This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

My Birthday Review

My birthday was beautiful. There was so much love extended, and my heart is full of gratitude for the love of friends and family. I had friends take my kids to school in the morning so I could sleep in, dinner was brought, thoughtful gifts were given, my phone was ringing and there was singing all day, and I felt truly loved. 

I cannot express my heartfelt love enough to those who are so kind and generous -- including a friend who drove an hour from Fruitland to bring us an amazing feast! It was phenomenal!

There was a happiness theme in my gifts, and I loved that. Now I have a Happy Thoughts book to write in... what a great idea! 

 Chocolate was showered upon me.
 I felt swept away by love, truly.
 Beautiful flowers...
If you know what this is, then you know what it is called. ;) 

Maybe I will save this in the freezer for Valentine's day. Wow! 

Then finally, at the end of the day, I get a call from my sister who told me to answer the door at 8:00. When I opened the door it was the BEST surprise! It was Sister Kaci Whitby! I was totally blown away with JOY! If you don't know who she is click: HERE. She completed her Alaskan mission, and just happened to be in Boise visiting a friend. WOW! It was the first time I have ever met her in person! She is light and beauty. She sang happy birthday for me. What a gift! I actually squealed with delight. 

It was a Birthday miracle! 

There was not one moment in my day where I felt sad... not one. I am so grateful for all the love that has been offered to me. It was a fabulous birthday. 

I stand amazed. 


  1. Your birthday surprise has made me cry with joy for you.

  2. I'm glad you felt so much love yesterday. You deserve that. It looks like me and many others didn't want you to feel sad, just loved....mission accomplished! :)

  3. BTW, if that chocolate cake is from Costco I'm coming right over! ;)

  4. what a fun gift that your sister arranged! I'm glad it was a great day!!!

  5. Oh good, it looks like you were taken care of! I'm so glad! How fun for your sister to send someone to sing to you, what a loving sister:) I hope you have a happy year!

  6. Yeah....I am glad you had a good day! Having Sis. Whitby come to your house and then sing to you....beyond awesome! You are loved :)


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