This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

Taking Pictures Makes Me Happy

I LOVE taking pictures. And now, I need to take pictures! Right before I left Alaska, my dad gave me a Father's blessing. Much of what was said is too special to share. However, there is one thing I would like to share. I was counseled to find beauty in everything around me, and to capture beautiful images with my camera -- for it would cause me great joy and happiness.  I love capturing images with my camera. It really does make my heart soar with joy!

I was getting a little low tonight -- because it is so stinking hot, and all we can really do is lay in front of the fan during the day -- but then, to get me out of my heat-funk, I decided to grab my camera, and take some pictures of Henry.

Yes, it was still hot, but I was hot and happy -- rather than hot and miserable. I find that being idle is the absolute WORST thing for feeling lame, and having unwanted emotions creep-in. Even doing the dishes is better than doing nothing. If you are not feeling awesome just sitting and doing nothing, then get up, and get busy doing SOMETHING!

I peeled my sweaty-self off the couch, and decided to soak in the cuteness, and beauty, of my Henry.

Do you know how grateful I am for him? Do you know what a joy he is to our family? It is really a blessing to have a little cherub who needs me to wake-up in the morning, and tend to his needs. He is a ball of energy, but he is just what our family needs right now -- constant motion, and spontaneous entertainment. He is also our angel of music. He sings ALL the time. His voice is like a healing balm to my soul.

Henry will be going in for his kidney appointments in a little over a week. (The appointments he had originally scheduled on the same day Charles died.)  I am a little anxious about the appointments, and to find out what will be the verdict for him. Also, when I take him, I will have to enter the same hospital that I left Charles in -- through the very same doors. Let's pray I can keep myself together. I think I will take my Sammi with me… she makes everything better.

When I first found out about Henry's kidneys (before he was even born), I heard a Voice tell me that, "It will be hard, but it will be OK." Well, I certainly did not know what level of "hard" I was going to be facing -- with the loss of Charles too -- but I have been promised that it will be "OK". And so, I hold to that. And even if it is not OK, it will still be OK. Because no matter what happens, God is always with me. And we were sent here to have these hard kinds of experiences, and to learn to trust in our loving Heavenly Father.

And I do, I really do trust my Heavenly Father! And you should too!

Here are the products of my happiness for the evening... :-)



  1. So dang adorable! your pictures make me happy too!
    just love that little boy full of life and joy. You can never go wrong with bubbles.
    the boots and hat made for priceless pics. Glad you got out. I agree with you completely, when feeling down....get UP!
    There is so much good to be done in this world.


  2. The picture right at the end is my favorite. He's a cutie pie and you do a great job capturing him. :)

  3. Henry is such a cutie! Watching that little ball of energy running around always makes me smile. So glad he brings you and your family joy and laughter when you really need it.


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