This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

Defying Gravity

Up the hill I went. I had a particular rock I was trying to reach. It was a rock that you can safely sit on, that overlooks the entire city. It was the most beautiful evening, with a hint of coolness in the air, and the sun was lying low in the Idaho sky. I was going up the hill on purpose, seeking inspiration.

I had church music playing for this uphill run. I knew I needed to keep my mind pure and clear, in order to receive the revelation I was after. The music about the Savior, the perfect temperature, the sun gently kissing my face, and the glow of golden grass made me feel like the spiritual being, in a physical world, that I really am. I felt transformed. The colors of the evening were crisp and clear. The blue of the sky, the green of the trees, the gold of the grass, all were shimmering in the divine light… it was Heavenly.

I pushed beyond the pain of uphill running, and found my rock of revelation.

As I sat there, filled with endorphins, and clarity -- I felt empowered from on High. More than whispered words, and insight -- I was infused with light and feeling. I felt… free. My physically body melted away from feeling for a time, and I saw the world through spiritual eyes. The veil of this mortal life felt very thin, and the world seemed a perfect glowing haven. It was breathtaking.

I sat on the rock for quite a long time, drinking in Heaven's light and glory. Light. Power. Strength. It felt like a "Superman moment" when he went into the mountain, spoke with his father, discovered who he was, and that he could fly. On my rock above the city, talking with my Heavenly Father, I was soaring above the clouds of life.

We all have a spark of superhero in us… a reason that we are here. And we have powers we have been given, to be used for the good of mankind -- to help save the world. We are all stronger than we think we are! Inside our fleshy weakness -- and decaying mortal bodies -- is a spirit so powerful and celestial, that we can hardly comprehend our own glory. As we are burdened with the task of carting our flesh around, sometimes we forget we are not from this world, but a Heavenly one, and we are destined for a place magnificent and bright beyond compare.

But we should not forget who we really are! Not ever! Inside of each of us -- no matter the condition of the body -- is a spirit that can fly!

Can't you feel that?

We may feel heavy now -- as we endure the weights of the world -- but if we endure them well, we will SOAR! We will be HEAVENLY! We will be FREE!

I know it.

How awesome will that be?

I know Charles always wanted to fly. He dreamt about it all the time. He was super here, and he is even more super now. His own words after death were, "I'm more powerful than I have ever been!" And I know he is. One day he will be even more super-duper, when Jesus comes back, and Charles will get to be reunited with his body in perfect, and celestial form! I can't wait to see that! Woo, Charles! :-)

We all have great, divine, power within us! There is a dark and slithery someone who wants to smoother your power, and make you feel weak, alone, worthless, and fill you full of doubt and despair. And there is an Omnipotently more powerful and loving Someone, who wants you to let your divine power loose, and use it to change the world!

Listen to Jesus, not the other guy.

Let that flying, celestial, spirit inside of you soar… don't let anyone, or anything, bring your down!

Defy Gravity.

Unlimited… the future is unlimited… 

Because of Jesus.

P.S. "Defy Gravity" is my quote for the day. ;-)


  1. I was talking to a friend the other day who was mentioning how so many women she knows are in crisis in their lives. as she spoke i thought to myself, "what about?! what could be so hard, so impossible?!" Because the truth is that nothing is impossible with Christ....but when a person loses sight of that and the adversary takes over, EVERYTHING seems impossible and a crisis ensues. we were made to fly, we just need to remember we have wings sometimes. :)

  2. I needed this today, thank you! I'm so glad I found your blog, you are inspiring. I look forward to your posts.

  3. I'm glad I found your blog, too! I always come back for more inspiration!

  4. Absolutely love this, thank you Mari!!! Your words always touch my heart. I live each day with excruciating pain from many things, mostly a brain malformation. I have three children who I live for (two with special needs) and I am learning now more than ever how much this earthly experience can feel overwhelming. However, with divine help, our spirits can remain strong and endure. Thank you for blogging and sharing your story, it is truly inspirational! Much love to you and your family! <3


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