This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

The Show Must Go On… No Matter What

Life doesn't stop for anything, or anyone. My life has changed, but it has certainly not stopped. Charles may have died, and his life has definitely changed, but his life has not stopped. He is living in a different way -- he is now a spirit, and without his physical body -- but he is still living, and actively doing what he needs to do. He is not just lounging around in the spirit world, pondering the meaning of life after death. He is busy, perhaps having a bit of a hard time adjusting to the change… just like me.

But despite the unplanned changes for both of us… the show must go on. For me, and for him. Neither of us can sit idle until death takes me, or Resurrection reunites me with him. It just doesn't work that way. I cannot take a long nap until I see him again. There is too much to do!

I was at the Dentist the other day, discussing death, and life, with the lady who was cleaning my teeth (I talk about death with everyone now). Her mother had passed away when she was 10, and so we had a discussion about our experiences. With her experience with death, she said at one point that, "Life just goes on." And it is true. As much as you might want a "breather" or some time to really stop and reassess things… life really does go on, and there is not much you can do about it. The world keeps spinning, along with your head -- sometimes in opposing directions, to cause a grand headache!

Honestly, the last week or so I have felt emotionally dizzy. I have just had so much to do -- normal, day-to-day stuff, that just has to get done. But at the same time, my heart has been bursting with emotion -- emotions that come with no warning or reason -- they are just there. My emotions just sit, and wait, and plan their exit by way of my eyes… sometimes when I least expect it! No fair! 

I have spent the last few weeks going to multiple dentist appointments, multiple doctor appointments, setting-up orthodontist appointments, preparing for Scout camp, and Young Women's camp, organizing our house, going shopping for food/necessities, balancing the budget, talking to my attorney, closing down a law firm, buying my own burial plot next to Charles…and that is just the tip of the new-life iceberg. And next week looks about the same… including Henry's kidney appointments. There is so much more that goes on behind my scenes that I can never talk about, or share. Let's just say the things I have to think about are mindbogglingly crazy. (Is "mindbogglingly" even a word? Spell check didn't correct it, so it must be, right?) 

Life just does not stop. If I want to mourn, or cry, or grieve, it has to be done while I am doing other things. Really the only good time to cry is at night, but sometimes I am just too tired to cry by then -- I just want to sleep, or blog and write about it. ;-)

With each of these recent appointments, there has always been something to trigger a twinge of buried-emotion. For example, in almost every medical/dental/etc. form, you have to fill out your marital status. Now I get to circle the "W" (for widowed), instead of the "M"(for married).  There are a bunch of things like that that pop-up, all over the place, with every form, everywhere. Even on the Church directory, I am listed as the "head of the household" and Charles is no longer on the list. I do try and brace myself now, when I go to new places/do new things -- you never know what emotional roller-coaster you will be jumping on, at any moment of the day.

It's a good thing I was cut from the cloth of tough-cookiness. (I think I just made another new word!) 

But, with all of the crazy, I am keeping my head up, through it all. Sometimes when I am grinding the grindstone of details and business I just think, "Just do it, just do what it takes -- I will survive! " I am also trying to be a good mother, while balancing details and my emotions -- and that can be tricky. The children cannot see that I am deep in thought, or feeling, or details, when they need me for something. They still need me to just be mom, and a happy mom at that. (No pressure!) 

And I do try and choose to be happy -- not just for the sake of the children -- but for me!  I do not run around like a peppy-fairy of sparkles and joy (I have never been that!), but I am not miserable and lame, either. I am just me -- mothering my way -- I think I am pretty much the same as I was before. I'll have to ask the kids…

One of the things that really helps me feel happier is to exercise.

I run, or bike, or do something pretty much everyday. I have to. It is the only way for me to really release everything that is inside, and let it out in a physical way. I also wear sunglasses when I run, so you cannot tell if I am crying, because my tears just smear in with my sweat, and my eyes are hidden behind my dark shades. However, crying can be really hard to breathe through properly, if you really let it all out -- and I have.

Sometimes, I've had to run at night, because it is so stinking hot. I load up all the kids on their bikes (Sammi pulls Henry in the bike-puller), and we head out as the sun goes down. One of my favorite things to do is run while listening to my favorite Nat King Cole station. It is not really upbeat running music, it is more relaxing and soothing, and allows me to have a beautiful nighttime-running experience.

At night, there is a purple glow in the sky. The air is filled with the smell of warm sagebrush, and a slight cool breeze will pass over my endorphin-filled body -- it is magical. This kind of moment happened for me tonight at the same time the song, "Smile," came on. One of my favorite songs ever...  

Smile though your heart is aching
Smile even though it's breaking
When there are clouds in the sky, you'll get by
If you smile through your fear and sorrow
Smile and maybe tomorrow
You'll see the sun come shining through for you… 

Those were the words I heard as I made my way up a steep hill. When I was halfway up the hill, all my kids hopped off their bikes, came running down, and said, "We have come to help you to the top!" How could I not smile with such a team on my side? My heart soared with joy for my beautiful children.

Light up your face with gladness
Hide every trace of sadness
Although a tear may be ever so near
That's the time you must keep on trying
Smile, what's the use of crying?
You'll find that life is still worthwhile
If you just smile

Just smile… 

Even though sometimes things are hard, and my head can almost burst with the emotions I feel -- life is still good, and I have many, many, many, many, etc., reasons to smile!  I am, fortunately, blessed with the ability to see the beauty in simple things around me, simple blessings, and the wonders of God. Yes, I feel sad… utterly sad sometimes. Just tonight I called out to Charles on my way home from running, I yelled, "Charles, where the heck are you right now? I want to know!" In that moment, my heart felt like a marshmallow, that had fallen into the campfire.

