This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

The Verdict: Surgery

Henry will need surgery. Because of his recent and quite severe UTI, the doctor wants to go in and reconstruct his internal kidney plumbing. It was not certain he would need surgery before, because he had never had an infection. But now, with his last trip to the emergency room -- his fate is certain. Into the operating room he will go.

We have known about Henry's unusual kidney set-up (4 compartments, 4 tubes) since before he was born. It showed-up on an ultrasound. When he was born, I was nervous because they were not sure if there would be other complications. He has been completely "normal" with no signs of any trouble until just a few weeks ago when his temperature reached 104.5 and he was totally lethargic. After a series of tests and an extremely expensive ER bill (I am working on changing my insurance coverage), they figured out it was indeed a urinary infection. I knew it was something more than what any of my other kids have experienced -- it just felt different.

Henry also has high blood pressure, because of his kidney issues. I will be going to another doctor to discuss what needs to be done to monitor/control that... the surgery should help remedy that issue as well.

Life is always full of excitement and often undesirable events. I suppose I could be totally bummed out about it, but that won't really help anything. Henry will need surgery, he will make it through, and he will be better off on the other end. I plan to just go through the motions, and do what needs to be done. I also plan to snuggle little Henry extra tight before, during, and after his surgery -- poor little baby. The thought of cutting him open makes me sick! Eek!

I will be spending a few days with him in the hospital (the same one Charles died in) while he has the operation, and heals on the other end of it. I imagine that will be an interesting event for us. I am sure Charles will be close during that time, watching over his son, and me! I will be needing his support! This event will happen in February 2015, unless he has another UTI before then. If he gets another infection it will need to be bumped up to a sooner date. Please pray he can remain infection free, so we can wait until February! I need a breather!

My mom and dad will be coming to help with the festivities, and the other children. My parents are amazingly awesome. When I called they said they would do whatever I needed, whenever I need it. It is a good thing they were called to serve in the Alaska temple presidency, instead of going overseas on a mission to New Zealand -- like they were originally planning on. I have certainly needed them. And they have been available every time I need them. Coincidence? I think not. 

You know, I have had better times in my life. This last year has really been something for our family. One for the books. I spent a good part of my day today taking care of many little "death details." It is a lot of work when someone dies. Especially when that someone was an attorney, with his own law firm. Sometimes I look at all the random paperwork and minuscule details and I long to live out in a cabin far away from everything. Customer service is becoming a joke too. I get so tired of talking to machines sending me here, there, and everywhere but where I need to be. Ugh.

Somehow, I wake-up each morning and keep breathing and living through another day. I am trying really hard to think less of the future and more of the now -- but that is easier said than done! I am learning, however, that you really just have to take life as it comes, and keep moving forward as best as you can, with what you have to work with. And give the rest to God.

One breath at a time...

Breathe, just breathe.

P.S. Thank you so much to the kind soul who sent that certified check awhile back. After getting all of the ER bills it was a much needed relief. God bless you, my friend. He knows who you are. 


  1. Our son had the exact same thing done. They took the 4 tubes and re inserted them into his bladder. He is doing well and is now a returned missionary.

  2. "Everything will work out" your dad says. I have been saying that in my head in my life lately. It is helping me relax and trust more in God. Bless you all as you rally around each other and Henry. I will be thinking and praying for things to "work out" for him and all of you.

  3. I'm glad you have your parents to help. Here's to everything running smoothly for sweet Henry.

  4. So glad Mom and Dad can be there. I'm grateful you have the spiritual confidence to keep moving forward, even if sometimes it's just going through the motions. I believe that is when the Savior carries you the most. He knows your burden. He will lift you up. As you continue to be a true follower of Jesus Christ, His peace will comfort and protect you and your family.
    I love you Mari.


  5. My first thought, that others share too is, "I'm so glad your parents will be there!". We will be here too and would love to help in any way we can when that time comes. Henry will probably be running around the hospital the next day! ;) Nothing seems to stop that giant spirit that is in his little body. I love that about him. Anyways, Henry will be okay and I know you know this. You have been handling everything that comes your way beautifully and I've been amazed and privileged to witness it. You are awesome and can do anything...skies the limit! :)

    1. Thanks! I imagine his lively spirit will help him through the process. And me too! It will be hard, but it will be OK. That's what I was told years ago, before he was born.

  6. Isn't is wonderful that we have the love of our Heavenly Father and the guidance of our Savior in our lives? We know we never have to face anything alone. We know we are beloved of Celestial Beings and their strength and confidence and comfort is only a prayer only. I have seen and felt the peace that comes from the Holy Ghost. What a blessing in our lives. You and your family are in the prayers of so many. I hope you feel it daily. Each moment of the day, as you reflect upon your challenges, let them be overshadowed as you refocus to center upon your blessings. You are a daughter of Heavenly Parents, You are a daughter of light. Keep that light burning brightly - I love you Mari. Aunt Cindy

  7. Here's a shout out to your awesome family!! i LOVE that they are always right there for you and your family....no conditions, no fanfare....but always there to support in any and every way possible! WAY TO GO PEOPLE, YOU ARE AWESOME!!!! :)


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