This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

Random Life Update

Today was Henry's follow-up appointment. The doctor said we are going to wait another 6 months before we do a VCUG (testing for reflux), and at that point we should be able to determine how best to move forward. (Surgery, or not.) One of his kidneys was doing "fantastic" but one of them was a little too small. 

He is doing fine, so far, with no signs of infection, or troubles. But his internal-plumbing is not as it should be, and likely needs fixing in the future, to avoid complications as he grows-up. So for now, we wait. Which is OK with me. I could use some time before the next hospital procedure. For now he just continues taking his daily medicine. (Which I think is more of a placebo prescription than anything.) 

The last few weeks I have spent 3 days at the dentist's office, and 3 days at various doctor appointments (including one for my own needs), and I need a break from filling out medical forms. Each time I go to a new office, I have to explain what happened to Charles under the "family medical history" part of the form. And then I have to explain the situation to each new person/medical personnel I come in contact with. It can get a little exhausting. 

Keeping up with just the physical needs of 5 people can be hard work! Whew! We haven't even started with the orthodontic work, yet. Yikes! Bodies are amazing, but there are so many details to tend to with each different body. From teeth, eyes, hair, kidneys… etc., etc. Sometimes I just stop and stand in wonder of it all. Somehow we all keep keeping on, even with bodily imperfections -- large and small. But after watching a beautiful, strong, wonderful body completely fail -- going from full of life, to lifeless -- I now have a desire to love and care for my body even more. Bodies are such great blessings. I am pretty sure Charles longs to get his body back, even now. I am assuming, if you are reading this, you have a body. So take a moment, and give your body a hug. :-) 

For the next week, I will be on break -- not from the blog -- but from appointments, and business. I want to spend the next week having fun, and getting everything ready for school to start. It is the only week I have before school registrations, and activities, begin. And it is the only week where we are all together as a family before school starts. (The kids have Scout camp, and Young Women's camp.)  

I have also decided it is time to clean out our house, the car, organize the garage, and get everything in order -- so I can have some peace of mind. Everything is in desperate need of a proper cleansing. Seriously, I need to rent a dumpster, or something, and just start mercilessly chucking stuff in the garbage. Sometimes when I go in the garage, I get overwhelmed with the amount of things stacked in boxes that we just don't need or use anymore. I don't like having lots of boxes full of stuff. It makes me feel anxious. 

We live in a 2 bedroom house (Sammi is in a walk-in closet with a loft bed), and in order to make it work -- cleanliness is key! The kids don't have a bunch of toys and random stuff in the house, mostly all they have are LEGOS. Really the biggest mess in our house is created by clothes. Clothes, dishes, garbage -- they are always in motion. 

We live tight -- but beautifully. I cannot tell you how much I love our house. And how grateful I am for how close it has kept our family. It kept us close for the precious time that Charles was with us. And now, being close has been such a HUGE blessing. No one is ever hiding, or afraid, or crying, in a far away room. Nope, there is none of that here -- there is no where to hide! I know that close living quarters is not for everyone, but it is right for us. I walked in this house 7 years ago, and I just knew it was the right house. I did not know why I felt that way, until just a few months ago, when everything was made clear to me. All the pieces of my life began to make sense. 

I look forward to getting everything in order for the school year. I love to turn-up my Louis Armstrong music, and I love working hard to make things beautiful. I just hope the weather will cooperate, and not be too hot! But we can just work and sweat buckets, no problem. 

We have been keeping very active this summer. We go out every day to run or bike ride. It has been wonderful. The kids come with me almost every time, though sometimes I go out on a freedom run with no stroller, or keeping up with kids on bikes -- though keeping up with their little pedaling feet is highly motivating. 

Being active and healthy has been essential in maintaining a sense of happiness in our lives. There is nothing better than going outside and getting exercise, and enjoying fresh air. It changes the very atmosphere of the home when we return. It is as if Tinkerbell comes and sprinkles pixie-dust in our home, and everything glows. The very light changes into something almost, I dunno… romantic? Endorphins are powerful things! Yea for endorphins! 

There is just nothing better than returning home after a family workout. (There used to be something better... but not anymore.) We usually come home, stretch on the floor while eating a popsicle, and we watch Studio C for our abdominal workout (from laughing so hard.) Laughter is another essential in maintaining happiness. It is good to laugh. The kids love to hear me laugh. It makes them happy. Laughing makes me happy, too. That was one of the reasons I married Charles. Luckily he left me some children who can be pretty darn silly! 