But this is my life. 

I may be a young widow, with a heavy load to carry -- but I am still supposed to be happy! 

I get this one life to live. I now recognize how valuable life really is. Each day is a gift. This day is a gift. Tomorrow -- no matter how busy, and stressful it may be -- is a gift to me.

Tomorrow I have another chance to wake-up and choose a happy life.

I am not talking about faking happy, and being all cheesy and bubbly. (That's not really my style, I am pretty mellow.) I am talking about the happiness that comes from having peace in my heart, because I know that no matter what happens to me -- Jesus is with me. He knows my pain, He knows my sorrow, and He will lift me up when I am low -- if I let Him. He can take my charred burning-marshmallow heart out of the fire, and make it white and fluffy again.

I join the Mormon Pioneers who would sing the words, "All is Well," even when all is not well.

As Elder Uchtdorf wrote: 

"So often our excuses for not being happy are in reality trivial and vain, as though we are looking for a reason to be at odds with the world—as though we want to prove somehow that we cannot experience joy.
The pioneers knew that the things around them did not determine their happiness, but the things within most certainly did. And with that spirit they found happiness in every circumstance and in every trial—even in those trials that reached down and troubled the deep waters of their very souls.
They understood that happiness doesn’t come as a result of luck or accident. It most certainly doesn’t come from having all of our wishes come true. Happiness doesn’t come from external circumstance.  It comes from the inside—regardless of what is happening around us."
For the full text of one of the best talks ever spoken go: HERE 
All is Well! 


  1. I read that talk yesterday and also thought it was one of the best! I really enjoy reading your thoughts. I clearly remember the day, sometime after our daughter was stillborn, that I made the conscious decision to live life again, instead of watching it move by all around me. It took some effort back then, but I'm glad I did. You are definitely living up to your pioneer heritage!

  2. i have always loved seeing you in that hat...you look so cute in it! :) thanks for the constant reminders to live life happily, we all have so much to be happy about and so much life to live!!

  3. Sometimes I have a hard time being content and happy. I've always struggled with that. But man, if you can do it then so can I! Your post inspires me to live life and find the happiness that Heavenly Father wants me to feel. Thanks for all your inspirational posts. You are loved. You can see that in every comment left on your blog. You have many people who pray for you and think of you daily. :)

  4. I love your made-up words! I think they'll catch on.

    Thanks for this today.

  5. I can't remember whether I have already said this or not, so sorry if I did. It is okay to cry. It is a healthy, healing, cleansing feeling. I cry out the load I bear and it becomes lighter. (Though I would prefer it to come in private too). It is okay for your children to see you cry, so they know it's okay to do so too. We cry, and then we get up and keep pulling our "handcarts"...with a smile and Jesus by our side. Bless you in all the things you are doing. A tear and a hug.

  6. You are right Mari. All is well! Thank you for reminding all of us of that truth.

    I remember when I first heard the song: "If I Only Had Today" by Hilary Weeks. It made me stop and ponder.
    I posted the lyrics here for you and all your followers. You have reminded us before of how precious each day, each moment, and each breath is. May we all live and love today! As you testified, today is a gift. Let us open it with gladness and share it. I love you sister. The way you have chosen to make 'life go on' is incredible! I love who you are. Always remember whose you are. May you have a joyful day!

    Lyrics from a song by Hilary Weeks

    "If I Only Had Today"

    It seems like I've watched a million sunsets
    And stared at a thousand full moons.
    Sometimes it feels like I've been here forever
    And sometimes it all feels brand new.
    I could never count the heartbeats
    From the day I was born until now.
    But not a single one goes unnoticed
    By Him who breathes life in me somehow.
    But if there were no more tomorrows
    If I knew that I could not stay.
    I know how I'd spend every moment
    If only I had today.
    I'd hold you and listen
    And I'd let the dishes sit in the sink.
    I'd tell you I loved you over and over
    And for once I'd just let the phone ring.
    The I'd remind you of forever
    And how our love would never change.
    If I only had today.
    I'd wake up before the sun did
    And I'd watch as you quietly sleep.
    I'd pray for time to move slowly
    Knowing the moment won't keep.
    All the gifts that Heaven has given
    Every blessing that's come my way.
    Wouldn't mean anything without you
    So if I only had today.
    I'd hold you and listen
    I'd memorize every detail of you face.
    I'd tell you I loved you over and over
    I wouldn't let excuses get in the way.
    Then I'd remind you of forever
    And how our love would never change.
    If I only had today.
    There's no time like the present.
    Life doesn't come with any guarantees.
    The sun will set and time won't wait
    So while I have today:
    I'll hold you and listen
    And I'd let the dishes sit in the sink.
    I'll tell you I loved you over and over
    And for once I'll just let the phone ring.
    The I'll remind you of forever
    And how our love would never change.
    If I only had today.

  7. Your words have strenthened me today, thank you! Press on, good sister!

  8. I like that you do talk about death with everyone...we are all touched by this...yet we all pretend it doesn't happen. How great that you are willing to share that part of your life's journey. One of my best friends passed away from the same thing as your Charles...at 42. He was a Mormon bishop at the time. Since his passing 2 years ago...I've paid more attention to the "Hello's From Heaven" and I can report back they happen with amazing frequency. When I first went to visit his resting place...I called out loud to him..and said "Ok Matt....you know I am here...give me something so I know when we are visiting like we used to." At that moment...hundreds of Dragonflies flew across the hill and his resting place. From that day on...I've lost count as to the times I think of my friend..and speak a few words to him...and what shows up just at that moment...a Dragonfly. Just one example of many....I truly believe our loved ones do what they can to get our attention and let us know they are still near us. Stay open....and watchful.. Love never ends.


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