This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

The Bumpy Roads We Travel

The check engine light came on in our van. We were on our way out the door on Sunday to make some cupcake deliveries, when the light flashed on the dashboard. I stopped the car and found the car manual to discover that the light was a "malfunction" light -- likely transmission or engine issues. I decided we should turn around and try our other car.

The "other car" has been sitting idle for the last six months. I have started it a few times, but I have not driven it -- it was Charles' car. It is the same car that he had started on April 1st to drive to work, but luckily he did not drive away in it that morning -- or else his story could have been far more traumatic than it was.

After we loaded everyone -- and the cupcakes -- in the small car, I turned the key to find it was making a horrible ticking noise. My heart sunk. Feeling completely disappointed, we unloaded everyone and went back inside the house, where I asked everyone to give me a minute so I could release some frustration and try and figure out what to do. Both of our vehicles are malfunctioning. The feeling of panic that came over me was intense -- I have places to go, and children that need to be where they need to be.

I felt simply overwhelmed. I have just finished healing-up Henry's medical emergencies, and now this? Really? 

Car issues were always Charles' domain -- not mine.

I sat for a minute, with tears beginning to fall, and then I started contacting people for help. (I hate asking for help.) I have sweet friends that are far too good to me, who were willing to help with my children's transportation needs.

I then prayed about what I should do next, and I felt prompted to call my sister. She answered and we talked. I unleashed my fury of tears on her, and she cried with me. And that is what I needed.

While I was on the phone, a lovely lady from church had stopped by with some insanely good chocolate and carmel treats, and a book. She said she felt prompted to bring those things to me. She was inspired, no doubt.

After I got off the phone, the kids and I decided to walk to our friends house to deliver the cupcakes. We enjoyed a walk in the dark and fresh air, and we ended up staying with our friends for a few hours chatting about life and things. It is amazing how just talking can help lift your spirit. We did not want to intrude on our friends, but we kind of did want to intrude -- we needed them.

On our way home we walked in the dark, and the wind was blowing just right. We could feel Charles near. The wind grew more intense as we got closer to our house. We all put our arms out and got a hug from daddy. Right after we walked in the door, it started to rain hard and it rained most of the night.

Everyone went to bed, and I contacted another friend about a mechanic, who I have an appointment with tomorrow.

So, I learned something from this experience.

At first I was very frustrated and full of fear. I began to wonder, "why me, why now?" Can't I have a little breather in between some of these trials?


I feel like I am walking through the Refiner's Fire, and it seems as though the refining process is reaching a climax -- one that may, or may not, decrease in pressure. All I want is happiness and hope, and yet I have to find these things in the midst of really challenging circumstances. I am being tested to see if I really can be happy while facing adversity. I preach it all the time -- do I really believe it?


Despite my circumstances, I can still choose happiness and hope.

I will survive this. The car will be fixed. It will be OK. I just have to do what it takes to make it happen.

I also realized how much I need people. I could have sat in my house and not reached out for help from anyone, and we could have remained wallowing in our own despair as a family. But instead we pushed through it, and walked when we could not ride to deliver our treats, and it was worth the effort. I also was inspired to call someone to talk with, so I would not feel alone. And I needed to ask for help with getting the kids where they need to go. And help to find a mechanic. All of these things took action and a willingness to ask, and the action and asking made all the difference -- rather than just sitting around and crying about how life is not fair.

People are good, by the way. Oh, so, good. I am just learning how wonderful people really are.

This morning my sister sent me a talk with this quote in it by Elder Faust, he said:

As problems and difficulties have come in my life, I have tried to face them as best I could, relying more on the help of our Heavenly Father than the comfort from tears. I learned the lesson that life’s burdens don’t seem to be so great if we don’t allow ourselves to get paralyzed into a stupor of inactivity by our sorrow and pain. As children of our Heavenly Father, we should learn to be happy, to trust in Him, and to not be afraid.

I could tell that I was close to being "paralyzed into a stupor of inactivity." Fear and worry were trying to creep their nasty way in, after being confronted with a fresh new set of trials. Sitting on the couch and crying for a few hours sounded like a pretty good idea to me. But I was told to get up, and get busy solving the problem. And that made all the difference in the world. (And those chocolatey-carmel bars helped too!) ;)

When you are bummed-out, the best thing to do is get your bum up! 

The road of life is not a smooth ride. It is full of bumps and detours along the way, that we do not want, or expect. But if we listen carefully to the Spirit, we can be guided on how best to maneuver our way through the challenges. 

My cars are both still broken. I do not know the outcome of this story, yet. But I do know that somehow, someway... 

It will work out! 

The Lord works in mysterious ways... this I know for sure!  

I know that trials can be turned into miracles. 

I have hope. 

And hope is a powerful thing. 


  1. Asking others for help can be uncomfortable. We may worry that we're making their life inconvinent.
    But, you will often find that most people are willing to help and sometimes even wanting to. One thing I had to learn, during my darkest days, was to allow others to serve me. I wasn't use to it. It wasn't comfortable. I had always had a desire to serve others and looked for ways to do daily deeds of kindness. Then, it became my turn to receive kindness. And, you're right, people are so good. So thoughtful. So inspired as they follow promptings. I learned that we must allow and seek for others to serve us so that we do not deny them the blessings that The Lord is prepared to send them. I think of that often when I need help. Others are so blessed as they serve you and your family Mari. Keep that door open.
    I love you. Glad you called when you did. The timing was perfect. We had just arrived home from church at that very moment. Coincidence? You decide!
    Always, always follow those promptings, even if its uncomfortable to pick up the phone. You will be ok and better able to carry forward and make decisions if you do.
    Remember to take time to yield as you travel on your bumpy road. Enjoy the ride! Love,

  2. that's a great quote by elder faust, i love it. the hymn "let us all press" comes to mind....we just have to keep trying and keep moving, no matter what!

  3. Hugs. Yes, call for help. People Want to help, they/we sometimes just don't know How to help. Cry a little, pray a lot, then get up and go. I like your way.

  4. There is no doubt you are being tested and there is no doubt you will succeed. You are loved by many and we all want to help support you as you continue your journey. We are all the hands of heaven on earth, as a certain song says,and through us the Lord answers prayers. Never hesitate to let people help you. I am amazed that during your hardest time you are also serving those around you. What a great example. We all need each other! :)

  5. So sorry to read about your car problems. My husband also deals with our car issues so I don't know alot, but I do know that the check engine light can come on for many reasons. With one of our cars it comes on if the gas cap wasn't screwed on tight enough. After you fix a problem it takes 15(?) times of restarting the car before the light will go off on it's own. We have driven many miles in all of our cars with the check engine light on before we find a convenient time to have them looked at. Batteries will die in cars if you dont drive them to recharge them. The clock going in a car can drain the battery over time. Good luck with the car situations and make sure you find someone that you can trust not to take advantage of you when you get them looked at.


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