This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

Henry's Pre-Op Checkup

Henry went to the Urologist today. He is getting ready for his surgery, which will take place in 2 weeks. Henry has some fancy kidneys, with some extra tubes and compartments, and so he needs to have some of his internal plumbing fixed. This surgery should prevent future complications, and infections.

He did amazing at the doctor's office. He just laid there while they took a clean urine sample, though I am sure he was very uncomfortable. He cried briefly, and called out, "Mom, mom!" Even though I was standing right there, with my face on his face. It was precious, and heartbreaking too.

Henry has a lot of energy. I think this will help him heal quickly. I sure hope so. He is always moving, and active, and his little body just has the wiggles most of the time. I am very interested to see how he handles everything, but I feel certain his energy and zest for life will help him mend super fast.

The surgery will require a few days stay at the hospital -- the same one Charles' died in. That should be interesting. I will be with Henry the whole time, while my parents will come from Alaska to take care of the other children, and their needs.

I love my parents. I am so grateful they were called to the Temple Presidency in Alaska, so they can travel when they need to. They were planning on a mission to New Zealand, but that didn't workout. Had they gone on a mission, they could not travel so easily to help out when needed. Looks like God has His hand in things, for sure.

I anticipate some very interesting feelings while there at the hospital. I am preparing myself for the event, as best I can. I have been given a blessing that said not to worry, because Henry will be fine. I hold to that. I remember when I first found out about his kidneys before he was born, the Spirit whispered to me, "It will be hard, but it will be OK."

It will be OK. I know it.

Just say an extra prayer for Henry's healing.


  1. Good luck with everything Mari. You need to let us know if we can do anyrhing for you and your family ok.

  2. Best of luck. You and that cutie of yours will be in our prayers.

  3. He (and you all) will be in my prayers! Little ones seem to handle surgery with ease and in my children's experience (all 3 have had many surgeries) my youngest always had the fastest and easiest recoveries. I want you to know that I had sweet, sacred experiences with Angels as I had my first brain surgery. Take comfort knowing you will all have support from both sides as your sweet baby is being taken care of in the hospital and afterwards. Cyber hugs!!!! :)


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