This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

I Dreamed a Dream and it Came True

A few years ago, I had a dream. It was so profound, that I wrote it down on my blog to record it. I had the dream in June 2012, and here we are approaching June 2014 -- and now the dream strikes me to my core. Read through it, and I will explain the dream at the end...
 June 2012 Dream:  
I dream a lot. Sometimes my dreams are random and weird: Running from dinosaurs, flying like Superman over the mountains, driving the wrong way on a one-way street, standing in front of my high school locker and I can't remember the combination (that one happens repeatedly?). Anyway, I dream about the "usual" while my eyes are closed . . . and I think nothing of it, most of the time... 
But last night was different. It did not feel random. It felt REAL. So real that I thought I should write it down, so I can remember it. I feel like my inadequate words are too primitive to describe the vision/dream, because most of my dream was experienced through intense feelings -- that cannot be explained -- but I still want to record it, even in simple form. And though it is fairly personal, I feel prompted to share it, and so . . . I will. 

I was standing in a hospital room. I felt good and whole, not injured or broken. I was not sure why I was there. I was surrounded by medical equipment, and it all felt very familiar -- like it was a hospital I had been to before. I was there, but I was confused. And then the doctor came in. He asked me if I was ready for the procedure. I told him, "No, but let's do it anyway." Still not knowing what was going on, I followed him into the operating room -- which strongly resembled the room that Henry was recently in -- except it was not Henry who was being operated on, it was me. 
I was lying down on the hospital bed, plugged into medical equipment, and the doctor asked me to count to 10, so I obeyed. I made it to "4" and the next thing I knew . . . I was in another place. Another world

The first thing I noticed was that I felt amazing. I felt light and weightless, and extraordinarily graceful. I was dressed in white, and I was beautiful. I was glowing, radiant, and light seemed to illuminate from my skin. It was a me I had never seen before, and certainly a me I had never felt before. I was free. I was pure. I was angelic.
I looked around and saw that I was in the most beautiful garden. I was standing in the middle of a huge grassy area, but along the edge of the circle of grass were trees and flowers of every size and color. The sun was glowing through marshmallow-like clouds, the air temperature was perfect, and the floral smell was overwhelmingly intoxicating. 
I was so happy and so free, I began to dance. My flowing white dress was swooshing around me as I began twirling -- like Julie Andrews in the beginning of The Sound of Music. My hair was long and glorious and shimmering in the sunlight. I felt so free, so alive, so full of joy . . . a feeling beyond anything I have ever experienced in this life. 
My mind was not cluttered. I felt strangely calm, and peaceful. There were no distractions, or the feeling of being rushed. I was not worried, or scared, or tempted. I was just me -- without any imperfection. Me. A beautiful, angelic, glorious, perfect, version of me. The me I wish I could be. 

And then I realized, as I was spinning around freely . . . I was in Heaven
I saw it in my sleeping-mind, as clear as any vision I have seen in the wake of day. I felt what Heaven would feel like. I experienced myself being there. I saw who I would be, who I could be. I felt the freedom that exists in the world beyond. I felt more alive than I have ever felt. I felt like I was home. Like I had finally reached that place of, "I'll be happy when." I did not want to leave. I was so content. I was perfectly free.

And then . . . I woke-up. 

I felt heavy again. I could feel every ounce of my body pressing down on me -- like gravity was my enemy. All of my imperfections were still intact, and I was keenly aware of them. I was covered in milk that had leaked all over me in the night. I was having hot-and-cold chills, a sharp pain in my side, and Henry was begging me to feed him. My flowing-white dress was no where to be seen, and I certainly did not feel like dancing. (Curling-up in the fetal position sounds about right.)

I was back in reality and I felt it. My freedom was gone. Back to the earthly-grindstone for me. 

