This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

Marriage and Family Relations Class

Sammi was only 3 years old in this picture, now she is 13! 
I love being a mother. It is wonderful. It is challenging, but it is so worth it. I love my sweet children. I know they are meant to be with me. I love being a family. It's the best!

When I am not teaching the Gospel Doctrine class at church, I like to pop into the Marriage and Family Relations class. I like to go in there to make the teacher nervous as they talk about father, mother, children relationships. ;)  No, not really... I go because I love to learn about families and how they can be strengthened. The class is exceptional, and the doctrine is straightforward and pure. Just the way I like it. Teachers should not worry about me when it comes to supporting family, that's for sure!

I was in the class the week when the role of fathers was discussed, and that was interesting because I was pointed out with my unique situation as a widow. I am always happy to share my thoughts and opinions on things such as family, so I shared how I 100% agree with The Family, A Proclamation to the World. Click: HERE. Charles and I did everything we could to live by it, and I still cling to it with all of my heart. It is a true and inspired document, and a beautiful blueprint for joy in family life. Just because my family may not be living the ideal now, does not mean we do not strive for it everyday.

What should I aim for, something less? No thanks.

Yesterday we learned about the role of mothers. It was a great class and discussion. It is true that there is a lot of pressure on mothers. Mothers worry that they are not measuring-up, and that they fall short of some perfect mark, something unattainable, and out of reach -- but it is not true. Mothers are glorious, and good, and everything wonderful. Oh, how I love mothers! If we only knew how fabulous we really are. The world won't tell us so, but God declares it so.

Mothers are marvelous!

I once asked my 91 year old grandma what the secret to motherhood was, she simply said, "Love them, just love them." I have never forgotten this statement. I have applied it in my life as a mom. It takes loads of stress away. My grandma has seen it all in her posterity and she loves each child, grandchild, everyone -- no matter what. And no one can leave her, all love her in return. She is love, and a perfect example for me to follow.

My mothering advice is the same -- just love them. Fill your home with love, make it burst at the seams with love, and the spirit of God. And despite all the chaos that is normal life there will be a foundation strong and bright for all to cling to, no matter what comes. That foundation of love has carried us through some pretty tough times. That is not something you can chart or reward with stickers. It is much more powerful than all of that.

So take a moment to breathe today, be at peace, and just love them.


  1. Thanks for sharing Mari! Great post. :)

  2. That was Dru and my first calling together, teaching that class. I love it. I'm glad you go.

  3. Thank you. I needed this today

  4. It is a fun class to go to....especially when everyone starts telling stories, and then minor arguments occur about "how it really went down" (all in fun of course!). I loved getting to know people in this class, it's a super fun topic to learn and talk about!!

  5. Thank you for sharing this, I love reading your blog and your insights on life! I think it is a great thing to remember, just love them. I need to remember that because I think I get caught up in hurrying through things and trying to get things done instead of enjoying the little things and the moments with the kids. Thank you for teaching me!
    With Love,


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