This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

I Wanna See You Be Brave

Sometimes life requires you to be brave. No one ever promised the journey would be easy -- just that it would be worth it! We are here on earth to see what we are made of -- strength, or weakness.

Which one do you choose?

Sure, we all have weaknesses, but they can be turned into strength, with God's help -- I have seen it.  

We just have to decide the answer to this question:

Am I strong? Or am I weak?

The funny thing about discovering your courage, moxie, or bravery, is that you must be faced with fear, insecurity, and weakness. You have to experience an opposing force, in order to see how you will rise, or fall, to an occasion.

One of my favorite quotes is:

"Courage is being scared to death… and saddling up anyway."  - John Wayne

My new life has been filled with moments where I have been allowed to test my strength, and fortitude, while facing some of my greatest fears. Actually, each day I wake-up and get out of bed is an accomplishment. For me it is being on the edge of sleep in either direction -- going to bed, or waking-up -- that tests the strength of my mind and spirit the most. It is when my brain is fuzzy, and tired -- that is when fear and sorrow creeps in. (The importance of proper sleep is another blog post entirely.) Let's just say I have to be very diligent about getting enough sleep… otherwise my weaknesses might win.

Yesterday, I was allowed to jump over a hurdle of fear, and test my strength.

I went back to the hospital where I left Charles' lifeless body.

It was time for Henry's kidney ultrasound. This was the appointment we were supposed to have on April 1st, the day that Charles died -- obviously, I had to reschedule.

The imaging center we went to was in the same hospital where Charles died. I knew I would have to enter the building through the same doors that I exited the hospital, the last time I saw Charles. I was not sure how I would feel -- emotions are really unpredictable. Especially when there are obvious things that can trigger them.

So, knowing that it might be difficult to enter those doors of death again, I decided to bring a ball of sunshine with me. I brought my Sammi. It was a stroke of inspiration to bring her -- having her with me turned my night into day. You see, some people have little black rain clouds that follow them, but Sammi is like being around the warmth and brightness of the sun. I just knew I needed her to be with me.

Sammi in front of the hospital doors.

Luckily, it was a beautiful morning -- a huge contrast to the last time I had been to the hospital. (April 1st was a miserable, grey, rainy day.) The beauty of the morning certainly helped keep my brain positive, and my heart happy.

As we were driving to the hospital, we had the windows rolled-down, enjoying the day, and then the song, "Brave" came on. I cranked-up the volume. The words, "I wanna see you be brave," filled my heart with courage.  It was a very timely song. I could not help but smile at the message sent just for me. When I was in Alaska, my sister played "Brave" for me, and she said it was my song.

At that moment, a feeling of, "I got this!" came over me.

We made our way to the hospital parking lot, parked the car, put Henry in the stroller, and made our way to the once dreaded hospital doors. But my heart was not failing me. I felt fine, good even -- Sammi was with me. I was brave.

We made it to the spinning door, into the lobby, and I was still fine. We went through the motions of going here and there, on the elevator, to the appointment, and all was well. Henry did a great job at the ultrasound -- other than a little crying -- but he was a champ. I was there to comfort Henry, Sammi was there to comfort me, and Heavenly Father was there to comfort all of us!

Henry waiting for his ultrasound.

After the appointment, we were waiting for an elevator, and some automatic doors opened-up into an area that looked a little too similar to the ER -- my heart skipped a beat for a moment -- but I talked through it with Sammi. We determined it was not the ER by looking at some signs on the wall. But it sure made my heart ache for a moment -- especially because someone was wheeling an empty stretcher around, and it caused some unpleasant images, and sad thoughts, to flash into my mind. Again, in this moment, Sammi made all the difference in the world. Had I been alone, it would have been awful. Because she was there, we easily talked our way through it. It needed to be Sammi, because she is as close to the situation as me. We are in this thing together!

We made our way out of the hospital, and we stopped for a picture by the front entrance.

I did it! We did it!

I faced my fear and lived! (Thanks to Sammi!) 

I got back on the horse after falling off. But only with some help! I knew that at some point, I would have to make peace with the hospital again. I also knew I should have someone with me to ease the pain, and I was right! I will likely frequent the building many times in the future -- I cannot let it conquer me each time. I also learned that sometimes even I need help, and emotional support. I am not meant to face everything alone. No one is! 

I do not believe in avoidance when it comes to doing hard things -- I could have scheduled the appointment somewhere else. For me, going back to places that are meaningful -- even places that are difficult -- can be empowering. I am not afraid of feeling. Sometimes feeling something is better than feeling numb! I know strange emotions will come, but that is not always a bad thing. With this particular place, I knew I would need a little extra support, because the hospital is a highly-charged emotional location, even without having lost someone there.

The hospital is a building full of death and despair, where my life was changed forever. But it is also a place of hope and healing for the future. It is also a place of life and joy, it is the place where Charles and I brought Henry into the world, together. I felt all of the emotions connected to the place, but I could also feel a protective barrier around my heart.

The thing is, I live in the same house where Charles first fell to the floor, when he cried out, "I can't breathe!" I sit in the same place on the couch where he sat with his eyes uncontrollably twitching. I run the same trail that we walked together, the night before he died. I sleep in our same bed. I wear his clothes. I read his journals. And I use his razor to shave my armpits. (He doesn't seem to mind so much now.) 

I cannot avoid life and memories. They are everywhere. There is no where to run and hide. All I can do is have the courage to take life one day at a time, and face my fears daily -- choosing courage.

Choose to be brave. It is better than choosing to be weak.

God wants to see you be brave!

Me and Henry, standing in front of the hospital where Charles died. 
P.S. Henry has his follow-up appointment with the doctor, to determine where we go from here. I don't know anything new, yet.


