This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

Sammi Sunshine

Heavenly Father knew that I would need a Sammi. She has been an angel in my life. From the time she was born, she has sprinkled sunshine in my soul. She is my one and only daughter, my one and only princess. If I could pick from all the girls, in all the world -- I would choose her to be mine. 

She is a great person to have gospel conversations with. We can discuss deep doctrine together, and she often teaches me lessons with pure and simple answers. She reminds me that if we could see everything -- such as the spirit world and daddy -- then there would be no need for faith. "We are here to have faith, Mom," she wisely reminds me. Sammi's faith is a great example to me. She is proof to me that Heavenly Father has saved His most valiant spirits for these latter-days. 

I love that Sammi has so much of her dad in her. She has his determination, capacity for hard work and responsibility, and his good looks. She has his eye shape, his nose, and eyebrows. She is just such a beautiful girl. I know I am her mother, and therefore very biased -- but I know beauty when I see it. Her beauty shines from within and without. 

Sammi is so funny, if you try and buy her something, she will often decline. She would rather save her money than spend it. She is always helping me to stay on budget, and reminding her little brothers that they should do the same. 

Sammi has a special bedroom in my medium-sized walk-in closet. She does not have a big room full of wonderful space and things, but she has a little room filled with magic and wonder. It is a place she can go to be creative, and dream. And she does dream! One day she may have a "normal" room, but she claims she loves her closet room -- it is unique and special, and builds character. And daddy made the loft bed she sleeps in, so it makes her happy to be there. 

Sammi loves to sing, and she sings all day (and night) long. I often have to ask her to be a little quieter, because she fills the house with her voice. She also loves to play the piano -- a skill that I am very grateful to have around the house, since I do not play. She never took lessons, she had a few instructions from her grandma, and she has self-taught herself to play. (I firmly believe if a child loves something enough, they will do whatever it takes to be good at it, rather than forcing them to do what YOU want them to do as a talent.) I have never forced my children to play an instrument or sport they did not choose for themselves. If they hate it, it will be hard for them to love it. I want my kids to love what they pursue -- life is too short to waste time doing things you hate. 

Sammi loves school. This is amazing to me, since I never loved school. She is a bit of a Hermione when it comes to school and homework. She is very responsible about her work, and takes charge of what needs to be done, so I really don't have to worry about it. Thank goodness. 

She has just become such a wonderful young lady. I could not be prouder of her. She has endured things that are very difficult, but she has handled them like a champ. She and her daddy had a special relationship, one that she misses desperately. He was supposed to be around to tell her she is beautiful and wonderful -- that is what he always did. Luckily, he took every advantage when he was around to make her feel special. She said that daddy loved her more in the short amount of time he was with us, than most people get to experience in a whole lifetime. And that is the truth. His love is still with her. She still feels it, and knows it. 

Your mom and dad love you Sammi. 

Thank you for being the sunshine that you are! 

P.S. It is hat-making time around our house again! Hooray for October! Sammi made the hat she is wearing.


  1. I love my Sammi Sunshine too.


  2. She is sunshine!! Sammi always brightens every room she enters.
    She radiates the Lords' light. I'm so grateful she came to your/our family!
    She is so optimistic and full of faith! I love that. I love Sammi!
    Love the hat Sam! Your Dad is right....you are beautiful. Always remember that....especially remember that you are a beautiful daughter of God.
    Thank you for standing as a witness of Him.

    hugs & happiness,

  3. she is beautiful inside and out, no doubt about it! those photos of her are AWESOME!! I love the black and white one (3rd down from the top) with her cute little smirk. :)


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