This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

Random Life Post

I get really behind on posting the normal day-to-day stuff. I need to make sure I document that, as well as my thoughts and feelings. The kids prefer the random life posts, so I should probably do them more often!

The picture above is the family getting ready to go and see the Hobbit 3 movie. I figure the family that spits toothpaste together, sticks together. We have one bathroom, and so we often have to share mirror/sink time. But you know what? I love every crazy minute of it! This family of mine, we are tight! Being close in proximity has been a HUGE blessing during this time. There is no where to hide and cry, no where to be alone. Nope, we are all in this together!

Notice the Hobbit cloaks... yeah my kids are into it.

What did I think of the movie? I really enjoyed it. I think I will write my review about it in a full post, later.

During the holidays someone did the 12 days of Christmas for us. It was amazing. Everyday for 12 days there would be a knock at the door, and a gift left for us. They left a turkey, pies, bulk cookie ingredients, boxed/canned food, oranges, and more. Everyday there was a piece of a nativity set along with the gift. It was such a beautiful, wonderful, thoughtful, marvelous gift to our family. We love you!

I am so behind... Here is Henry super excited about taking out Christmas. We love Christmas at our house, and we do it up right. We fill the house with decorations, yummy smells, and light. I loved every moment of the Christmas season this year, it was magical. There was a special spirit in our home the whole time. 
 Henry loved Christmas!

One new thing we have been doing is reading The Book of Mormon in different languages. Charles went on his mission in Toronto, Canada, and he gathered a bunch of books in different languages, because the area was a melting pot of humanity. I would love to gather The Book of Mormon in every language printed and have an entire book shelf full -- that would be super awesome. 

We read a verse in another language, then we read it in English. It is funny how fluent the kids sound sometimes when we really have no idea what we are saying without the translation. It is really fun though, you should try it. 

We had the awesome Sister Missionaries over for dinner. These girls are GREAT! We had so much fun with them! Seriously, they are the cutest girls. Love them! 
We have had all sorts of concerts. Daniel had his band concert. He plays the Baritone... he is hiding in the picture, you can see his instrument right next to the girl in red. Henry would not let me go in the gym, he was too excited to be still. 
 I got a knock on my door and it was a sweet girl who delivered cupcakes to me from my sister in Alaska. She works with her in the Young Women program at church. She caught me right before I left for a run. Good timing!
 Super yummy cupcakes!
 Back from the run. Sweaty and cold. It was freezing, but you gotta do what you gotta do. And this girl has got to RUN! Daniel came along with me. It is nice to have kids big enough to go too!
 Enjoying the cupcakes...
 So yummy!
 Sammi's room is in the small walk-in closet attached to my room. It is a little cove of magic for her. It is amazing how little space we need to have a good life. All four of the kids were enjoying time together reading, drawing, and climbing. We don't just make do, we make doing fun!

 Here we are watching the Hobbit with our friends that are family, the Harlins. Between our two families there are 7 boys, and a Sammi. She is like Snow White, and the 7 dwarfs. :)
 A crazy-eye picture by the Hobbit poster.
 I was too much in the moment for Christmas that I did not take many pictures. Here we are opening traditional Christmas Eve pajamas.
 Getting ready to watch the Polar Express, a much anticipated tradition. They are not allowed to watch it any other time except Christmas Eve. They were showing it in Daniel's 6th grade class and he freaked-out and told the teacher he just could not watch it! Luckily there was a movie in another classroom, so he watched that one instead. I thought it was hilarious that he was so worried, and devoted to our tradition.
 Henry was enthralled the whole time. It started to snow right when we started the movie -- a true Christmas miracle. It was perfect.
 Santa was good to us this year. But the big box was the best. It was a trampoline from Daddy. The kids are super excited to put it up in the spring! My heart is still bursting with gratitude for all the kind and thoughtful gifts this year. Thank you, thank you!
 LEGOS are what the kids really wanted, and they were not disappointed. They spent most of the break building. I love to watch them build, it is so good for them to be creative and use their hands. We do have a Disney Infinity, but I was happy to discover that they played only 6 hours a month (it keeps track) over the course of the year. They can only play on Saturday. I like it when the kids read, write, play, build, sing, create, and just have fun.

 Speaking of fun... Daniel has discovered a new love. He had his first go at snowboarding, and he LOVED it! Tyson Harlin took the boys up to Bogus Basin, for some winter fun. Everyone had such a great time. Daniel loved it so much that he started working with a man in our ward, to earn the money to pay for it. He has been helping with various manual labor jobs, and even been working with chickens. One day he came home with a bunch of eggs for me. It was great! I really want my kids to learn how to work hard, and work smart. And have fun too!

Sammi had her choir concert. It is always wonderful. This year they were really, really, good! I loved all the Christmas music. I love that they still sing about Jesus at school. Thank you, Idaho. 

 At the very end of the concert they sing "A Thousand Candles" and they light real candles! It is always amazingly powerful. I love it.
I went to visit my Nan in Utah before we came home from our trip. She is 91 this year, and she made me a special blanket. She called it her, "hug from Nan." I can wrap it around me if I ever need a hug. She started exercising her fingers, so she can make beautiful things with her hands again -- you are never too old to make progress and work miracles! Oh, how I treasure my Nan hug! 

Last night, on Charles birthday, was Daniel's Priesthood Preview, where he learned the responsibilities of holding the Priesthood of God. He will be turning 12 in April, and then we will have the Priesthood back in our home! Yea! It was for him and his great friend, Matt Harlin -- they are the only two boys turning 12 this year. It was a great meeting. I really enjoyed it. Only 6 more years until these boys will be missionaries! WOW! 

Rachelle Harlin and I are Visiting Teaching companions, and great friends. We met because we started out as companions 7 years ago, and have since become sisters. Don't tell me it's not an inspired program, because their family has become our family, and we might not have become close any other way, since we have always been serving in different places at church. We spent a good portion of our time with the Harlin's over the break. People think I am without family here in Idaho, but it's not true. I am surrounded by family. That is why I am here to stay. 

Please, if I failed to mention you in this post, it is only because I did not have a picture to go along with it. There has been so much kindness, love, gifts, and friendship in my life, and I am so, so grateful! I need to get better at taking pictures of more moments! Maybe I should make that a goal! 

This is the quote that currently sits on our quote board... 


  1. I am so glad you and the kids had a wonderful Christmas.

    I love your idea of collecting all the different languages that the Book of Mormon are published in, it's such a fabulous idea!

  2. I love to see the day to day stuff and I am glad you guys are here to stay. We would miss you too much! :)

  3. loved this post! looks like you guys had a great christmas season and i'm happy for that!

  4. I like this random post of day to day living. Great stuff.


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