This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

Got Sadness? Get Serving!

You would think that a grieving widow should be excused from service, right? No way! Sure I took some time where I would curl-up in a ball on the couch, while others took care of me -- but that duration did not last very long. The couch is great and all, but if you sit there too long, you start to feel sluggish and gross.

Not too long after Charles died, I was given a blessing. I was told if I immerse myself in service, then I would continue to find joy.

It has proven to be very true.

Just 3 weeks after Charles died I taught my gospel doctrine class at church. I spent a lot of time studying and preparing the lesson -- which was perfect for me. Teaching the Old Testament from the Bible has been awesome. I love studying the Bible and teaching the stories and lessons. Having this particular calling right now in my life has clearly not been a coincidence. I just finished teaching about the faith of Job. Talk about the Refiner's fire… and yet, he remained faithful and true. Super awesome.

I also continued with family history work. It took me a little while to get that desire back -- a few weeks -- but since Charles has passed away the amount of temple work that has been completed, and gathered, has been staggering. Just yesterday I printed off a bunch of new temple work to be done, and I found this picture from Charles' family line. I found it just a few days after completing the temple work for the lady on the front right, Mary Isabella Bennett. Pretty amazing.

I love family history! It is such a romantic thing for me, it gives me the same feeling I get when watching Pride and Prejudice. My eyes start to see in rose-colored vision as I seek out those who have lived and died. I seriously have way more friends on the other side, than I do here. When I die, I am going to be with such wonderful people, I get kind of giddy thinking about it. I love life and everything, but being dead won't be too bad either. ;-) There are lots of awesome people there!

I have been attending the temple once a week. It has been wonderful. It is a source of great strength and power for me, and our family. The temple allows life to be viewed with an eternal perspective. I absolutely love it there, now more than ever. It fills my life with light and hope.

There are just so many ways you can serve, and overcome your own sadness. You don't have to overdo it for yourself, if you are not at the top of your game -- service can be small and simple. As you reach out beyond yourself you are lifted to new heights of joy and happiness. I know it, because I live it.

Here are some simple service ideas:

  • Go to the temple -- you serve others and receive strength 
  • Family History work -- it can be done in the comfort of your own home, and even your own bed with a laptop! Yeah! 
  • Magnify your calling at church 
  • Write a nice letter to someone you love
  • Send an uplifting text or email to brighten someones day
  • Family Search Indexing -- another one from the comfort of your home! 
  • Take dinner to someone, anyone! 
  • Make cookies and deliver them (Our house is always open for receiving cookies!) ;-) 
  • Share the abundance of your garden harvest  (I have been the recipient of the harvest and I've LOVED it! Thanks ladies!) 
  • Post gospel messages on your blog, Facebook, etc. 
  • Take flowers to a neighbor
  • Make hats for a local charity
  • Practice a song and sing it in church
  • SMILE! 

The list could go on forever, but you get the idea. Service can be simple, yet it changes your life -- and the lives of others -- in a very profound way. The more you devote your life to service, the more profoundly your life will change, the happier you will feel. 

If you are feeling sad, do something, anything, for someone else, and let me know how you feel afterwards. 

May the grass grow greener wherever you go! :-) 

  1. "Give," said the little stream,
    "Give, oh! give, give, oh! give."
    "Give," said the little stream,
    As it hurried down the hill;
    "I'm small, I know, but wherever I go
    The grass grows greener still."
  2. Singing, singing all the day,
    "Give away, oh! give away."
    Singing, singing all the day,
    "Give, oh! give away."
P.S. The picture is from Charles' mission in Toronto, Canada. I'm thinking of painting my garage the same way. ;-)


  1. LOL I'd like to see that on your garage. You know it'd be easier when telling people where you live "Oh yeah, it's the house with the smiley face on it" Nobody would get lost haha

  2. this is so true! so much good comes from the small and simple acts of love and service!


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