This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

Courage to Come to Christ

I love Jesus. I always have. I always will. I have believed and relied on Him since I was a little girl. Throughout my life, I have had experiences that have brought me closer to him. But I have never experienced anything as powerful as what I have been through lately. I simply cannot survive without relying on Him. But with Him, I have experienced power to rise above sorrow and pain. With Him I feel my future is bright and full of hope! He is still working His mighty miracles -- make no mistake about that!

I know that Jesus is my Savior because of the feelings in my heart. They are undeniable feelings that burn, and fill my whole being with truth and light. I can be listening to a song, or reading a scripture, or watching a video, and an intense feeling of truth will swirl within my soul. I love that feeling. I seek after it. I love truth... especially in this world filled with deception and confusion.

I have had a desire to draw myself closer to Jesus by studying His life more thoroughly. I read of Him in the scriptures, I attend the temple often, and lately I have been watching the beautiful videos that the church has produced about His life.

We watch them as a family, and I like to use them for Family Home Evening lessons. I am so often brought to tears as I watch such marvelous truth. Seeing His miracles, and watching Him suffer on the cross... it all feels so familiar to me, it is like being reminded of information I already know. Not from lessons of my childhood, but from before that -- when I lived with my Heavenly Father, before I was born. There is nothing as comforting for me as watching how Jesus lived, and what He taught. It is like being home.

The love I have for Jesus is everything to me. Oh how I wish everyone could feel that love for Him. I wish that everyone would come to Him, and find the joy the gospel brings.

I think it is so important to have a personal relationship with Jesus -- now, more than ever. He will be coming back -- who knows when? When He does come, I want to know Him, and I want Him to know me. As I study His life, and seek after His ways, I feel closer to Him. I understand Him better. It is a beautiful thing.

Following the Savior is going to take courage in these latter-days. I hear voices filled with confusion and doubt over this-and-that topics, or questions about life and dizzying philosophies. People are led astray by that awful voice of convincing confusion. It is sad when faith is replaced with doubt. It is a tragedy to see people constantly seeking, and never finding. I see it nearly everyday -- even on my own Facebook feed -- filled with people from my past and my present. I sure wish more people would send out messages of truth and light! We have been asked to use those social media tools for that purpose. We are meant to let our light shine... in all times, in all things, in all places. You never know what small message of hope and light might change a life! People are searching for truth, whether they know it or not! Shall we not give it to them? 

I feel an urgency about coming closer to Christ, and sharing His gospel. It is not something that can wait for another day. I need to be close to Him now, and I need to testify of Him now. Today! I am doing my best. I can feel His powerful influence in my life leading and guiding me as I let Him. I am so grateful, so very grateful for Him.

Oh, how I love Jesus!

I particularly love this very short video... I know what it feels like to be lying in defeat, only to have Jesus lift me up again. 

For mobile device click: HERE

To watch all of the bible videos about Jesus click: HERE. They are amazing!


  1. I'm grateful the theme for the youth this year has been 'Come unto Christ.' The year is coming to an end. I wonder how much closer they have come to Him. How much closer have I come to Him? How do we come to Him daily? We know what to do, are we faithfully doing what the prophet and apostles have counseled us recently and many time before to do?
    I have a picture of the Savior on a mirror in my home that says: "Will He know you?" It is a picture of him standing at the door and knocking. I want to be ready to open the door and let Him in or...have Him open the door and invite me in. I, too love the Savior. I WILL stand as a witness of Him at all times and in all things and in all places. And, I know that if we are built on the rock of our Redeemer, we will not fall amidst all the confusion in the world today. We will stand firm on the powerful principles of truth we have received a spiritual witness of. Hold on, cling on to the truth. It will make you free!

    Love your thoughts and testimony of Christ Mari.



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