This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

Calming the Storm in my Heart

Jesus has the power to heal. There is no pain, or sorrow, that He cannot carry for you. Sometimes it feels like we will be consumed with the anguish we feel. Life is hard. The journey is long, full of peril, and constant consuming challenges. Make no mistake, everyone suffers. No one is exempt from trials and difficulties. We are here to experience such things. 

Everyone has troubles they carry, daily.  

But there is a way of hope! You can choose to suffer alone, or you can turn to your Savior, let Him bear your burdens, and make them light upon your back. There is nothing too heavy, or too dark, that He cannot make light. 

But how? How do we allow Jesus to carry our load, and calm our stormy hearts? 

I have found for myself it is through obedience. The more I do the will of God, the more my burdens are lifted, and I feel light. The more I neglect those things He has asked of me, the more I can feel consumed with the weight of my trials. I try and fill my days with good things: prayer, scriptures, family history, temple attendance, serving others, etc. The more I do these things, the more joy I feel. I have tested obedience, and I find it is the better way. 

Turning to Jesus takes effort. 

When we turn to Him, He can calm our storms. He wants us to come to Him. He loves us so much. 

If all we can do is pray, or lay in bed and read scriptures because of physical or mental limitations, the good should never be neglected. It may feel like those good things are not making a huge difference in eliminating the darkness, but it does, it really does. The light needs to be turned on in times of darkness, especially when you feel consumed by the shadows of grief, sadness, and pain. Do not add the absence of light and good to the darkness. It will just get darker still. And then you will feel really bad. 

I have felt the literal weight of sorrow and grief. The pressure is real and heavy. It can sometimes feel like walking around with a backpack full of bricks on my spirit. I have experienced sleepless nights and a soaking wet pillow. I have cried an ocean full of tears over the loss of my husband. I have reached for him only to feel the void, and the painful reality of the physical separation. My hopes and dreams for the future were all thrown off-course with his death, and I have had to find a new path, a new life. 

It is not easy to start over. It is not easy to blaze a new trail. 

But I have not been alone, ever. I have been blessed with wonderful people in my life -- miracles in my life. I firmly believe that Heavenly Father works through angels, on both sides of the veil. I have seen it, so I can say I know it. We are literally His hands here on earth, as we succor those who are heavy-laden and weary. I have been on the receiving end -- it has been challenging to graciously receive so much -- I have been so grateful.  I have seen His miracles. I have had my burdens continuously lifted by others.

I know Heavenly Father inspires angels to respond. Jesus is the "Lord of Hosts." We can be part of the Hosts of Heaven as we serve Him, by serving others. We can seek to calm the storms for others. We can use our hands to lift, and form our words to inspire and edify. I have been constantly succored by angels of heaven and earth. 

My heart can still rage with storms from time-to-time, but I have also felt Jesus tell me to, "Be still." 

The more I trust Him, the more peace fills my soul, and I can maneuver through the storm with my hand in His. 

And that is a miracle. 


  1. It does take effort to turn to Him...constant effort. But that's the way it has to be if we are to be truly converted, we have to choose it and work at it.


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