This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

Sunday Evening Simple Things

We watched Pollyanna tonight. I love that movie. There is so much to learn from it, but that is for another day. I actually need to get busy and start working on my talk for this coming Sunday. I have had it whispered in my ear what I should focus my talk on, so now it is about preparing for it, and making it happen.

But real quick before I dive into my talk preparation, I wanted to blog…

After watching the movie today, I felt antsy. Sundays used to be a day we got to spend with Charles/daddy. But now it is just me and the kids. It is not awful, but it is different, and so sometimes I have to change things up to keep things joyful. I knew if we all stayed put in the house we would go crazy. So, I had everyone load up in the car, and we went for a drive. Sometimes just driving for awhile can change your outlook on life. It is all about changing your perspective. Getting out and appreciating the glorious world God has created for us is so healing. Fresh air does wonders for the soul.

We drove up to one of my favorite places, and I brought my camera along for the ride. It is amazing how you can find beautiful things when you go seeking for them. Sometimes you have to look closely, but beauty is everywhere. In a place like Idaho sometimes you have to look really closely to find that beauty. I grew-up in Alaska, a place that is filled with glory and magic for your eyes and senses. Here the beauty is different -- but it is still there. It is all a matter of looking with the right perspective.

While we were out, a bunch of scavenger birds came flying right at us -- I had never seen anything like it. I normally only see one or two of the birds together, but there was a whole flock of them. It was quite the sight. They came out of nowhere, ominously hovering and swooping down right above us, then they flew away. It felt meaningful somehow. It was just so strange to see so many of them together like that, and to have them stop right where we were. It was like the creepy birds from The Lord of the Rings… what are those called?

Anyway… I am off now to work on my talk, before I get too distracted.

Here are some of the images I captured this evening… we all felt better after getting out.

And taking pictures makes me happy. :-)


  1. So glad you chose to get out. Being in nature is so enlivening & enlightening.

    I am really looking forward to our ward changing from the 1:00-4:00 time to the 9am meetings so we can 'get out' for Sunday drives more.

    Daniel is really looking grown up. I'm not use to seeing him without glasses. So handsome.

    I'm glad you remembered that taking pictures makes you happy. keep at it!

    Good luck on your upcoming talk.


  2. dan is looking like a formidable young man!! cool pics. :)

  3. Danielle is very handsome. I haven't noticed before. I've seen him as a child. These photo's make him seem grown up.
    Glad you got out.

    1. Um that would be Daniel, not Danielle. I'm SO SORRY. Don't show Daniel this, he's gonna kill me. I've got a mate Danielle and maybe I was thinking of her, or distracted by kids, messy house and stress?
      I was never good at spelling.............

  4. I love Pollyanna! Wonderful photos, beauty all around and in your children's faces.


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