you know this song?" She's like, "of course, it's the youth theme song for the year." So, I asked, what are you doing Nov 11 at 7pm, my house? She said: I am so there, let me put it in my palm pilot (then she proceeded to write my info on the 'palm' of her hand). Too funny! 

I told her it was a miracle that she had saved this musical number. She brought the Spirit to life when singing this song with the YW and leaders. The girls felt it too. It was incredible. 

I testified to the YW the following Sunday that the Lord had provided a way for us to sing this song with conviction. I testified to them that Sister Whitby was a tender mercy of the Lord.

He knew our needs and delivered her into our presence. The Lord always provides a way for His work to go forward. I love it! I love Him!


That is my sister Kary and my new sister Kaci in the picture at the top. 

How beautiful are they? Love it! Love them! 

So on that note... Here is Sister Kaci Whitby singing the song, "Come Unto Christ." 

For mobile devices click: HERE

Sister Whitby will be done with her mission in 2 weeks, and she will be auditioning for the show "The Voice" in February. How exciting! All our love and best to you on your journey, Kaci! You have done, and will continue to do, amazing things. 

Thank you for sharing your gift with us! Let your voice fill the world. Let your light shine! 


God works in mysterious and wonderful ways. 


  1. I love Sister Whitby too! She is an angel here on earth.

  2. I am SO glad you got that to work. She is coming caroling with us on the 23rd so I get to sing with her. Lucky me!!

    Love, Mom

  3. What a wonderful sister in the great gospel of Jesus Christ! I love all of our brothers and sisters in 6th ward! (Sorry I was so sophomoric back then).

  4. So inspiring!! I love it when the paths cross often!! The Voice is one of our favorites!! We will keep an eye out for her!! Thanks for sharing! Loves!!

  5. What a wonderful blog post Mari. I did forward your blog link to Sister Whitby. Like you, she is also a woman of courage. Isn't that what it takes to keep progressing every day? It all goes back to what your blog is all about: 'courage to cry,' courage to come to Christ,' (even when we think we might know best), 'courage to be cheerful,' (even when it hurts to smile) 'courage to climb and conquer,' (even when the pain feels like more than you can take), 'courage to continue,' (even when you feel like you can't take one more step.)

    Thank you Sister Whitby for having the courage to come on a mission for Jesus Christ and to bless the lives of so many in Alaska. You are loved!

    Kary (Sister Hafen)

  6. One of my favorite songs sung so beautifully. We LOVE the Voice at our house. What a wonderful way for her to let her light shine. :)

  7. Mari - My name is Melinda Mack. My husband died 6 weeks ago but from suicide. My husband's aunt Neide Messer told me to look you up. I'm grateful that you share courage also. I am blogging about my life too. That's for being a survivor. It helps to know that we can survive and choose happiness. My blog is http://macksdohardthings1.blogspot.com/


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