This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

Random Life

Time for a random life update. I really should write more of the day-to-day stuff, a lot of it is pretty routine, but I just forget to capture the moments. Here are a few moments from my iPhone... 

My friend sent me the book Heaven is Here, by Stephanie Nielson. I was so excited because I love Stephanie, she is a hero of mine. I finished the book in about a day. I could not put it down. I highly recommend the book, but only if you have lots of tissues. I felt the Spirit in a powerful way as I read her words. She is so inspiring, and it is amazing what the human spirit is capable of overcoming and enduring. If you have not read it, you really should. 

We went for a walk on Sunday by the river, with our friends. It was a beautiful night. The weather has been amazing lately, in the 60's in the evening. It has been my kind of February! 

I have super-strong kids. I find myself extremely grateful for their Scottish heritage, and strong backs. They have needed strength, and I have needed them to be strong. They are such amazing helpers with everything. William was sad because all he got to carry was the cheese. He wanted to show his strength too.
Just Henry being cute...

I have received so many gifts and lovely things for Valentine's day. I got a huge package from a dear friend I have had since childhood. She is amazing. One of her sister's was also a young widow, so she is familiar with what helps. Receiving random packages is really the BEST! It is such a boost for our spirits. I cannot even explain it, it just raises us to joy. Her package was so generous, and full of thoughtfulness. I will never be able to repay the kindness that has been given to us. All I can hope is that Heavenly Father will pour down His finest blessing on those who have been so kind to us.

The kids have been enjoying the weather on their scooters, and at the park. The grass is growing, the flowers are blooming, it is just wonderful!

Daniel wanted to show his strength... yeah, he is tough. He has been doing manual labor for a man in our ward, it has been so good for him to learn how to work hard. He has his dad's broad shoulders.
We live small and simply, but it made me laugh to find that all the boys fell asleep in Henry's bed. I love how much we all love each other. It was one of those moments when I just looked at all of them with wonder and thought, "I helped make these beautiful boys."

Henry just soaking in the sun while waiting for Sammi. 
Sometimes I love to just sit and stare out the car window, and let the warm sun blast light on my face.
I wait for Sammi after school in the church parking lot. It makes me happy.

Speaking of Sammi... She got BRACES!!!! It was time. She was ready. So far she has not had any pain, and she is doing really well. She already had a beautiful smile, but I am excited to see how it will change over time. The process is amazing. She is cute. She got to go to the temple the same day she got them on, and with help, she did 30 names from our family! Hooray! 

I don't know who left these, but they were yummy! 
Random cute Henry..

This little guy goes in for surgery next week, I will write more about that later. 
Happy Friday!


  1. You know I love the random life post!. Looks like lots of good times. Sammi looks just as beautiful with her braces as she did without them. Just beware, Tyson said they don't really hurt until they start adjusting them. You might need some pain reliever on hand for that. On Tyson's adjustment days he has to basically mash all his food since it hurts too much to chew. Plan for some yummy soft things on those days. :)

  2. I love these posts too. :) I can't believe how much the braces make Sammi look older! It's an amazing process for sure...you can't put a price on nice teeth in my opinion.

  3. I like these posts as well. I love that shot of Daniel, mid air, on his scooter.
    I'm glad you were spoiled. What a great thing to have. We love Sammy so much. I hope the braces work hard and fast for her b


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