So, I am basically rambling at this point about whatever, but it is a "whatever" kind of day… it was a good day. 

And now it is time for bed. 

Tomorrow is another day to wake-up and choose happy! 

Here are some random pictures…because pictures are worth way more than a thousand words...

A Sunday afternoon nap with my boys. They like to snuggle right next to me. :-) 

 Sunbathing at the park.

Sammi and I spent 4 nights in a row watching sappy love movies together. We watched Sleepless in Seattle (one of my favorites, but it was a little painful to watch), Runaway BrideReturn to Me (that movie about killed me), and Leap Year.  I love having a daughter who is also an awesome person to hangout with. There is no doubt this girl is supposed to be with me. 

LEGOS are a constant in our home. This was one of Sammi's creations -- A Phantom of the Opera set she came up with.
We like to stop and play at different parks. Swings are always the best! 
 Happy Henry.
Daniel has gone on a few runs with me. They are always special. He is training to be my bodyguard. He is 11, but in a few more years he will be way bigger than Charles. Daniel has his daddy's back -- nice broad shoulders. He carries himself just like Charles. He also has the same "energy" as Charles -- just a state of being that they both have. Daniel has been at Scout camp all week, and I noticed a big difference in our house. Daniel and Daddy are very much alike. Full of strength, inner-confidence, and the ability to be comfortable in any situation. He is Daniel. Daniel is awesome. I once asked him if he liked himself and his answer was, "What's not to like?" Yep. I love this kid. He knows who he is. He gave a great talk on Sunday about the Holy Ghost as a comforter, it was beautiful. 
 An evening run by the river.
I love being outside in the summer evenings. I do not love summer days -- but oh, those summer nights… LOVE THEM! The smell of warm sagebrush… love it!
 A family bike ride. Stopping for water and a quick picture with the phone.
 Running into the sunset.
 A nighttime find at the park. 
We tried our very first "Moon Pies" last week. I must say, they are amazing! Perhaps one of the best things I have ever eaten.
 YUM! Sure one of these equals 8 miles of running… but it was worth it! If you see Moon Pies in the freezer section, you just have to try them! 
Sometimes on our long runs, I will switch out running with Sammi for a mile, so she can practice running too. Here she is after a run on a hot evening. Running in the heat is rough! I have acclimated to it, but she is still working on it. We bring TONS of water. We drink it, and just dump it on our heads, too. 
This is how we roll. Sammi pulls Henry, while I run beside everyone. (Daniel was at Scout camp at the time of the picture.) It is a daily event. I love it. It is so good to workout together as a family. They have always been with me, since they were little babies I would push them in a jogger-stroller. Now my babies are pulling my babies! Crazy! (Sammi will receive blessings from Heaven for her pulling Henry service for me.) 

Whenever Henry sees a picture of Jesus he says, "Daddy!" He thinks that Jesus is daddy. To him they look the same. It is a pretty sweet thing. I am not quite ready to correct him yet. He also recognizes pictures of Charles as daddy, too. I try hard everyday to point to one of the many pictures of Charles in our home, and I ask him, "Who is that?" He still knows who his daddy is. I hope he never forgets. 
We have done a little storm-chasing. We had an amazing storm the other night where half of the sky was filled with constant lightning, and the other half of the sky had falling stars. It was a sight to behold. I was wondering what was next! 
 We have been having some fun doing other things, but what we do with most of our time is this… 
 We eat popsicles! 
Life goes on… and Life is Good! 

I realize that more and more, each day I live. 


  1. i love this post and the family updates through photos! if you want to hold off on the garage cleaning until after my kids head back to school on aug 18 i would be happy to come help you clear/clean out the place, just say the word!!

  2. I had my first dream with Charles in it last night. We were all together for some family party and for a few moments it was normal that he was there and then my mind said, Charles is here? Wait a minute? Am I the only one who can see him? And slowly he went away. It was a nice moment before my mind came in with reality.

  3. Great life moments!! Thanks for sharing your excellent journaling and the things you guys are doing. It makes me happy! :)

  4. Love the update. BTW, how are you not frying sleeping with all those blankets and boys during the summer? It is a great pictures :)

  5. Loved this. It's called A/C Rachelle. Maybe next year you guys will have it ;)

    1. Yes Melissa, hopefully I'll have it next year. You can help me make Tyson feel guilty. ;) Mari has a swamp cooler that doesn't quite cool like an A/C and she says her house gets pretty warm. That's what made me wonder why she wasn't a sweaty mess. ;)


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