This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

If You Don't Believe in Jesus, You Should.

Click: HERE for mobile devices.

I love Jesus. I have seen His miracles in an extraordinarily powerful way. I have always believed in my Heavenly Father, and His Son, Jesus Christ, but now my faith has been taken to another level. There is so much that I have experienced that I cannot express in words -- words will never be adequate. But I will try to express some things…

I have seen death. I have seen the breath of life leave a mortal body. I have seen how skin changes color, and lips turn white, when that last mortal breath is over. It is a similar experience to witnessing the birth of a baby, but it is backwards. The breath leaves the body, rather than the breath entering the body. The color leaves the skin upon the last breath, rather than the color coming to the skin upon the first breath. Each experience -- death and birth -- has been powerful and miraculous, and each experience has drawn me closer to understanding the miracles of God, and the blessing of life.

If you are reading this, you are obviously already born. And if you are reading this, one day you are going to die -- that is a fact that no one can escape. But luckily, death is not the end -- it is another beginning! I have witnessed the passing of life from one world into the next, and I have felt the feelings that go along with that moment, and I can testify to you that there is life after death! Hooray!

I think the saddest thing I can imagine is living life believing that it ends at death, that the grave is the victor, and that there is no forever. What a tragedy it would be to live with such a belief system! Seriously, if you believe death is the end, then stop believing it! There is a place so glorious to behold that the wonders of this world pales in comparison. There is a Plan of Salvation that is so miraculous, we should all be daily jumping for joy!

The reality is, God lives, and I know it. I have seen too much to ever deny it.

Life is a miracle, a beautiful gift! Your mortal days here are numbered, "Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock."

So take a deep breath, and enjoy each day.

And believe in Jesus. I promise you won't regret it.

P.S. The video is of a song I was going to sing in church with a friend, but singing is a little unpredictable for me right now… it took me 3 tries to sing the song without crying for the video. I can teach, and speak, and other things, but music has an entirely different emotional factor -- I am not quite ready to risk singing in front of people, yet. 


  1. Absolutely beautiful, Mari! Thank you so much for sharing your talents and your faith.

  2. Talent is best when we are serving others. Welll done.

  3. i would have never known it took you 3 times to sing that song....you are a rock!! and the song was beautiful, great job. :)

  4. Beautiful! I've never been able to sing when I am enotionally fragile :( You are a very strong woman!

  5. Mari you are beautiful! I know I have said this a lot but it is so very true! I find strength from you. I always have. When you and Rachelle were my visiting teachers you were are will always be a huge blessing in my life. I hope you know this. Love you Mari that was such a beautiful song

  6. Mari I know I did not "find" your blog by accident. You are an amazing, beautiful, talented (thanks for sharing your beautiful voice with us) strong example of faith, courage and obedience! Thank you! I am a middle aged woman who has a husband that was unfaithful most of our marriage.I knew about a few things but about 5 years ago the truth of many more finally came out.We had become inactive for several years but after learning about the Addiction/recovery program offered through our church and going to a few meetings, I LOVED feeling the strong spirit and had the desire to return to church and find peace, healing and learn how to forgive all the different people involved over the years. Most women were"strangers" (many coworkers of my husband, easy access I guess) but a few were neighbors and previous ward members.I felt strongly I needed to be active and be worthy of a temple recommend again. I had faith and hope that my journey to healing would be made easier going to the temple.Unfortunately this bishop told me he wanted me to wait for my husband to go back to the temple. He had already had a bishops court about 7 years before and was on probation. That was 3 years ago. It has now been 10 years since my husband has taken the sacrament and unfortunately I couldn't understand a bishop asking me to pay an even higher price than I already had for his choices. It got too hard to continue to attend my meetings knowing my greatest desire to work for, and acquire my recommend was too far away. My husband had no desire to work to get off probation, let alone work to earn his recommend. He has done MUCH better and is being faithful to me, but my journey has not been the 1 I wanted or deserved. My husband didn't want to tell the bishop it was unfair to hold me back when I was willing to do what I needed but my husband wasn't. I kept wondering why he would ever feel impressed to make me wait. I hoped he would have a change of heart and contact me, but instead of having the temple be a place of peace and healing I felt cheated out of 1 more thing. I needed the opportunity to find peace and healing. I am sorry I didnt feel stronger and braver to face the bishop and ask him to reconsider. I am trying to have hope and faith. Trying to find the things that can help me to recover and feel strong enough to attend my meetings and want to be a part of this ward. I struggled to trust women anyway but both the last 2 Relief Society Presidents never even smiled and said "hi" let alone talked to me and made me feel welcome.So few women ever talked to me. It's been an awkward journey and I just want to feel welcome returning and am scared. I've never been super social but try to be nice and smile or say "hi" walking in the halls or sitting next to someone in Relief Society. I am loving your blog and the inspiration you give me. My heart aches for your loss. I do envy the amazing relationship you obviously had with Charles. Your journey is so different than mine. I know we all have our own paths and different challenges. Thank you for your courage to blog about your new journey. You are helping to inspire me and helping me to turn to our Father in Heaven again. To trust our Savior and the atonement and let it heal me and help me be trusting again. I couldn't understand a Father in Heaven that would call that man to be "my" bishop and he not be a source of comfort and help when I needed it the most. I was careful not to tell many others of my experience. I knew I had sustained him as our new bishop when he was called and I struggled to have understanding but also knew I still needed to sustain him as the bishop of our ward. I am praying for courage, hope and faith that I can make my way back and have a different journey this time. Thank you again for your courage and strength. I love reading each 1 of your posts and am finding strength to continue. Hugs to you Mari. You are truly an inspiration to me.

  7. Beautiful Mari! You sounded beautiful and you looked beautiful. There is a special light I see in your eyes, you've always had it but it burns ever brighter. :)

  8. Ok let's get the 'less' important stuff out of the way first by stating that YOU LOOK AMAZING!!! Honestly Mari, so, so beautiful.
    Your voice is amazing your blog post rings true.
    Keep up the good work girlfriend cause we're all rooting for you.

  9. You are a greater miracle Mari! Your eyes looked so celestial in that video of you singing. I made the video full screen so I could really look at you and feel of your Spirit. I was holding it together pretty well until you got to the verse: "did you know that He can heal a widow's broken heart….?" How did you get through that? Dang, I just had to take a deep breath just now thinking of you singing those words.
    I am so happy to hear you singing and that you are using music to help heal your heart. By the way, you had a great accompanist. Way to go Mom! You are a miracle worker too! Love you both. Thanks for the music. Keep it coming.



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