This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

Mother's Day at the Cemetery

We took a trip to the Idaho City Cemetery for Mother's Day. It was the first time the kids had been back to the cemetery since before Charles's burial. (They were not at the burial.) I thought today would be a good day to go up and show them daddy's heavenly "camping" spot. 

I must say, I love it up in Idaho City. It is such a beautiful place. It is so peaceful, and tranquil, and the air feels thick with life and spirit. I cannot tell you how grateful I am for an inspired Bishop, he listened as Charles whispered in his ear the request to be buried in Idaho City, and then he spoke the request out loud, and lifted my spirits to new heights of hope. The thought of visiting a grave anywhere else was utterly depressing for me. When the Bishop said, "Isn't there a cemetery in Idaho City?" I about jumped out of my skin with excitement. I knew it was what Charles would want, and it was also what I wanted. And now I am so grateful! Traveling to the cemetery was the perfect Sunday drive, and every time I go, I leave feeling elevated somehow. Charles presence is very strong there. That is what it is. 

We made it to the cemetery, we all got out of the car, and headed towards the spot I picked for Charles. When I chose his resting place, I did my best to find a spot that looked like a good place to set-up camp, until Jesus comes back. It is located in a beautiful circle of trees. I have been having the hardest time trying to decide what to put on the headstone, so that has not been completed, yet. I am still looking for the right quote. It is not an easy task! So, for now, Charles' resting place is a pile of dirt with no marker, except the trees that encircle him. It really would be the perfect place for a tent. 

When we got to the spot, the kids went straight over to the pile of dirt covering his grave. At first I told them not to step on it, but then I felt inclined to let them do whatever they wanted. I told them to be free -- that is what Charles would want them to be. They instantly went and walked right on top of the dirt that was directly over his grave. They began digging, and writing with sticks in the mud. Sammi said, "I jumped on daddy when he was alive, why should I stop now?" They felt totally comfortable being there, stepping right on top of where his body lay 6 feet underneath them.

 They wrote daddy some special notes… Sammi wrote, "You are Iron Man."

Henry was in a stroller, but he desperately wanted to get out and play, too. I let him free -- per Charles' request that he whispered in my ear -- and Henry went straight to the puddle of water on top of Charles' grave. He was so happy to be freely playing in the dirt and mud. It is a strange thing looking at this picture… he has no idea that his daddy's body is right under him. Charles' lifeless body may be in the ground, but his spirit surrounded us in a very powerful way. Charles was with us today. We were filled with joy, and happiness, just like any other day spent in Daddy's presence.

We used our Trek flag for a grave marker while we were there. I would have left it, but it would get ruined. It was there for us today though, and it was perfect.

I took some candid shots of the kids…

I love the look in his eyes…

We feel daddy in the wind when we are there. It has always blown in at just the right time. We say that daddy is in the wind, it causes us all to pause and feel it.

Henry was enjoying the dirt. He loved eating it.

Daniel took some time away from the other kids playing elsewhere, to go and sit next to his dad's grave. The sunlight is directly shining where Charles is laid to rest. Oh, how I wish I could read my children's minds…

Posing on the mound of dirt from the hole of her dad's grave…

William loved digging in the dirt right next to daddy. He yelled loudly, "Happy Mother's day, Mom!" Dad told me to say that." I told him to tell daddy, "Thanks!" 

Henry being disgusting, and enjoying the earth.

It was so good for the kids to be there. They did not want to leave. We stayed for a good long time.

My beautiful princess. My one and only girl. I adore her.

I don't normally let my kids eat dirt, but it felt like the right thing to do.

Perhaps it felt right so I could get these adorable and nasty pictures. 

The wind blew in just right and the kids caught a hug from daddy…

And a hug from each other…

I'm a lucky Mama…

Yes, that is grave dirt they just fell on…

Daniel reminds me of Charles. Of all the kids, he looks the most like him. Though he has my eyes…

I love this picture of Dan, he is such a good boy.

Daniel is feeling his daddy in the wind…

Dan the man. What a beautiful boy.

