This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

Anonymous Kindness

I am so grateful. My heart sometimes feels like exploding with gratitude for the incredible goodness and kindness that his been shown to my family. I have always believed that people are generally good, but now I know that people are generous and GREAT!

I have seen such miracles flow forth from people I know, and also complete strangers. Our family has been showered with gifts, food, money, handyman help, and a variety of thoughtful acts of kindness -- kindness I will never be able to repay.

Just the other day we found an anonymous envelope full of money on our windshield that said it was for Daniel's broken glasses. (They were being held together by tape.) Sweet and thoughtful generosity like this makes my heart soar! To whoever it was, THANK YOU!!!!! We love you!

When we receive something from an "Anonymous" person we always scream, because we don't know who to thank! It is kind of funny because we try and guess, but the reality is -- we never have any idea. We may not know who you are, but God does. He will bless you for your willingness to help!

To those of you who have helped my family in anyway -- large or small -- I pray that God will bless you in a powerful way. Every effort of love towards my family is so very appreciated.

I also thank you for your thoughtful comments. Kind words are a form of service. It may seem a small thing to leave a comment, but I assure you, words matter. Thank you!

I have also felt your prayers on our behalf. I believe that when a bunch of people petition Heavenly Father, it makes a difference! I can feel the difference. Prayers are powerful, no doubt about it.


Love, Mari


  1. It's always nice to know that your family is not forgotten. Thank you anonymous giver! Thank you for loving my Sister and her children! I love how those around you continue to love you. It is so hard for me, as your big sister to be so far away and unable to 'carry' part of your load. I wish there wasn't so much distance between us. I wish I could just drive over this week and take you out, watch you children, sing with you, highlight our hair together, run and eat ice cream (notice the order of those activities…yes, exercise first, then the reward!) ; ) Whenever I read your posts (such as the BUMMER one about Henry,) my heart hurts for you. I just want to hold you, let you cry, rub your back and make you feel better. So, give yourself a hug, yes..right now and say out loud: "Kary loves me!" If you still don't feel better…hug yourself again, even tighter and look up to the sky and say out loud: "Heavenly Father loves me." I often say this after my outdoor runs because I feel so much closer to Him when I breathe the fresh air and look out the wonderful world surrounding me. I know He loves us so much. I know He is the One holding you along with His Son, Jesus Christ. You are surrounded by pure love. You are becoming more purified.

    You are beautiful Mari! I love you!


  2. How am I suppose to follow your sisters comment? What sweet things to say.
    You really are loved so much, by so many. What a wonderful act of kindness.
    How's Henry's bum?
    Is he doing alright? Will you come to the Elders Quorum BBQ friday night? Glad you're all feeling loved and looked after. We're here for you and your family, always.

  3. I have been following your blog for several months now, where I think I found a link to it from the Moments We Stand blog. I have been completely in awe of your courage and your honesty in your posts. Your words and perspective on life has been truly life changing for me. A month ago our area of Northern California experienced a strong earthquake and even though we were not in the hardest hit, it was terrifying and left me extremely anxious and unable to sleep for days. I knew I needed to find some way to find peace to function. Around that time, you wrote a post about how beneficial running had been to your ability to cope with hard days--and how you used it for more of a spiritual exercise than a physical one. That was such a foreign idea to me. Since I've never really struggled with my weight and didn't necessarily need the exercise to shed pounds, I never gave exercise much thought as a tool to help relieve stress. But I was curious as to how helpful it had been to you, so with your example, I committed to try it. I moved boxes around to get to our dusty treadmill and started running for 20-30 most days. During that time I listen to conference talks and pray, and it has seriously been one of the most therapeutic experiences. I feel not only healthier but more at peace and more filled with faith. I appreciate your words and wanted to share with you that your experience and your willingness to write about it is helping others in ways you will never know. Thank you for having faith and courage in some of your darkest days. You have been an inspiration to me.


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