This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

We Do Not Get to Create God

I am a daughter of my Heavenly Father. I love Him, and He loves me. I lived with Him before I was born. He knows me by name, because He is my Father. He sent me to Earth to be tested, to see if I would endure mortality, remain faithful, be obedient, so that I can return to His glorious presence. Jesus Christ is God's son. He is my Savior. He died that I might live again. There is an eternal plan for me. There is an eternal plan for all of us. It is called the Plan of Happiness. (Click HERE for more information.)

I know this with everything that I am. 

I know it now, more than ever. 

Today I read a concerning news article. It was about the theory that we do not need God in our lives, to be happy. As I read through this unfortunate article, my heart burned with the knowledge I've been blessed with, and the love I feel for my Heavenly Father. I felt sad for this person who chose to purposefully ignore his Creator, so he could give life a try without Him -- so he could be "free." I suppose he wanted to be rid of God, so he could be free to feel and explore the world without guilt, or limitations. He wanted to experience mortal life without a connection to Deity, so he could experience life on his own. He thought he might find some even greater power within himself. 

As I read through the disturbing words, my thoughts turned to the reality that God is in His Heaven, and we are all His children. Throughout history, humanity is often found "creating" God in a way that suits their individual needs, lifestyles, and beliefs. Many choose to believe in a "Higher Power" without religion of any form, so they can be free with their lives -- to "believe" without any strings attached. Often times people believe they will be better off without God in there lives. They just don't want the pressure. And they simply cannot believe in something they cannot see. They want proof. They require visual evidence before belief. 

The reality is, visual evidence is all around us. But you have to believe to see it. 

It is true that people are free to choose what they will, and will not, believe.  

God does not force us to love Him. 

Agency, and the ability to make decisions, is a gift from God that we have had from the beginning. 

You can choose to love God, or hide from Him. Hiding from Him does not make Him cease to exist.  

I could almost feel my sweetheart, Charles, rolling in his grave, as I read through this doubt-filled article. I have known of God all my life, but Charles lived 17 years of his life unacquainted with his Creator. He described them to me as very dark years, and he felt very lost, and confused. He wanted to believe in a God -- he knew something powerful was out there -- but he did not know where to find Him. His life was without direction, he lived for himself, and basically wandered the Earth not knowing who he really was. He knew he was human, that was about it. 

When God found Charles, he was perhaps at the lowest point in his life. Charles had been introduced to the gospel of Jesus Christ through family members. He was hit by a semi-truck, and walked away unharmed, and he felt that God had saved him. He read The Book of Mormon, he knew it was true, and he decided to be baptized. He completely changed his life from a rowdy, lost, teenage boy. He worked hard, earned all the money he needed to serve a 2 year mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, he got married in the temple, went to college, became a father, and on to Law school. When he died, he was running his own Law firm. 

His life changed, because he learned to recognize who he really was: A Child of God. 

The light of God was infused into his soul, and he was able to turn his dark life, into one of joy and happiness. He knew he had an eternal purpose, and something worth living for, and fighting for. It was obedience to God's laws that set him free. It was his connection with God that made him whole and powerful.  

Charles is no longer mortal. His life was cut short through the frailties of this world. His mortal husk remains in the Idaho City Cemetery, but He is currently serving as one of God's angels. His spirit was vibrant and lively while in the flesh, and he remains brighter still. 

He knows God lives. 

I wish that everyone would recognize their eternal potential. I wish that everyone would allow God to fill their lives with His infinite love. He so desperately wants us to return to Him. Why do we insist on running from the One who gave us our very lives? Why do we run from our loving Father?

Mortal life is short, and we are frail, and vulnerable. We are on borrowed time, and life can be taken from us at any moment. We think we are in control here, but we are not. We fancy ourselves supremely smart, and well-educated -- we think we will never really die, but we will. And when we do, we will face our Maker. 

God is the Creator of Heaven and Earth. I know it. All things denote there is a God. Whether you see His creations and miracles as what they are, depends on they clarity of your faith. The more -- not less -- you exercise your faith, the more clear His miracles, and wonders become, and the more you can absolutely know that He exists, and that He loves you so very much! 

As for me, I will love and serve my Heavenly Father all my days, and beyond. I know He lives. I have stared into a bleak 6 foot hole in the ground, pouring my tears over the casket of my young husband. The plot for my own body is waiting next to his, when I am through with this phase of life. I have seen the man that I love -- the father of my children -- take his last mortal breath, and pass into another world. I have been left a widow, with 4 children to take care of. I have had experiences so fiercely human and painful, that I have been left to cry out, "God, are you really there?" 

In my darkest hours, as I flooded my pillow with my tears, something inside of me burned. It was as if my physical body melted away, and all I could feel was my spirit. In all of my sorrow, and pain, I could feel the Love of God permeating my soul, causing me Heavenly comfort and hope. I have had experiences so profoundly Heavenly, that I had to pinch myself to make sure I was still merely human. I have seen the hand of God in my life with such force, that I want to yell from the rooftops that, "Yes, my friends, God does live!" 

I have always known that God is in His Heaven, since I was a little girl singing, "I am a Child of God," in primary. I know more powerfully now than ever, God lives. 

I have seen too much to ever deny it. 

He is our Father. Oh, how He loves us. 

Do not let the confusing voices of the day pull you away from Him, and true lasting happiness. It is not up to us to create God, or define Him how we see fit -- or cast Him aside, like He is expendable in our lives. He is the One in charge. He is the One with Ultimate Power.  He created us. We are His children. We belong to Him. 

Can you not feel that? 

You might disregard Him, but He is always there. 


All things denote there is a God... believing is seeing. 


  1. Your photographs illustrate your words perfectly. They are really stunning!

  2. I loved this post! Those pictures are breathtaking. :)

  3. Mari, your pictures are stunning. (What kind of camera do you use and do you use special lenses?) This amazing earth is proof that there is a God and that His love for us is immense. Every flower is a miracle, every bird is a gift. I am blessed to live in the Valley of the Sun. Being a nature lover from birth, I was apprehensive about my move here, to a desert. (I know well the Snake River Plateau and love more lush areas.) But this desert is a wonder. I greatly enjoy your pictures of the beauty we are blessed with down here.

    You have a gift of seeing and capturing the exquisite beauty around you. You even make eastern Idaho look good! Lol. Your pictures of Alaska are breathtaking. You could sell books of your travels.

    Thank you for sharing your vision with us.


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