This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

My Higher Power

I love to connect with God. I need that connection now, more than ever. Death is a hard thing to experience, and I need the portals of Heaven to be open to me, so I can find out what God wants me to do with my life. At this point, I am wide-open for inspiration and guidance, since I cannot seem to solidify any of my own ideas or plans. 

I went to the temple on Saturday looking for some answers to specific questions. As I sat in the Celestial Room, basking in the light of Heaven, I received an answer -- but it was not the one I was expecting. It was actually the opposite of what I had been mapping out for my future. It is too personal to share, but let's just say it took my breath away a little.

I am still in awe of my answer, but I cannot deny that it was from God. When you are in the temple, the lines of communication are made so much clearer. At first I thought, "Are you sure, God?" But then I remembered not to doubt or question His will -- I have been given specific guidance in the temple before, and I've seen it come to fruition. I am working on trusting the Lord more, and hearing His voice and will for me the first time. It is not easy to do. Especially when my will has to be bent to His. But with God, anything is possible -- let's not forget.

I am grateful for guidance and answers received in the temple. Now to obey... that will be the real challenge.

I have also been working on some Family History lately. I do not get to it daily, but I do work on it monthly. I went over my records and found that since Charles passed away I have helped complete the temple work for 48 people. (Others have helped me get it done.) I have 51 cards in an envelope ready to take to the temple for completion. And I know there is so much more work I can gather, and prepare.

It was brought to my remembrance the blessing I had been given which said I will be "instrumental in saving the souls of many of God's children." I firmly believe that is referring to temple work and Family History. I also recall a time where I was told many years ago to, "Feed my sheep, and use your hands." This inspiration came to me at a time when I had dial-up internet, I did not have a blog, and I was not doing any Family History. I did not have a clue what the revelation meant back then, more than 10 years ago. The tools were not prepared for the work, yet. But I know exactly what it means now. Time often reveals miracles.

Inspiration is turned into perspiration.

There is so much work to be done, and it is up to us to do it. Family History work provides great happiness, and a sense of well-being. I often leave Facebook feeling empty, but I always leave familysearch.org feeling edified. If you are bored, or if you are looking for something to do that will make you feel good, then try Family History. Really, it is awesome. Don't be afraid of it!

If you have pictures of your ancestors, or stories, then start adding them to familysearch.org. Learning of the lives of my ancestors has strengthened me in my life, and the things I have gone through, especially recently. It is nice to know the angels that stand on my right hand, and on my left.

This time of year, when you feel like hibernating, is a great time to sit at the computer and make it happen. It is harder to sit still in the summer months, but now is the perfect time to find your family. Family Search has so many tools to help walk you through everything. You may think your work is done, or that some Aunt somewhere is doing it, but there is always more.

The temple has been the key to unlocking my happiness and courage. Without it, I would be singing a different song. Maneuvering through this emotional gauntlet of widowhood would be impossible without help from Heaven. I am so grateful to have a temple nearby. So very grateful.

I love the temple!

Go visit www.familysearch.org and see what you can find!

For more information on temples click: HERE 

This is the Gilbert, Arizona temple. We visited there in November on our trip. It was beautiful! 

 We got there at sunrise.

 I loved these little red plants.
 Oh, how I love Palm Trees!
 Water flowing from the temple, just like in the Bible. So beautiful.
 I love desert plants.

 Flowers in November...

 Henry was so happy to be there.
 Such beautiful and intricate details.

 This is my sister-in-law, Amy. She drove with us to the temple. I love the light.
 Henry loves the temple! He was wondering why the Angel Moroni was up on top, he said, "Get down Moroni!" 

Henry running towards the temple. 
  We should all be so excited to see the temple!
Run to the temple! 


  1. Great pictures....come to think of it, I'd like Moroni to get down too! ;) It's a beautiful temple, as are all of them. I'm glad you get to go so often!

  2. Remind me to ask you about inspiring our youth to take Elder Christofferson's challenge of taking 10 family names to the temple.
    I definitely could use some tips on getting them interested/excited about it. We have done a few indexing activities w/ them and it's gone well.
    I will go on family search now and see how to find names/people to take to the temple. I'm so excited about all the people you're finding to do temple work for.
    Must be such an awesome feeling. I don't know that I've ever done a family name. I better get to work.
    Thanks for preserving so much of our family history. You do it so well.

    I'm happy you are receiving revelation in the temple. The Lord's answers are always best because He wants what is best for us. He truly does. We are His children. He wants us to be happy. So, just remember, the answer you received will bring you joy (if not right away.....eventually.) I love to see God's miracles unfold. He certainly knows what He's doing. : ) Thank goodness!

    love you sister!


  3. The temple is awesome. I'm happy you have it close enough to go often and receive inspiration and healing. I'm interested to see what your future holds. I'm nervous it will take you away from us. ;) But, following the Lord's inspiration will always lead you to the right place. Love you!

  4. I love to read about your feelings and testimony of the temple. I have such mixed feelings about the temple myself. It is such a sacred place. It disturbs me when people go and sleep through it or make a big deal about going regularly but aside from their church attendance, you would never know that they were attempting to live the gospel. I know our personal journeys towards exhaltation are unique but the hypocrisy of how some people live and then enter holy places disturbs me. I know this sounds judgmental and we are all sinners trying to be better but it confuses me.

    I appreciate your pure joy, love and testimony of the temple.


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