This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

Random Life

This is a life according to my iPhone/Nikon post. I have not posted about normal stuff for awhile.  These are just some images of the little things of life -- little, but also the most important things!

It is Autumn, and it is my most favorite time of the year! Just having the temperature cool down seems to make my spirits rise -- my brain just seems to function better at less boiling temperatures. I always feel so lethargic in the summer. I love to feel the coolness in the air, and see the magnificent colors of the Fall season. It makes me happy.

There have been some beautiful skies here in Idaho...

This was the sky the night I went to see "Meet the Mormons" with my friend. It was way more beautiful than the picture. The movie was wonderful -- very inspirational. It reminded me that we all have a great purpose here on this Earth -- we each have something that God needs us to do. I was also reminded of the power of love, and saving just one person -- because it is never just one person. If you haven't gone to see it, you should. I love being Mormon. Always have, always will. I just wish more people knew what being Mormon is all about. There are so many misperceptions about who we are. If you want to know more about Mormons visit www.mormon.org or www.lds.org.

The clouds have been so lovely...

I did see the lunar eclipse, but I was too tired to grab my camera, but the moon has been very awesome lately...
This rainbow came at just the right time. I was having a rough day, and had said a pray asking for some hope for the future. Not too long after the prayer the rainbow appeared in the sky... they have always been special to me and Charles. They are like a smile from Heaven. 

A little frog friend... look at how cool his eyes are.

Sammi and I interviewed my parents while they were visiting. We asked them questions about the past, and also questions like what songs they would want at their funeral life celebrations. It made for some great conversation. We had some pretty great laughs. If you have never interviewed your parents, you should. Make a list of questions, and record it for history. There is something magical about discussing ancient history with people who have lived in it. He, he. 
I often find Daniel like this at night... obviously the book was so captivating he could not keep his eyes open.
William is showing me his running award. He is part of the running club at school. They run during their lunch recess (Daniel does it too). He got the foot for running lots of miles. I am so happy for them both.
We have been fishing a lot lately. We often take the poles when we go out running and we stop at the fishing pond.

I was shocked when Daniel actually caught a fish! It was his very first one ever! I was so glad I could be there for that moment. I am sure his daddy is proud.
Not quite the glorious Alaskan catch, but not bad for Idaho. ;-)
We watched General Conference, we started out with a tent, but then Henry kind of destroyed it.
Right in the middle of the Saturday sessions there was a knock on the door, and the mailman delivered this package from my sister in Alaska. It was filled with treats for Conference.
My favorite treat was this new shirt... I love it! Thanks Kary! I feel like I glow in the dark when I wear it.

Daniel went to the Priesthood session with Tyson and Matt. He kept the tradition of wearing sandals. Charles would always wear sandals to the Priesthood session, because we would often be sweaty after a run, and he did not want to put on socks. I took the kids out for a run, Daniel showered, and off he went wearing his daddy's shoes, and his daddy's tie. So cute. Also, notice his new glasses... they are his Daddy's frames with new lenses. He is like a mini-Charles, in so many ways. It is fun to watch him grow up into a young man. Only about 6 more years until this guy will be on his mission. The world will know its second Elder van Ormer. Charles was the one and only van Ormer to ever go on a mission from his family line. We will be changing that statistic with our boys. Again, proof that one person coming to Christ is never just one person. Charles was a convert, and his legacy will live on throughout the generations. So awesome.
After the Priesthood session Tyson took the boys out for some food, and he got us girls (Rachelle, Sammi, and me) some awesome special cupcakes for our girl night. They were AMAZING! Seriously, so GOOD! There is just something about a cupcake. Yum! Yum!
We have been spending a lot of time by the river. It is a magic place. I also learned how to really skip a rock. I could do it before, sort of -- but now I think I finally figured it out! Yea me! The kids would stay there all day by the water. Henry especially loves the river and throwing rocks.
So lucky to live in such a beautiful area.
I found a rainbow on my running pants, so I took a picture.
We found a new special spot to play. It is a really cool area. Notice Henry walking in the water with his shoes on... Eek!
We stop here during our run/bike rides. It is how we live. Being outside makes us feel alive. Being in nature makes us feel close to God, and close to Charles/daddy.

William came home one day and said he really wanted to cook something. I had him help me make dinner... he was so happy to help. He is such a funny boy. He always says the silliest things that make us all bust out laughing. He loves to help though, most of the time. :-)

Daniel cooked his fish and ate it. He did it all himself since I am not a huge fish fan. (It's the smell, ick!) It is a Boy Scout requirement to catch/clean/cook a fish. He is doing great with fulfilling his Boy Scout tasks. He loves Scouts. What a great way to learn how to be prepared, and responsible.
Ripping the bones out...

Sammi loves both art and singing. She had the chance to combine both by designing her school choir T-shirt. She drew this design out in sketch form, and the art teacher and students voted on it (they did not know it was her design). She won the contest, and her design is now used for all 3 choirs. It is so cool to see her idea come to life in color! Yea for Sammi! 

She had her first choir concert. It was great. My favorite song was, "Somewhere over the Rainbow." It made my heart get all warm and fuzzy. The Harlins came to support her, and that made her (and me) so happy. Charles used to come to her choir concerts and scream for her like we were at a basketball game. He would yell at the top of his lungs, "GO SAMMI!" He is so proud of his little girl.   I am sure he was there tonight, he would never miss it. 

This picture cracks me up. Daniel had to have this shirt. Which reminds me, I was going to write a blog post about having confidence... maybe I should just have Daniel write it. 

I need to start taking more pictures, and recording more of regular life. Regular life is good. :-) 

Over and out!  


  1. Looks like life is good w/ the vanOrmer family. It's so great to see you all getting out and LIVING! I'm so impressed w/ the way you are proceeding w/
    what you termed as 'regular life.' These are the moments that really matter, huh? Like William cooking dinner w/ Mom....Daniel catching that first fish...Sammi designing that awesome shirt...Henry walking in the river w/ his tennis shoes on and HOT mama (yes, that would be you,) smiling bright in her hot pink shirt. When I saw it, I just had to get it for you. I thought it was the perfect Fall/winter weather running shirt. Felt cozy. Glad you like/love it.
    Photos of random life are so fun. Keep posting them. I love to see how/what everyone is doing.
    Make it a great 'regular' day today!
    love you,

  2. You know I love the random life posts! This was a great one. :)

  3. I like these random posts sometimes. I love that last picture if Danielle. Great news about Sammi winning that competition. The tshirts look great. We love the river as well and sourh east. It's the place to be for sure.

  4. love these kinds of posts too, fun family stuff!


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