This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

Good, Better, Best

I did not speak on Sunday. I was supposed to be speaking in another ward, but I had forgotten that it was on the same day as the Primary Program in our ward. This last week I struggled against myself as to what I should do. I kept trying to study the topic for my talk, and put some thoughts together, but nothing was coming to me -- not even an outline, or bullet points. I felt like because I had said I would speak, that I should do it, and not disappoint. 

But that was not the right answer. And I could feel it in my heart. 

As I tried to prepare my talk, I imagined myself saying to the congregation, "I just want you to know that I felt so strongly about speaking to you today that I am missing my children's Primary Program." Just as that thought crossed my mind, I knew that speaking and missing my children's once a year program was the wrong thing to do. Nothing is more important to me -- not even speaking, or teaching, or anything -- than my children. 

I said a quick prayer about what I should do. I wanted to speak, and I wanted to be there for my children. I was forced to choose between two good things. I needed to know which was the greater good. The best good. And with that in mind, I knew the answer without even thinking about it. I had to be there for my children! It was Daniel's last program, and he was giving a special talk. William had a part, and I did not want to miss it! 

As I prayed, I knew in an instant that I should ask my dad to speak for me, since my parents were coming to visit for the weekend. As soon as I had that thought, a peace came over me, and I knew it was right. Nothing was coming to me -- no inspiration for my talk was being sent from Heaven -- because I was not meant to speak that day. 

My parents walked in the door to my house, and I mentioned my dilemma to them about speaking and missing the children's program. Just as soon as I mentioned it my father said, "We will be happy to help you in any way we can." And then he offered to speak in my place. (Without me recommending it.) I did not want to burden him, since he only had one day to prepare, but I also knew that my father was more than up to the task, and that it was not a burden, but an opportunity for others to hear the wisdom and experiences my dad has had throughout his life. (My dad loves to speak and teach the gospel perhaps more than I do!) 

I knew that he could handle the last minute change and request without a problem. My parents travel around Alaska speaking all the time as part of their Temple calling. They have been on missions, and have had world and gospel experiences that are wonderful to learn from. 

I called the High Council member who had asked me to speak, and he was glad to have my father as a substitute. 

Sunday morning came, and my mother and I went to our ward with the children, and my father went to the other ward to speak. His chosen topic was, "Life and Death." The congregation got to hear of some of his experiences, and what he has learned from his perspective. He has a unique perspective as my father, but also because my parents spend almost every single day in the temple, from morning until night. I also think life and death is a great topic. One we should all study and think about probably more often than we do. I wish I could have been there to listen! 

I do not know exactly what he said -- he wrote nothing down -- so he just had to sum it up when we all got home. I am sure it was wonderful in real-life. 

My dad dedicating Charles' grave... 

The kids did a great job, and the program was wonderful. The only problem was Henry was going crazy and screaming at the top of his lungs because Daniel went up to the front and left him. Henry always sits with Daniel at church, and Daniel takes him out in the hallway -- like his daddy used to do -- if he is ever too loud or fussy. I had to watch the program from the hallway. But I could still hear and see everything. I was very proud of both of my boys. I know their daddy was proud, too.

Sometimes decisions are hard when you have to choose between two good things, but there is likely a "best" and right answer. And if you listen carefully, you will know in your gut which choice to make.

I am so glad I listened to the whisperings of the Spirit, and made the best choice!

I am so grateful a way was provided for things to work out so smoothly. I got to be there for my children, and my father got to be there for me. Both experiences were great, everyone was edified. All was well.

Things work out.


  1. I'm glad you were there to see your boys talk and sing. They did a great job. I'm glad your parents were around.

  2. Isn't it great that you can always count on mom and dad to help out?
    You did choose the right Mari. Thanks for the great reminder about good, better, best... Was that Dallin H Oaks who gave that conference talk?

    I'm sure your children were so happy you chose to be there for them. You will be given other opportunities to speak, that's for sure. : )

  3. Last comment by Kary. ; )

  4. I was so happy when I saw you walk into the chapel on Sunday. I'm sure your boys loved having you there. What a blessing that your parents where there on just the right weekend. Like your sister said, you will be given other opportunities to speak. I have no doubt about that. :)

  5. I love how things just work out perfectly sometimes. :)

  6. This is a wonderful experience with prayer, inspiration from Heaven, all of you listening to that Spirit, and a splendid outcome. The picture of your father dedicating Charles' grave was especially poignant for me and brought me to tears. :)

  7. Thank you for your words, they helped answer a prayer of mine.


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