This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

Leadership Panel

Tonight I was on a panel of leaders. A young man from church had asked me if I would come and share my thoughts on courage, and leadership. I was excited and nervous, but I was amazed at the things I learned from the experience. 

I was not really sure what to expect. I entered the high school classroom, and saw a row of chairs at the front of the class. I had to laugh. I knew that is where I would be sitting for the evening, for more than an hour -- in front of everyone. 

How far I have come from hiding in the back of the classroom! 

All those who were asked to come took their front row seats, we were introduced by the students, and then we had a chance to introduce ourselves and share some thoughts on leadership. I was able to share why I was there, that I had experienced a tragedy, and I am trying to face it with courage, and trying to lift others along the way through blogging, speaking, and teaching. I also said I am a mother, and their is no leader more powerful in the world than a mother. 

It felt awesome to say that! :) 

What was phenomenal was who the students chose as their leaders. There were no rockstars, politicians, or people of great power and position. I sat on a panel with 2 youth pastors, 2 recovering drug addicts, a teacher, a football coach, and a counselor. The reason we were chosen as leaders: We inspire others to become better. 

I love this definition of a leader: 

"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader." 

It was a wonderful evening. I was there to offer some insights, but I took away so much more than I gave. 

I was amazed at how much I wanted to share, but it is just as important to know when to be quiet as it is to know when to speak. The students would ask questions and anyone could answer at anytime, and so we all spoke up when we felt like it. Sometimes they would ask questions they wanted everyone to answer. 

Some of the question were: 

How do you prepare to speak in front of large crowds of important people? 

How do you handle being taken from your comfort zones? 

How do you get people to listen to you?

How do you handle failure? 

How do you calm yourself when you are stressed, overwhelmed? 

How do you keep going when you get discouraged? 

It was really fun to answer these questions. I was able to share thoughts about finding the courage to continue, and I even whipped my TREK sign out of my purse and talked about that experience. I was also able to use Charles as an example of fighting against your comfort zone, and what he accomplished in his life going from barely graduating high school to becoming an attorney. I even said he had a "Come to Jesus" moment. And I would weave faith into everything I said, without preaching religion. It was a challenge, but kind of fun too. 

It just felt great to be there talking about such positive things, with the future of America. 

As I sat in the front of the classroom I was filled with comfort and strength. I felt totally great, not nervous at all. I just wanted to scoop all those youth up, and help them succeed and reach their goals and dreams. 

It was a privilege to witness a group of such fabulous future leaders. 

There is hope. 

The future is in good hands! 

(The "I love you" sign language in my picture was how they would get everyone quiet, and ready for action. Loved it!) 

Nick on the left is the awesome young man who asked me to come. His friend was super too. 

That is my seat on the far left. 
A classroom full of leaders. 
 Loved all the quotes around the room.

True leaders don't create followers... they create more leaders!

A leader is someone who demonstrates what's possible.

Leaders become great, not because of their power, but because of their ability to empower others.

Strong people don't put people down... they lift them up!

Go and be a leader today! :)


  1. sounds like a great night, glad it went so well!

  2. Love! Loves! Kissfist!! (ASL way for loving this so much, in ASL, you kiss-smack your fist ;) ) ... What a fantastic experience for you!!

  3. I knew you'd rock it! Would have loved to have been there. Sounds like an awesome experience. :)

  4. The act of doing that which is difficult is to some a former of leadership; yet the Master's hands reveal true leadership. He first modeled the road we walk; then removed the road block that hindered us most. Now He simply asks us to follow his example and walk the path and give light to those who follow at a distance.

    As a parents this is are very task! Carry on and walking in His light.


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