This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

Healing with Humor

We love to laugh! You might imagine a widow with fatherless children sitting around crying all the time -- but that is not how we roll. We like to have fun, and giggle, and SMILE! 

Charles used to provide us with non-stop entertainment, just by being him. He had (and I am sure still has) a wonderful sense of humor. His was/is witty, charming, and silly. He was always the one telling a joke, or having us play a silly game, or sharing his contagious laughter. I loved just listening to him laugh, while he watched something silly. 

He left his spirit of humor with us. We are always saying and quoting silly things that daddy used to say and do. He just had/has the best personality! It was his sparkling personality that first attracted me to him. We actually sat in the same church institute class for 5 months, and I did not notice him -- until he got up to teach. After watching him teach, I was hooked! I approached him, and made him mine -- the rest is history. (After noticing his charming personality, I also noticed how extremely physically attractive he was.) ;) 

He would often say if he died, he would want to be, "put in a cannon and shot into the ocean." This line was actually used during his life celebration -- along with a joke about how deep to bury lawyers. (Charles was an attorney.) How does that joke go again, Johnny? 

One of the ways we have found to laugh is by watching Studio C on youtube. We watch it pretty much everyday. It is good, clean, humor -- which is so refreshing! I don't have to worry about the kids watching it. We started watching it a few months before Charles died, and he loved it too. 

Watching comedy has truly been a healing balm for our souls. I know it sounds funny, but it is true! Humor is healing! Laughing is good for the soul! Charles wants us to be happy, and keep laughing. And since he is gone, I have to teach the kids how to carry on his silliness somehow! (I'm not that funny.) 
If you have not experienced the fun of Studio C click: HERE. It is best to watch a bunch of episodes, because then you become familiar with the characters, and it just gets more and more entertaining. We often go for a family bike ride, or run, and then we come home and watch it for an abdominal workout. 

The kids love "The Shoulder Angel" series. They decided to try and attempt the pose for themselves... Daniel's face cracks me up. He is pretty strong! And Sammi is pretty brave!  

Click HERE for a Studio C "Shoulder Angel" video. 

Their attempt ended with a fallen angel. :-)


  1. ...and then there was the time the "angel" started out on Jimmy's shoulders on John's shoulders etc. until...


  2. These pictures are awesome! What better way to heal and relieve stress then a good laugh. It makes me happy to think of you guys laughing and having a good time together. :)

  3. dan's faces are a riot...fun times. :)

  4. Great pics. I'll have to head over and watch a couple of episodes.

  5. Studio C for sure! It's nice to have some happy, clean humor out there!
    Yes, Charles always made us all smile and crack up (often during his prayers….) In fact, the other night when Stephen said something funny in his blessing on the food, after we said "amen"…I said, I'm sure you made uncle Charles proud. : ) Makes me smile just thinking about it. Good times to remember. And, good times for all of us to create so we can be happy.
    fun pics…way to be strong Dan. Lookin good Sam! love you all


    Happy healing w/ humor! I'm sure that's what Marjorie Hinckley would do. : )


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