This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

The Answers Will Come

I wrote this post on March 17, 2014 -- just a few weeks before Charles died. As I read back over it today, I was reminded to trust my feelings. I have continued to have the feelings of "wait" before being hasty, and making large changes. It is not out of an inability to choose a course of action, but rather it is simply my choice to wait. Waiting IS a decision. When I say "wait" I do not mean to sit and do nothing, and watch out the window for an opportunity. But I do believe as I continue moving forward in faith with my family, continuing on with our current circumstances, doors will open to us, and a way will be made clear. For now, I am determined to enjoy exactly what life is, right where we are, because what we have now is good. Only time will tell what the future holds. Let me just add that once again, I feel the need to wait because something is coming... 

If there is one thing I am really bad at, it is being patient. I have a very difficult time waiting for answers. I want to know the solution to the problem, so that I can get to work at doing what needs to be done. Once I know the direction we are supposed to go, the work to get to the goal does not bother me. It is the waiting, the not knowing, it is being in "limbo" that torments my mind, and makes me worry, and fret. 

I am currently working on my patience skills. 

Lately, we have felt what we like to call "Divine Discontent". We are doing fine, things are trucking along just peachy -- but there is something, something, that makes us feel that change is coming, or needed, or imminent...

But we don't know what the change is! 

In moments like these, it is hard to know what moves to make. 

Do we go this way, or that way? Do we change this, or that? Do we stay, or go? 

We don't know. 

But there is something...something unknown. I can feel it in my bones. 

We just don't feel "settled". (Maybe there is no such thing as feeling settled?) I wouldn't know, we have never really been settled in our 14 years of marriage. We have always been in school, or renting houses, or living in a two bedroom home -- it is hard to feel settled in those circumstances. It is not for lack of trying! 

We have been very happy in all of our circumstances, but we have not felt like we have planted our "roots" somewhere. We have a desire to stabilize things, because our children are growing way too fast. Sammi has only 5 years left until college -- 5 YEARS! Yikes!

We just want to find home. Not just "a home," but "the home"We want to find a place that is just right for our family. We are not horribly picky, but it just has to feel right. And it is not that we are not content now, with what we have -- we are. It is not that we do not love having 1 bathroom for 6 people -- somehow we make it work. It is a miracle! But I confess, I (we) do hope for more one day. (One more bathroom would be amazing!

We are in a position to find a home, and settle in. But over the last few years or so, we have struggled with making a choice about a home. We have looked at countless homes. (Charles has his Realtor license, which is very convenient -- we can view homes without the pushy salesman aspect.) But we have not found anything that we really like! We have probably looked at hundreds of homes now, in all areas of our city. We have also considered adding-on to our current home. We have even had plans drawn-up, but we still have our reservations about proceeding -- we can't seem to jump in with both feet. We have even considered staying where we are forever, and seeing if we can pull off 6 people in our 2 bedroom 1 bath, with teenagers. (Doesn't that sound fun?!) We have considered many, many, options. 

But nothing feels right, right now. 

We search, we plan, we hope, and we feel no sense of direction. We settle on one idea for a time, only to feel unsettled about it a week later. 

Our course is not clear. We don't know what move to make. 

However, there is one thing that feels right, the only thing that feels right, and that is... 


Wait. Be patient. Hold your horses. The answers will come… 

So, we wait. 

*Again, we only had to wait 2 weeks after this post for the clot to end Charles' life. We were being protected. Just imagine had we started adding on to our house, or in the process of moving/buying/selling. We were waiting for a reason we could not see, but God could see it. This is exactly why I want to learn to trust God more, and even my own feelings that He gives me. I absolutely don't think you should wait your life away, but if God tells you to be patient, then it is wise to listen. No matter what anyone else tells you. 


  1. i remembered this post right after charles passed away...very telling. you're right, waiting isn't a bad thing. often times it's the right thing because we can all be a bit too hasty! we need to take the time to wait, slow down, and listen...just like you said! :)

  2. This is why I appreciate my own personal relationship with Christ. Because as I listen to him and know for myself, I can have people say things to me and it not affect me due to trusting only Him and that relationship. For you it is to wait. For others it is to act. This is the beauty of divine revelation.

  3. Amen sister!
    I completely have a testimony of pressing on with patience. During some of my 'unsettling times' of life, patience always paid off. I remember time and again, the scripture in Alma 27:26......"....be patient in affliction and I will give you SUCCESS!" Yes! The Lord wants to give us success, not misery and endless wo. But, we must proceed in His path. Patience, trust, yielding, pressing forward. He is waiting to bless us.

    I am so grateful you found this post. So inspiring and what a great reminder to you of how aware God is of your family.

    Sure love you.



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