I was left to ponder the Heavenly vision I had just beheld. My mind was fuzzy in the deep of the night, but I knew my dream was more than a dream. I was allowed to see and feel Heaven, for a very short while. I knew before in theory, but now I know for certain -- there is a place so beautiful and miraculous to behold, that I did not want to come back. I know that this life, with all it's trials, sorrows, pain, and adversity, is just a very short time -- in the Eternal scheme of things -- it is a small stepping stone to freedom. True freedom. If we are true and faithful, there is a place that holds joy beyond anything that you, or I, have ever experienced. 
End of Dream.
The first time I reread this was a few days after Charles passed away. As I read through my dream, my heart began beating wildly. In my dream I was in a hospital room that resembled the one Henry was in, and in real life Charles died in that same hospital. In the dream the doctor asked me if I was ready, and I said, "No, but let's do it anyway." In real life, I said very similar words to the doctor who asked me if we should take Charles off of the machines, and allow him to be free to go to Jesus. In my dream it was very profound that it was not Henry (or Charles) being operated on -- it was me. I am the one being operated on. I am the one left behind, going through the "surgery of life."
After experiencing some time in the hospital room in my dream, I was allowed a vision of the Spirit World. I think it is very profound, since I witnessed death in real life, and the passing of life into the Spirit World/Heaven.  My words are far too primitive to describe what I saw and felt, I tried to, but words are inadequate. I knew the moment I woke-up that the dream was not a normal dream, it was something that would one day mean something to me. I remember telling Charles about the dream in great detail, and he told me to write it down. I am so glad I did.
As I consider this dream now, I find myself in awe. I have been prepared for this time. I did not know it, but I certainly have been prepared in many, many, ways.
Also, because of my intense work with Family History and Temple work, the veil to the Spirit World has already been made thin for me. Prior to experiencing death and passing onto the next world on such a personal level, I was very familiar with the experiences you can have, when working so closely to the other side. The experiences I have had, and the Family History work I have done, has truly been a healing balm that has taken the painful sting of death from me. My knowledge of the Spirit World, and the Plan of Salvation, is such that I can only cry for so long before the reality of the connection between the two worlds overcomes me, and causes my tears to cease.
I am so grateful I was allowed such a powerful dream/vision. I am so grateful to know where Charles is, and that I was allowed a glimpse into his current paradise a few years ago. I often find myself rather jealous of Charles' current living situation, as I have seen its glory and I know it is something to look forward to, in its proper time.
There are times during the day when I stop and pause for a moment and say, "Come on, Charles, where are you? Just show yourself to me!"  Sometimes tears fall in those moments, when I am desperate for a peek at him. But the reality is, I do not have to see him to know he is there. He could come and stand in front of me right now, and it would not make my knowledge any more clear and certain of his continued existence and close proximity. I do not have to see to believe. I do not have to see to know. And I do know he is there, just as I know God is there. Oh the things I have seen and felt... WOW!
Charles has not (yet) jumped across the veil of Worlds and shown himself to me in broad daylight. That would be nice... however, I have dreamed other dreams recently, and Charles was wearing his red plaid vacation shirt, he was happy, and he was still exactly the same beautiful boy he has always been. He told me he was really busy, but he would be with me when I needed him.
I dreamed a dream... and it came true.


  1. this really is a tender mercy given to you from a loving heavenly father who knows your needs and your desires. dreams can be powerful things and i am glad you have this one to tuck away and reflect on when you want to.

  2. Yes! You have been prepared for this time Mari. And, the good news....one of my favorite mottos/scriptures...if ye are prepared, ye shall not fear! It's wonderful to see how you are going forward with faith and allowing perfect love (the Savior's love), to cast out all fear. (I love that Book of Mormon scripture too.)

    Thank you for following the prompting of the Spirit to share your dream. It is incredible! How blessed you are to have had that experience. Once again, such a dream, testifies of the Lord's love for you. How comforting it must be to know where Charles is and how happy he is there.

    One of my favorite primary songs just came to mind:

    "My life is a gift, my life has a plan,
    my life has a purpose, in heaven it began
    My choice was to come to this lovely home on earth
    And, seek for God's light to direct me from birth.

    I will follow God's plan for me
    Holding fast to His word and His love
    I will work and I will pray
    and I will always walk in His way
    and I will be happy on earth
    and in my home above."

    I'm so grateful for the plan of happiness that provides the possibility to be happy here and now on earth and in our heavenly home above.

    Thank you for choosing happiness Mari. You are conquering such a steep climb. I know you will make it to the summit.

    love you,


  3. Thank you for sharing all your wonderful experiences!!

  4. I found your blog because of the comment you made on my friend Ashlee's blog, the moments we stand. I'm sorry for your loss. You are an amazing woman. Beautiful post!

  5. Thank you for sharing Mari. What a beautiful perspective. This life really is so short compared to our eternal nature, yet at times it feels like the seconds crawl.


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