This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

Henry's Hospital Update

Henry is home. We had a fun time at the hospital, but there is no place like home. We had a lot of interesting experiences, and I had many insights, and inspiring moments. I will share those later, when my brain is less fuzzy from the adventures we have had. Right now I will just share mostly facts... 

We went in early Thursday morning to prepare Henry for his procedure. When he got to his room where he needed to change and get ready, he wanted nothing to do with it. After a great struggle, they finally had to give him some medication to calm him down so they could get him ready in time. The medicine made him act silly, relaxed, and he kept playing with his bellybutton. They were able to take him from my arms, and walk away with him without him complaining. That was some powerful stuff. 

The surgery took longer than expected. When the doctor got in there she found that there was more to do then she had planned. She was able to take care of the issues with his ureters, and basically reconstruct them so that he will not reflux anymore. In about a months time he should be able to not take the antibiotic he has taken since the day he was born. That will be nice. This procedure was meant to prevent future problems. He has had one really severe kidney infection, but it was scary, and dangerous. Preventing future problems was the best thing to do. 

My mom waited with me while Henry was in the operating room. We even went and ate at the cafeteria, a place I had not been since Charles died. I felt totally peaceful at the hospital the whole time. Again, I will talk about all that good stuff later... the time passed, and it did not seem to take too long. 

After the surgery was over, and the doctor explained what she had done, we went to help Henry come off the anesthesia. That was a little rough, but he did well. He ate a popsicle not too long after waking up. Then we were wheeled up to his recovery room, where we stayed for a few days. 

He did great while recovering. It is really hard to rest and relax when the nurses are coming in every few minutes. He got really frustrated with them and he started to tell them, "Get outta here!" Once they would leave he would say, "Lock the door!" Every time they had to do something he would just say, "Don't!" I tried to help him understand that they were helping him, and he finally got to the point where he was saying, "Thank you." He especially liked the nurse who brought him popsicles. 

The kids came to visit for a little bit. It was so cute. Henry was so happy to see them. He just put out his little hand for them to touch. But you could see how much joy they brought him by being there. I think it was super comforting for him to have some friendly faces around. They stayed for a few hours. He loved it. 

Grandpa and Grandma held down the fort at home while I was gone. It put my mind at ease. I was not worried about the other kids at all. These good people have a secured place in Heaven for all they have done for me. I am sure of it. 

The whole thing was not a totally pleasant experience, but it was not awful. Henry did a beautiful job. I think his extra energy is helping him heal. 

He is home, and resting. He is still really out of it. He is sore, and he has to be careful. He has a good size incision on his tummy. I will be sleeping on the trundle next to his bed tonight, to make sure he is OK. But that is way better than the hospital chair I slept on. But somehow, I did manage to sleep. It was a miracle. 

Please continue praying for his quick and full recovery. He is a tough little guy, but it still hurts him, poor thing. He has walked around a little, but he prefers to be lying down, sucking his thumb. He is in his bed right now, watching Donald Duck, holding his special blanket. He will be down for awhile, until he is feeling much better. 

There will be more to come later... I am pretty tired from all the excitement. 

Thank you for your prayers and offerings of love. I felt them. I really did. I continue to feel them. 

Here are some pictures to tell the story...


  1. He has the sweetest smile. Glad he's back home, and hope he's back to normal (or better than normal!) soon.

  2. Great news Mari. Thanks for all the pics.

  3. So happy Henry is home! And, you too! Grateful the procedure went well.
    Stephen told me he is fasting for Henry tomorrow. : )

    love you so much.
    Hope you get some 'real' rest.


    Mom and Dad are amazing....especially finding energy after walking around Disneyland last week. : ) Way to go Mom and Dad! WE love you.


  4. You are all in my prayers! I'm so glad that it's over with and you are home. Being home seems to help with healing. :)

  5. Way to be assertive, Henry, hee hee. Really, it's okay to refuse vitals checks at 4am. There is no place like home! And family! Here's to a happy recovery, for everyone.

  6. So glad to hear all went ok and that you are in the comforts of home now. What a sweet little boy- I have felt the same way about nurses coming into my room all the time too...only it's not as cute for an adult to tell them to get out so i didn't...if only I would have thought to lock the door! So clever!! ;)


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