Sammi taking a moment to reflect…

William still digging…

Life goes on… each day is a new day full of life and adventure. I am a blessed Mother. I could not have asked for better children to be with me on this strange new journey we are embarking on, together. We took a moment and said a special prayer around Charles' grave. In the prayer I promised Charles I would bring them all back to him -- each and every one of them. If I have to throw them on my back and crawl to Heaven, I will do it. The children heard me say these words. I also promised him that our family, the van Ormer family, would do everything we can to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

The van Ormer family has the Courage to Continue!  

So, our whole family is technically in this picture… that mud puddle is right over Charles' grave. And that is why Idaho City cemetery is perfect for our family. Rules don't apply here. Freedom… beautiful freedom. We felt that freedom today while we were there, and I know that Charles is free, and he was smiling and enjoying that freedom with us today. 

P.S. Please feel free to share your thoughts and comments, even if you don't know me well. I can see you are looking… from all over the place! If you do not have an account for commenting, you can just go to the, "comment as," button and click, "anonymous," then type a comment, and leave your name. It is always nice to know who is reading… I know how many people are reading, but I do not know who you are?? If you have thoughts or comments, please share them. If you don't have thoughts or comments, please don't share them. *Wink!* - Mari 


  1. Such a beautiful place to lay your sweethearts body to rest. I'm so grateful that you found somewhere so perfect. Happy Mother's Day!!!

  2. Mari, I can and I can't imagine. Either way, your posts always move me to tears. Tears of joy, gratitude, grief, sorrow. I went on a walk with William's primary class today, and all the children were introducing themselves to me. William said just matter of factly "I'm William. No dad." Didn't even skip a beat or look up from his handful of m&m's. So I said to him -- "that's okay. Did you know I don't have any of my grandparents either?" He said "Did they die?" I said "Yup". He seemed content with that answer. I know for all of you there will be up days, down days, faithful days and doubting days. Thank you for sharing your journey so honestly, and courageously. We all must find the courage to continue through the challenges in this life. Thank you for helping inspire the rest of us!

  3. 1 Nephi 13:37--makes me think of you guys! Especially" whoso shall publish peace, yea, tidings of great joy, how beautiful upon the mountains shall they be"

  4. Love it. Thank you for sharing your soul

  5. I'm am watching :) I came by a mention on another blog and I searched and searched until I found you ... because I want to see how you do it after loss. You make me smile on days when it feels impossible to deal.

    1. Hey I'm so sorry. I totally would've given you the link to her blog. I'm glad you found it. I didn't even realize that I didn't give her link to be honest!! <3

  6. I found you from another blog and searched for Charles' obituary, which lead me here. Love to you and your family. Near Ogden, Utah.

  7. I can't think I of a better way for you to spend Mother's Day Mari. This is awesome.

  8. looks like it was a special day for you guys, glad the kids felt so comfortable there. i have never said i love a cemetery before, i but can honestly say that this one is indeed something special....it's exactly how a cemetery should be and feel. :)

  9. and that is a GREAT picture of you holding the courage to continue flag!!!! :)

  10. I'm a random lurker, a Liberal Agnostic Canadian living in Florida with no affiliation to your church or community - but I enjoy hearing about your faith and experiences as they are so very very different from mine. I'm so very sorry for your loss. Your spirit is very inspiring, thank you for writing!

  11. I love those pictures! What a special place and a special day for your family. I can't think of a better place to spend your
    Mothers day.

  12. Looks like it was a beautiful day. I really enjoyed the time we got to spend at the cemetery , it really is a wonderful place. Love you, Beth

  13. Thanks Mari. Your courage strengthens me. I am Dave Woodland, Dani Grigg's Dad and we just moved here to Boise at the beginning of April. I really appreciate your writing and think of you and yours occasionally. Be blessed.

  14. Hi Mari -- I don't know you but I worked with your husband. I found your blog from his obituary. I lost my husband in a blink of an eye in 2012. He passed a couple days after our little guy turned 2 and our daughter was 7. You are doing a great job moving forward. I lurk as a cheerleader for you as well as for me.

  15. I'm just another one of your cheerleaders. Our paths briefly crossed in Spokane. Your blog brings me courage to face my fears. I can tell you I have hugged my husband harder and been more appreciative of his efforts since I began reading your blog. I can't thank you enough.

