This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

Father and Son Campout

The boys really wanted to go on the Church Father and Son campout. It was not too long after their dad died, but they were still really eager to go. They requested their daddy's best buddy, Tyson, to take them. Tyson has 4 boys of his own (3 of them old enough to go), but he was still willing and happy to have my boys (2 of them, Dan and Will) tag along. My boys called him their adopted father for the campout. They really wanted to be with him, because they knew how much he loved their dad, and how much their dad loved him. I think it was really comforting for them.
From what it sounded like, everyone had a great time. They ended up camping in Idaho City -- not too far from where Charles is "camping out" at the cemetery -- so they said they would give a shout out to dad while they were there.
The boys love to be outside camping, and doing boy things. I have come to recognize the value of the "Village" that will be needed to help me raise my boys. I can teach Sammi how to be a proper woman, but the boys, well... there are some areas in which I lack. I am so grateful for the programs that are set-up for the boys -- like the Young Men's program, and Scouting -- where they can be influenced by good men, and taught how to be a man, by men, and not just me! (I am a pitiful replacement for teaching the boys how to be men!)
Charles did a beautiful, and brilliant, job as a father, and I will desperately miss his influence in the lives of our children, in so many countless ways. Of course, I know he is still with them, but he can't quite teach them the physical things they will need to know -- like outdoor survival skills, and the proper way to put out a camp fire. The boys need men. William, my 7 year old, has made it clear to me that he still wants to have a dad in his life. (I will blog about that another day!) I get it, I am great -- for a girl, and a mom -- but I am just not as awesome as a guy, and a dad, for them.
I have always appreciated the role of men and fatherhood, but now I value that role even more. It is up to me now to raise my boys into men, but I am so grateful that I do not have to do it alone! I am so grateful for all the good men my sons (and daughter!) have to look to as examples. They are surrounded by wonderful men to learn from.
To all the good fathers, brothers, uncles, men... you are truly great. And I am truly grateful!

Thank you, men, for being awesome!
This is a picture of Charles and Tyson in their most manly state -- bearded, eating meat.  


  1. i am so glad your boys got to go and that they WANTED to go, and i am glad for good men like tyson who can be there for them. as a side note, i totally disagree that you are a "pitiful replacement for teaching the boys how to be men," there's just no way this is even possible!!! i have ZERO doubt that you are and will be the best person in the world to teach them how to be men...they have gotten this far because of charles and YOU. don't underestimate the power with which YOU can teach them!! :)

  2. You're doing great Mari! Keep up the good work!

  3. I love that last picture...glad you found it! I'm glad the boys had fun on the campout. Tyson was happy to take them. :)

  4. Looks like the boys had a super time! So glad they were able to go. Thanks Tyson!


  5. I don't know you but am amazed by your powerful spirit and testimony and your "courage to continue." It's definitely true you have been prepare for this period of time in your life and I'm sure your husband is watching over you and your children.


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