  1. You are brave and you conquered that appointment yesterday. I'm so glad you had Sammi with you. She definitely has a happy, calming spirit about her. She seems so mature and wise, like an old soul. It really, really makes me happy you have her. :)

  2. i want to see you be brave too....good for you!!

  3. Way to be brave! Thank goodness for songs that provide the message we need to hear at the very moment we need it. I will always remember, as we drove to your home after Charles' life celebration, you cranked up the car stereo and turned on "Let it Go." We all sang our hearts out: "Let it go, let it go, don't hold it back anymore, let it go, let it go, turn away and slam the door....." It really was a song of release at that moment. I was amazed that you could sing after 'letting go' of Charles. What a gift!

    Speaking of singing...Sammi is a song of sunshine! She radiates such hope, happiness, & love. Her gift of music really touched my heart while she visited us in AK. Hearing her sing "Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again," made my heart ache, yet soar. There is hope and healing in her voice. I love it! I love Sammi! She would be one of my first picks to take to such an appt as you had w/ Henry. She is so optimistic. There is an old song called, "Keep on the sunny side of Life." I think that is what it's called (correct me if I'm wrong Mom or Dad.) Sammi stays on the sunny side. I love being around happy people like her.

    I'm glad you were able to have a successful trip entering those hospital doors. As President Benson often said: "Replace fear with faith." You did it!

    Love you,


  4. Mari,
    I found your blog through Ashlee's and I have to say that I'm blown away by your strength in spite of losing your husband. You are really a light and I have learned a ton through reading your blog. Thank you for sharing.

    I received a copy of BYU Magazine a few days ago and was reading one of the articles last night called Healing=Courage+Action+Grace and I just had the thought that I should share the link with you. It really touched me and for some reason I thought of you, a woman I don't know, but you seem to be living the principles taught in that article. Here it is: http://magazine.byu.edu/?act=view&a=3359

    Much love to you and your family.

  5. Kary... I think the song you are referring to is a real "oldie but goodie" . It is called, "Sunnyside of the Street" and here are the words to the first verse:

    Grab your coat and get your hat
    Leave your worries on the doorstep
    Life can be so sweet
    On the sunny side of the street

    And that is my contribution to your "love having a positive attitude" for the day. One more thought: I always loved living on Sunnyside Avenue in Phoenix. It made me smile just to look at the street sign.



  6. Oh Mari I'm glad you were able to have your Sammi with you! She sounds like such a wonderful daughter that is a joy to be around. Sammi keep bringing sunshine to your family and especially your mother you will be blessed for it!
    With Love,

  7. Mom,

    The lyrics of your Sunnyside of the Street didn't quite sound like what I was looking for, so I googled "keep on the sunny side of life" and found it. If you've never heard it, give it a go. It's a happy tune of hope.

    There's a dark & a troubled side of life
    There's a bright, there's a sunny side, too
    Tho' we meet with the darkness and strife
    The sunny side we also may view

    [cho:] Keep on the sunny side, always on the sunny side,
    Keep on the sunny side of life
    It will help us ev'ry day, it will brighten all the way
    If we'll keep on the sunny side of life

    The storm and its fury broke today,
    Crushing hopes that we cherish so dear;
    Clouds and storms will, in time, pass away
    The sun again will shine bright and clear.
    Let us greet with the song of hope each day
    Tho' the moment be cloudy or fair
    Let us trust in our Saviour away
    Who keepeth everyone in His care


  8. I really love my heavenly father, jesus christ, my earthly father, and my mom. They are all great examples of being brave and showing courage in the face of obstacles. I am glad that I was able to go with my mom to the hospital. I'm sure really sure that I was much help besides rubbing Henry's hair when he was getting the ultra sound, but I'm glad that my mom thought that I was nice to have around. : )

    While we are all posting lyrics, here are some that really apply to life now. (that and they are by my favorite singer :D!!)

    I have watched you fall
    Through those tender years
    And every time I thought there must be more that I could do
    You found a light
    A different way out there in front of you

    I am in your eyes
    Just that close to you
    And now I see your innocence against a troubled sky
    Everything you once believed is now a question why
    It’s ok

    Don’t lose your faith
    Don’t turn away
    Everything that makes you who you are will not lead you astray

    When it gets cold
    Too dark to see
    Reach in your soul and find me there,
    I’ll always be
    Your constant angel

    Who could ask the years
    To keep its truth from you
    There will be times you won’t believe in much of anything
    That’s when you’ll find the grace of God in just surrendering
    It’s ok

    Don’t lose your faith
    Don’t turn away

    Everything that makes you who you are will not lead you astray

    When it gets cold
    Too dark to see
    Reach in your soul and find me there,
    I’ll always be
    Your constant angel

    In every prayer
    I am constantly there with you

    Don’t lose your faith
    Don’t turn away
    Everything that makes you who you are will not lead you astray

    When it gets cold
    Too dark to see
    Reach in your soul and find me there,
    I’ll always be
    Your constant angel

    I love you all and wish you many happy years. Remember, you can choose to make them happy, and if you do, they will be!!

    -Sammi van Ormer (Mari's daughter) : )

    1. Sammi, I haven't heard that song. Is it on youtube? I love the words.

      Your mom told me how much she appreciated you being there with her. I appreciate it too. I wish I could be there every time she needs someone, but then I remember that she has you. You keep her faith strong...mine too. Everyone nicknamed you with the right name when you were a baby. You were and still are "Sammi Sunshine".

      Hope you have a wonderful birthday on Saturday and I can't wait to see you again in September.

      By the way, how many days, hours, minutes etc. until school starts?

      Love you sooooooooooooooooooooooooo much.



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