  16. i love seeing your blog and read every inspiring thoughts from you Mari eventhough we dont know each other. It helps me a lot and strengthend my testimony about the plan of salvation and the love of God for each of us. Thanks alot for sharing. And send my love to your wonderful parents.

    1. So sorry I forgot to say that my name is Mane Fafai. I'm from Samoa. I know your parents who served their mission here in Vaiola.

  17. I remember you best from our "Eternal Marriage" Institute class. You and Charles were a cute, close couple, new to parenthood, and I remember you singing "The Last Touch" and thinking how sweet it was. (I believe your parents were teaching the class at that time.) I visit the blog fairly often, to see how your family is doing and to ponder your inspired ponderings.

  18. My dearest Mari
    It warms my heart and makes me feel so close to you and your sweet babies to see you using that banner. The night before the "life celebration ", I spent hours sewing and mending and ironing that banner so it would be perfect for the display. I loved seeing it tied up to the trees as the grave marker! I'm so happy you had a beautiful Mother's Day.
    All my love,

  19. I really love reading your posts...they remind me so much of the bittersweet experience of my daughter being stillborn two years ago. Bitter because of death and sweet because of how close it brought me to heaven. Thank you for sharing your experiences.

  20. Mari this was beautiful to see and also hard. I still am in awe and amazement of how strong you are. I hope you enjoyed mothers day with your beautiful children. We think of you all often. Mari you are an amazing mother. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I feel closer to you being away.


  21. I found your blog shortly after your husband's passing through another blog I read occasionally. You should be a motivational speaker! I am inspired by your positive outlook, courage and the real joys you are finding at this time in your life. You motivate me to be a better person and to appreciate what I have and to try harder to be there for others. I am glad I found your blog; it adds to my day in a very good way. Thank you for your willingness to share your experiences.

    Marianne (from Arizona)

  22. I have thoughts, Mari, but I'm usually overwhelmed by your pictures to express them. It's nice to be called out so I feel like less of a voyeur! Meghan Magginetti :)

  23. So happy that you had a "happy" mother's day and that your kids were free there w/ Charles. I remember watching them play there when we all drove up to see where Charles would rest. I was in awe of how happy your children were out in the woods. They were at home. It was wonderful to watch.
    The Courage to Continue Banner was beautiful over his grave. Great thinking! I love how you called out to your visitors that read your blog. I enjoyed reading their comments.

    By the way, you look so beautiful in that first picture. Please tell me you just got some amazing highlights (of course, you are beautiful anyway.... it's just your hair looks perfect and glowing. I'm thinking I seriously need to go in and get some shine put in my hair (which of course I started doing several years ago since you talked me into it. )

    Keep smiling sister! You are loved!

  24. I just found your blog through a comment you left on Ashley's blog. What an inspiring woman, mother and wife you are. Your faith strengthens mine. Thank you for sharing your soul, your pain and your incredible strength with us. You have a beautiful family, and I know your husband WILL help you "haul" your children back to heaven. :) Your family is forever!

  25. Thanks for such inspiring words and your wonderful attitude. Your example is a beacon to those of us that are lost, flailing and struggling to find the light and to enjoy the journey. So appreciate your willingness to share this journey you are going through with some of us that are complete strangers. Thanks for being a strong role model for us. And LOVE that you let your children be themselves and relate to their dad in "his resting place". Don't let anyone else's words effect how you and your children felt that day! It was good for you and what you all needed. Can tell by the great pics and the smiles and looks on their faces. :) Cindy W

  26. You know who i am BUT It is far too hard for me to comment so you shall know i am reading...i hope you are reading my blog too(you and melissa got me started)

  27. Mari, I continue to be amazed by you. I wondered how your mother's day would be for a good couple weeks before it arrived. But I can see from your posting that you made it a very special day for your family. I wish I was back in the Liberty Ward to rub shoulders with you because I love your faith, your strength, your courage, your boldness in sharing the truth, and your love for your Savior and family. I think you are a rare gem! I hope you feel hugged. Your friend, Tiffani

  28. What a beautiful and strong family! I love the pictures of your kids feeling their Daddy in the wind.

  29. Mari I just love your faith and courage. You are going to touch and change so many lives. Including mine and my children. Thank you for the strength that we will all take from you.


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