This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

Never Alone

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Sometimes it feels like you are alone. At least, sometimes I feel like I am alone. There are some days, or even longer, when it feels like you have been left to handle things on your own, and you wonder if there is anyone who understands. I wonder these things, from time to time.

I started feeling this way a few days ago. There was just a weight placed on my shoulders, and a kind of empty feeling in my soul. I had been sick -- which never helps anything -- and my mind took me to places of loneliness and sorrow. Even though I am surrounded by people often, it is hard not to feel alone... because I walk alone, without a companion to share life with.

There is something truly special about a marriage relationship that brings a sense of purpose and comfort. That is missing from my life now, and sometimes I feel kind of aimless, and without direction. My life and future made sense before, and now... well, I am working on figuring it out. But it is a lonely road, making choices alone for my family.

This pressure of loneliness would not relent. I shed many tears. It was not from a lack of interaction with people, or anything, it was deeper than that. It is part of the process of grieving and working through sorrow, it ebbs and flows, like a river of emotions rushing through my heart, it is unpredictable, and ever changing. I cannot avoid it, I have to work through it. I feel pretty great most of the time, but sometimes it is just hard, and that is an understatement. Walking through the valley of death is fraught with peril and uncertainty.

Finally, yesterday, as I was sitting in the car, waiting to pick up Sammi from school, I just started to cry, and I asked, "Heavenly Father, are you even there?" Can you not see my need? Can you not help me?" My heart ached with these questions. It felt like the angels that normally attend me, had gone on vacation for awhile.

Just as soon as I asked those words to Heaven, a song came on called, "Never Alone," by Hilary Weeks. As I listened to the words, I sat in awe of how perfectly they expressed my feelings. My tears poured out freely, and I knew that He was answering my prayer through music, as He so often does for me -- because music is the way to my soul. He knows that. I know that. He also knows that Hilary Weeks is the angel voice to use to pierce my heart. She who once taught me in primary in Alaska, still teaches me now as an adult.

My spirit began to feel lifted, and lighter. Once again it was made clear to me that, yes, Heavenly Father is there, He can see my need, and He can help me. My angels are never on vacation, but sometimes I need to knock on Heaven's door, and invite them to stay with me awhile.

This time of year can be a challenge. It is dark, it is winter, it is cold, everything is grey and dreary. Sometimes that grey can cover the sunshine in the soul, and block out the light. I do not love January, but I hold onto hope for the spring to come in it's glory, because it will come. The light will come and fill the world with warmth once again.

I find in moments of grief, sorrow, pain, and loneliness, I am never really alone. Sometimes it sure feels like it, but I am not.

While traveling through darkness and shadows, I need to remember to reach for the Light. Because the Light is always there, even when I can't see it through the fog.

We are never alone. Not ever alone.

I think I found a new favorite song.

All of the pictures in this video were taken from my blog after Charles died. 


  1. That happy face signifies a digital smile and hug. Just a little bit longer and the sunny days will come!

  2. Beautiful, Mari. Thank you for sharing.

  3. I'm sorry life stinks sometimes. :(
    That's a lovely song, I can see why it meant so much to you that day! I know that you know you are never alone, but even with that knowledge it won't take away the sting all the time. I wish this feeling to pass quickly for you....and to not return anytime soon!

  4. Thanks for the tears. I did love the video and the music, though.

    We are all in this together.


  5. I'm crying. That video and song was hard to watch but very good if that makes sense at all. I feel so deeply sorry that you don't have Charles. It breaks my heart. I thought about it a ton last night at the derby. I miss him. I'm glad you can still have all this help from heaven and have the ability to rexogniE it. So important. I'm glad you blog.

  6. So beautiful Mari. I felt very peaceful while watching this video. Your courage shines through so bright. You keep shining sister!
    I'm so grateful you know you are never alone.

  7. That's a beautiful song and timely for my life right now.


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